Brazilians Learn About Mechanical Harvesting

Josh McGillLabor, Technology

Representatives of Fundecitrus and the Brazilian citrus industry went to Seville, Spain, to participate in a meeting about mechanical harvesting of citrus. The key objective was learning about different tools and machines designed for the mechanization of citrus handling. One example of machinery is the mechanized harvesting equipment used for densely cultivated orange groves. In one of their visits, the …

Brazilians Develop New Fruit Borer Trap

Josh McGillBrazil, Pests

Fundecitrus, with the participation of a MasterCitrus student and in partnership with a private company, has developed a new generation of citrus fruit borer traps. The trap is resistant to rain and includes guidelines to assist growers. Fundecitrus researcher Haroldo Volpe explained that the new product is an advance in the fight against citrus fruit borers. “We had a high-tech …

Film Calls for Urgency Regarding Greening in Brazil

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management

Fundecitrus recently launched the institutional awareness-raising film Urgência as yet another part of the Greening Is Serious campaign. The campaign began in January last year. In the film, 10 representatives of the citrus sector talk about the economic, social, environmental and historical dimensions of citrus growing in São Paulo and Minas Gerais. They point out everything that is at risk …

The Push for Pruning in Brazil’s Dense Groves

Josh McGillBrazil, Pruning

Due to major problems with pests and diseases, Brazilian producers have adopted alternative practices, such as dense planting, Fundecitrus’ Citricultor magazine recently reported. These practices reduce costs, increase yield and achieve a faster return on investment. As a result of this trend, new production practices are needed to improve management, including the frequent pruning of trees, which is essential in …

Brazil’s Public and Private Sectors Tackle Greening

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management

Representatives of the Brazilian private citrus sectors of São Paulo and Minas Gerais met Sept. 25 with members of São Paulo’s government to formulate joint action plans against citrus greening disease. Representing the private sector in the meeting were Fundecitrus, Brazilian Table Citrus Association, Vivecitrus, Citrus Consultants Group and Technical Assistance and Consultancy Group in Citrus. The government of the …

Psyllid Resistance to Organophosphates Begins in Brazil

Josh McGillHLB Management, Pesticides, Psyllids

Research has confirmed the initial phase of resistance of the HLB-spreading psyllid to the active ingredient malathion in some microregions of the citrus belt of São Paulo and Triângulo/Southwest Mineiro. Malathion is from the organophosphate chemical group. The research was conducted by Fundecitrus in partnership with Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture/University of São Paulo (Esalq/USP). This is the third …


Season’s First Update to Brazil’s Orange Forecast

Josh McGillBrazil, Crop Forecast

The first update of the 2023–24 orange crop forecast for the São Paulo and West-Southwest Minas Gerais citrus belt confirmed the initial May forecast of 309.34 million boxes. Fundecitrus announced the update on Sept. 11. The forecast for Hamlin, Westin and Rubi varieties was increased 3.5% to 58.09 million boxes. Other early-season varieties climbed 1.6% to 18.51 million boxes. The …

Brazil Breaks Psyllid Record Again

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management, Psyllids

The Brazilian citrus belt of São Paulo and Triângulo/Sudoeste Mineiro has recorded yet another record high in the average number of greening-spreading Asian citrus psyllids captured by traps. In the second half of August, there was an average growth of 147% in the average catch compared to the previous two-week period. The average jumped from 3.4 to 8.4 insects per …

Brazilian Psyllid Increase Poses Extreme Risk

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management, Psyllids

Brazil’s primary citrus region recorded a significant increase in the average number of HLB-spreading psyllids captured in the first half of August compared to the previous fortnight and the same period of 2022. In the citrus belt of São Paulo and Triângulo/Sudoeste Mineiro, there was an average growth of 80.4% in the capture of psyllids in the last fortnight compared …

Alert Issued for Leprosis in Brazil

Josh McGillBrazil, Diseases

Brazil’s Fundecitrus is alerting citrus growers to take extra measures against leprosis during the current critical period for disease occurrence, May to September. At this time, fruit are in development, and the lack of rain favors outbreaks of the leprosis-transmitting mite. Leprosis is an important disease of Brazilian citrus that in recent years has caused significant damage to orange groves. …


