Marginal Growth for South Africa Grapefruit Crop

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, Grapefruit, International

South Africa is forecast to produce 385,000 metric tons (MT) of grapefruit in 2022–23, up marginally from an expected 380,000 MT the prior year. The forecast is from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).  AREA PLANTEDThe grapefruit planted area in South Africa grew by almost 25% over the past seven years. However, grapefruit area is expected …

Japan’s mandarin

Morocco Mandarin Production to Tumble

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International, Mandarins

Morocco’s tangerine and mandarin production for marketing year 2022–23 is expected to fall to 900,000 metric tons (MT), a 34% decline from the previous season’s 1.36 million metric tons. The forecast by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) blames the decline on heat stress, water scarcity and increased input costs. Many orchards in the Berkane region …

Australia Fresh Orange Production to Dip

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Australia fresh orange production of 505,000 metric tons (MT) is forecast for marketing year 2022–23. That’s a 6% decrease from 535,000 MT in 2021–22, when production was the highest since 2004–05. The forecast was reported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).  PRODUCTION AREASThe major orange production areas in Australia are in the southern temperate climate …

Chile Lemon Production to Bounce Back

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International, lemons

Lemon production in Chile is forecast to bounce back to 200,000 metric tons in 2022–23 after decreasing by 30% in 2021–22 to 140,000 metric tons. The forecast was part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service’s (USDA FAS) annual citrus report for Chile. Chile produces lemons in the summer months between December and March for the domestic market …

South African

South African Orange Crop to Increase

Josh McGillInternational, Oranges

South African orange production is forecast to grow 3% in 2022–23, to almost 1.7 million metric tons (MMT), according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).  PLANTED AREA AND CULTIVARSOranges represent approximately 47% of South Africa’s 100,000 hectares of citrus orchards. Orange acreage grew by almost 14% over the past seven years. The Limpopo province is …

Record Lemon Crop Expected in Part of Australia

Josh McGillInternational, lemons

Record numbers of lemons are expected to be harvested in Far North Queensland (FNQ) this summer, helping the Australian industry achieve its goal of supplying Australian lemons year-round. Increased numbers of lemons are also expected from central and southern Queensland. The projected record summer crop is a result of expansion in the FNQ citrus industry and good weather. “We have …

Citrus Congress

Indian Tariff Reduction to Boost Australian Citrus

Josh McGillInternational, Trade

Tariffs on Australian citrus exported to India will be cut in half Dec. 29 following the finalization of the Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA), Citrus Australia announced. Both the Australian and Indian governments have ratified the agreement. The agreement will allow Australian citrus exporters to export oranges and mandarins to India under a tariff-reduced quota system. The current …

Spain Lemon and Grapefruit Crops to Decline

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Lemon and grapefruit crops in Spain are both forecast to decrease 10% in the 2022–23 season compared to the 2021–22 season. The forecast was made by the Spanish Lemon and Grapefruit Interbranch Organisation (AILIMPO), which represents the economic interests of producers, cooperatives, exporters and industrialists of lemon and grapefruit in Spain. According to AILIMPO, increased yields from new plantations only …

Fundecitrus Researchers Attend Citrus Congress

Josh McGillEvents, International

Researchers from Brazil’s Fundecitrus participated in the 14th International Citrus Congress held in Mersin, Turkey, Nov. 6–11. The event brought together participants from public and private research institutions, as well as the production and commercial sectors of citrus. Representatives from 28 countries participated in the congress, including the United States, South Africa, Australia, Israel and several countries in Europe. Fundecitrus …

pest risk

Northern Hemisphere Citrus Forecast Drops

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

The World Citrus Organisation’s (WCO) Northern Hemisphere citrus production forecast for the 2022–23 season is 25.958 million tons, a 13% decrease from the prior season. Production of every citrus variety in the Northern Hemisphere is forecast to dip by more than 11%. The forecast is based on data from Egypt, Greece, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and the United …

