Hesperidin and Good Health Linked

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus, Research

A new systematic review links hesperidin, a flavonoid found in oranges and 100% orange juice (OJ), to health benefits. However, more research is needed to further strengthen results.    The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC)-funded review examined published studies relating to hesperidin in 100% OJ and its impact on several chronic conditions and other measurements. Those measurements included blood levels …

Study: Beverage Labels Confuse Parents

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice, Research

Beverage labeling regulations appear to fall short of helping parents identify the ingredients of drinks they purchase for their children, a recent study published in Pediatric Obesity suggests. This has researchers calling for changes to labeling regulations to increase transparency and help consumers choose healthier beverages. The online study included more than 1,600 parents who had healthy 1- to 5-year-old …


FDOC Preliminary Budget Approved

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus

The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) approved the Florida Department of Citrus’ (FDOC) preliminary operating budget of $29.12 million, an increase of $9.75 million from last season. The FCC serves as the governing board for the FDOC. Steve Johnson, FCC chairman, said the increased budget is largely due to the receipt of $17 million in general revenue funding from the state …

How the FDOC Will Use Extra Funding

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus

With Gov. Ron DeSantis’ recent approval, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) has $12 million in state funding for the 2021-22 season.  With the additional funding, the FDOC plans to expand its programs, reaching more consumers in order to drive sales of Florida orange juice (OJ). The FDOC will also increase marketing programs for fresh grapefruit, oranges and tangerines, similar …

FDOC Reveals Preliminary Budget

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus

The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) on May 26 presented a preliminary 2021-22 operating budget of $18.095 million to its governing board, the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC). That is a 7% decrease from the previous season. The reduction reflects an expected reduction in crop size. Preliminary revenue is based on an estimate of 50 million boxes of Florida oranges, 4.2 …

Measuring OJ Marketing Success

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus

For years, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) measured the success of its orange juice (OJ) marketing programs by comparing year-over-year data, Florida Citrus Commission Chairman Steve Johnson stated in a recent message to growers. The Citrus Commission is the governing board for the FDOC. “Then the (COVID-19) pandemic stopped everyone in their tracks,” Johnson stated. “Suddenly consumers were turning …

Q&A With FDOC’s Shannon Shepp

Tacy CalliesFlorida Department of Citrus

Shannon Shepp, executive director of the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), answers several questions regarding her agency’s work, including efforts to market orange juice (OJ) and other Florida citrus products. She fields additional questions of interest to the citrus industry, including about demand for citrus products, foreign OJ imports, and industry challenges and opportunities. The FDOC is governed by the …