Greasy-Green Research Update

Josh McGillDiseases, Research

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researchers Megan Dewdney, Mark Ritenour, Liliana Cano, Eva Mulandesa and Monty Myers recently provided an update of their greasy-green disorder research. Excerpts follow from the Indian River Citrus League’s River Ramblings publication: “Greasy green” is a term applied to fruit that develop what appears to be greasy spot rind blotch symptoms …

Ag Commissioner Wilton Simpson Confirmed to Speak at Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo

Josh McGillEvents

Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson will speak during the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo’s General Session on Aug. 16. Simpson, a farmer himself, brings a perspective grounded in the importance and realities of agriculture. “We are excited to have Commissioner Simpson join us for the Expo,” says Robin Loftin, president of AgNet Media. “The Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo …

Fundecitrus App Aids Psyllid Insecticide Rotation

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management, Technology

The Fundecitrus app, launched in February, has a new feature to help citrus growers properly rotate insecticides to manage the psyllid that spreads citrus greening disease. The new feature helps growers choose insecticides with different modes of action. The use of insecticides with the same mode of action in sequential applications can result in an increase in the frequency of …

Recovery Will Require a Multipronged Management Program

Josh McGillHLB Management, hurricane, Production

By Michael Rogers The 2022–23 Florida harvest season is now behind us. Yield losses magnified by the weather events this past season position the next couple of years as “make or break” for many growers. The lingering effects of hurricane Ian will impact next season’s crop as trees continue to recover and balance out canopy regrowth with fruit production. Despite …

Update on Sweet Orange Scab in California

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Diseases

A California researcher recently provided an update on sweet orange scab (SOS). The fungal disease has been detected in the state 18 times since 2013. University of California, Riverside professor and plant pathologist Jim Adaskaveg said most of the detections have been in Southern California, especially in Imperial County. Eleven detections have been in commercial lemon orchards, three in commercial …

Japanese Diagnostic Method Targets Breeding Rights Violations

Josh McGillBreeding, International

Citrus is the third most important agricultural product in Japan. The success of the Japanese citrus industry is attributed to the development of new cultivars that are free of pests and diseases, climate-resilient and exhibit superior fruit quality. There has, however, been a growing concern over the infringement and violation of breeding rights of citrus cultivars developed in Japan. This …

HLB Lessons Learned From Nepal

Josh McGillAll In For Citrus Podcast, HLB Management, International

Citrus is grown in many different regions across the globe. Some of those places look very different than the Florida landscape. But that doesn’t mean growers in different regions can’t benefit from learning about how others grow their fruit. That was the message from Christoper Vincent, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant professor of environmental …

Update on Fungicides for Citrus

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Diseases

In a recent webinar, Jim Adaskaveg, University of California, Riverside professor and plant pathologist, discussed some recently registered fungicides to manage phytophthora and other fungal diseases of citrus. Orondis was registered in 2018, Presidio in 2019 and Revus in 2020. Adaskaveg said Orondis and Revus each contain a new active ingredient with a different mode of action and provide a …

Citrus Grower Forum Focused on New Peptide Product

Josh McGillHLB Management, Peptides

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Citrus Research and Education Center hosted a grower forum in mid-June. An educational program during the event provided growers with information on a new HLB therapy working its way through regulatory approvals. The peptide-based product will go by the name Aura Citrus and will be marketed by Nutrien once it …

Identifying HLB Therapeutics With CTV-Based Vectors

Josh McGillHLB Management, Research

By Choaa A. El Mohtar Projected citrus production in Florida for the 2022–23 season is less than 20 million boxes. This is more than a 90% decrease compared to the 2003–04 season, which was around 292 million boxes. The main reason for the decrease is huanglongbing (HLB) disease. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus …


All In For Citrus Podcast, June 2023

Josh McGillAll In For Citrus Podcast, Citrus, HLB Management

Speaking at the Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference in June, Scott Angle, leader of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), reaffirmed the urgency the institution has placed on finding viable solutions to HLB.  This includes presenting the citrus industry with a road-map document to lay out UF/IFAS HLB research priorities and objectives. One of the approaches …