Psyllids Reach Historically High Levels in Brazil

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management, Psyllids

Populations of Asian citrus psyllids in the Brazilian states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais have hit historically high levels, Fundecitrus recently reported. Fundecitrus described the development as “alarming” because the psyllids spread citrus greening disease.  Reversing the situation requires immediate and joint action among citrus growers in the same micro-region, Fundecitrus stated. It reported that in the first half …

Outlook for Brazil’s 2023–24 Orange Crop

Josh McGillBrazil, Crop Forecast

The total Brazilian orange crop for 2023–24 is forecast at 410.6 million 40.8-kilogram boxes, a decrease of 1.1% from last season, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) reported recently. The commercial area of the state of São Paulo and the western part of Minas Gerais should produce 309 million boxes, a decrease of 1.55% from last …

Brazilian OJ Exports to United States Surge

Josh McGillBrazil, Orange Juice

Brazil is the world’s leading exporter of orange juice (OJ) and accounts for nearly 80% of the OJ marketed in the world. For every five cups of orange juice consumed, almost four are produced in Brazil. According to the Institute of Agricultural Economics, in the first four months of the year, São Paulo exported $682 million in juice, of which …

Drone Sprays for Psyllids Effective in Brazil

Josh McGillHLB Management, Psyllids, Technology

Using drones to apply chemical control for HLB-spreading psyllids in Brazil proved effective against adult insects, a Fundecitrus researcher reported. The researcher, Marcelo Miranda, said psyllid mortality was above 80% as a result of drone applications. Miranda’s work was pioneering in 2021. There was no record of the use of drones for the chemical control of the psyllid in western …


Psyllids Resistant to Insecticides in Brazil

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management

Psyllids collected in orchards in four microregions of Brazil’s citrus belt showed reduced susceptibility to insecticides from the pyrethroid and neonicotinoid chemical groups. That information was reported earlier this year by agronomist and researcher Fernando Amaral of the Arthropod Resistance Laboratory at the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture/University of São Paulo (ESALQ/USP). This was the first confirmation of psyllid …

Three New Citrus Varieties Released in Brazil

Josh McGillBrazil, Varieties

Three new citrus varieties were recently released in Brazil. They are the orange Navelina XR, the early sweet orange BRS IAC FCC Alvorada and the Tahiti lemon Ponta Firme. All are the result of a research partnership among Embrapa, the Coopercitrus Credicitrus Foundation and the Sylvio Moreira Citriculture Center, linked to the Agronomic Institute. NAVELINA XRDeveloped for fresh consumption, Navelina …

Awareness Campaign Battles HLB in Brazil

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management

Brazil’s Fundecitrus in 2022 and 2023 conducted an awareness campaign to replace citrus and myrtle plants to combat HLB in the municipality of Itobi, São Paulo. The citrus and myrtle plants were replaced with other fruit and ornamental species that do not host the Asian citrus psyllid that transmits HLB, also known as greening disease. These citrus and myrtle plants …

Brazil’s Initial Orange Forecast for 2023–24

Tacy CalliesBrazil, Crop Forecast

The 2023–2024 initial orange forecast for Brazil’s citrus belt is 309.34 million boxes. The forecast was announced on May 10 by Fundecitrus and its cooperators. The projected volume is 1.55% less than the previous crop, which totaled 314.21 million boxes. Fundecitrus reported that weather conditions are positive for the 2023–24 crop with rains being 50% above the historical average. However, …

Brazil’s Sustainable Citriculture Effort Updated

Josh McGillBrazil

Sustainable Citriculture, a voluntary initiative by citrus growers and orange juice industries in São Paulo and Minas Gerais, has completed two years in search of sustainable development for Brazilian citriculture. The initiative, which is committed to preserving natural resources, has created a set of actions and partnerships that seek to encourage responsible food production and environmental protection. Its goals include …

Brazil’s Final Orange Forecast for 2022–23

Josh McGillBrazil, Crop Forecast

The final 2022–23 orange crop forecast for Brazil’s São Paulo and West-Southwest Minas Gerais citrus belt is 314.21 million 90-pound boxes. While the crop declined 0.6% from the February forecast, it is much larger than the country’s 2021–22 crop. The Valencia and Valencia Folha Murcha varieties declined by 1.1% since February to 105.01 million boxes, and the Natal variety declined …