citrus forecast

Global Citrus Statistics Released

Josh McGillInternational

The World Citrus Organisation (WCO) recently released a new publication, Citrus World Statistics, for WCO members to boost citrus sector information exchange. The extensive publication compiled by CIRAD covers global citrus data for the period of summer 2021 to winter 2021–2022. CIRAD is the French agricultural research and cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions. The …

orange and tangerine

Morocco Mandarin and Orange Update

Josh McGillInternational, Mandarins

Morocco’s production and export of mandarins and oranges are detailed in a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) report on Morocco fruit exports. MANDARINSMandarin production in Morocco doubled during the last 10 years, to 1.4 million tons in 2021–22. Production is concentrated in the Souss-Massa, Gharb and Oriental regions. Area harvested expanded nearly 50% but has been …

World Citrus Organisation Sets Priorities

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, International

The World Citrus Organisation (WCO) recently announced its 2022–2024 strategy priorities for what it calls “future building” the global citrus community. The five priorities are membership, engagement, statistics, nutrition and health, and promotion.  MEMBERSHIPIn 2022–2024, the WCO membership will be further consolidated to include the top citrus-producing countries and the top citrus-exporting countries. These include Africa, Brazil, China, Egypt, Greece, …


Solution Sought for Lack of Australian Labor and Housing

Josh McGillInternational, Labor

Citrus Australia has asked Victorian Premier Dan Andrews to appoint a commissioner of horticultural labor and accommodation to manage solutions to a current horticulture crisis. Nathan Hancock, Citrus Australia’s chief executive officer, said extreme shortages in both labor and housing will get worse without direct intervention. “These issues (labor and housing shortages) are having a significant impact on the current and …

Australia Tests Psyllid Monitoring System

Josh McGillInternational, Psyllids

A new airborne insect monitoring system that has been tested in a field trial at Midura, Australia, should assist in monitoring for African and Asian citrus psyllids, which transmit HLB. The trial was conducted by Agriculture Victoria in conjunction with Citrus Australia and had two main purposes. One purpose was to test the sampling ability of the monitoring system against …


European Lemon Crop Down; Grapefruit Up

Josh McGillGrapefruit, International, lemons

The European Union (EU) lemon crop for 2021–22 is expected to decline from the previous season while its grapefruit crop is projected to rise. LEMONEU lemon production is forecast at 1.5 million metric tons (MMT), down from the 1.7 MMT estimated for the previous season. Spain is the EU’s largest lemon producer and accounts for nearly 65% of EU production. …

European Mandarin Production to Drop

Josh McGillInternational, Mandarins, Production

European Union (EU) mandarin production in 2021–22 is forecast at 3.16 million metric tons (MMT), a 2.3% decrease from the previous year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) recently reported. Spain will be the largest EU producer of mandarins in 2021–22 at 2.1 MMT, down from 2.3 MMT the prior year. Italy’s expected mandarin production of 832,300 …

Global Citrus Production Is Up in All Categories

Josh McGillInternational, Production

Brazil, China and Mexico are the top producers. Brazil easily continues to lead the world in orange and orange juice (OJ) production, while China dominates in production of tangerines/mandarins and grapefruit. Mexico remains the leading producer of lemons and limes. These facts come from a July report on world citrus issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. …

More Orange and OJ Production in South Africa

Josh McGillInternational, Production

The production of oranges in South Africa is estimated to grow by 6% to 1.6 million metric tons (MMT) in 2021–22, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) recently reported. The area planted with oranges is expected to continue its stable growth rate, expanding by 2% to 47,750 hectares in 2021–22. Limpopo province is the leading growing region …


European Orange Crop to Decline

Josh McGillFresh, International, Production

European Union (EU) orange production is projected at 6.1 million metric tons (MMT), down from 6.5 MMT in 2020–21, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported recently. The decrease is driven by moderate production declines in Spain and Italy, which combined account for nearly 80% of total EU orange output. PLANTED AREA The forecast for total EU …