Federal Funding for Citrus Includes Boost for Breeding

Josh McGillBreeding, California Corner

California Citrus Mutual (CCM) in mid-June welcomed congressional support for critical federal citrus programs. The programs being supported include the Citrus Health Response Program, the HLB Multi-Agency Coordination Group and an additional $1 million in federal funding for a new citrus breeding program. The House Appropriations Committee has included additional funding for citrus breeding research. The research is intended to …

Using Cover Crops to Improve Soil Health

Josh McGillCover Crops, Soil Health

By Sarah Strauss, Emma Dawson and Elena Karlsen-Ayala The term “soil health” has become increasingly popular in the last several years. While there are many definitions of soil health, one of the more commonly cited ones is from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). It defines soil health as “…the continued capacity of a soil …

House Passes Block Grant Assistance Act

Tacy Callieshurricane, Legislative

Rep. Scott Franklin (FL-18) announced the House of Representatives passed the Block Grant Assistance Act on June 12. This critical bill provides needed authority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to issue block grants to growers devastated by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. It now heads to the Senate for consideration. Those supporting the Block Grant Assistance Act include Florida …

Build Resilience in HLB-Affected Hamlin Trees

Josh McGillHLB Management, Tip of the Week

By Taylor Livingston and Tripti Vashisth Fighting HLB alongside weather disasters like freezes and hurricanes is leaving growers with little options for sustaining yields. The Hamlin sweet orange variety is known for higher susceptibility to HLB symptoms which cause rapid tree decline, including increased pre-harvest fruit drop and canopy loss. Production strategies that target fruit drop and canopy health improvement …

2023 Citrus Achievement Award Winner Announced

Josh McGillAwards

Florida Grower magazine chose Glenn Beck as the 2023 Citrus Achievement Award winner. He is featured in the magazine’s June cover story. For more than 20 years, the people who have won the award have helped shape the history of the state’s citrus sector. Some years, selecting a winner is an easy process because the person checks so many boxes. …

Fundecitrus Researchers Contribute to Citrus Meetings

Josh McGillBrazil, Events

Fundecitrus researchers contributed to two recent citrus gatherings in South America — the 48th Expocitrus/44th Citriculture Week in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and a CITRIBAC project meeting in Argentina. Researchers Franklin Behlau, Marcelo Miranda and Geraldo Silva Júnior, along with postdoctoral fellows Deived Carvalho and Wellington Ivo Eduardo, gave lectures on citrus-growing topics at the 48th Expocitrus/ 44th Citriculture Week. The …

Integrating Use of Organic Soil Amendments and Weed Management

Josh McGillSoil Health, weeds

By Ute Albrecht, Ankit Pokhrel, Sarah Strauss and Ramdas Kanissery The soils in most Florida citrus production areas are sandy. They have less than 1% organic matter and a low cation exchange capacity (CEC). This makes them prone to nutrient leaching, especially after heavy rainfall events in the summer. HUMIC SUBSTANCESOne way to improve soils is by amending them with …

Drone Sprays for Psyllids Effective in Brazil

Josh McGillHLB Management, Psyllids, Technology

Using drones to apply chemical control for HLB-spreading psyllids in Brazil proved effective against adult insects, a Fundecitrus researcher reported. The researcher, Marcelo Miranda, said psyllid mortality was above 80% as a result of drone applications. Miranda’s work was pioneering in 2021. There was no record of the use of drones for the chemical control of the psyllid in western …

HLB Researcher Honored

Josh McGillAwards, Brazil

Fundecitrus researcher Marcelo Pedreira de Miranda has received the Outstanding Citriculture Engineer-Agronomist Award from the 48th Expocitrus and 44th Citriculture Week. The Brazilian entomologist, whose main studies are related to HLB, has worked at Fundecitrus since 2008. The award ceremony where Miranda was honored was part of the opening afternoon of the exhibition week and was attended by authorities and …