Decline in U.S. Citrus Production and Value

Josh McGillProduction

Citrus production and crop value in the Unites States both declined in 2021–22 compared to the prior season, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA/NASS) reported recently. PRODUCTIONCitrus utilized production in the United States for the 2021–22 season totaled 5.61 million tons, down 19% from the 2020–21 season. California accounted for 62% of total United States citrus …

USDA to Enforce Imported Grapefruit Standards

Josh McGillGrapefruit, Regulation

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it will enforce the juice content maturity requirements on imported grapefruit. USDA will also collect the necessary data to issue a new and lasting marketing order regarding the imported grapefruit. Last fall, the USDA suspended Section 8e grapefruit juice content standards for imported grapefruit without warning. As a result, low-quality grapefruit products from …

Focused on Finding Solutions

Josh McGillResearch

By Michael Rogers As we approach a new citrus-growing season, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers and Extension agents working throughout the state renew their focus on finding solutions that growers can use in the short term to sustain their operations. While we value our longer-term research projects, efforts that provide tangible applications that …

Update to Hurricane Forecast Issued

Josh McGillhurricane, Weather

On Aug. 4, Colorado State University (CSU) decreased its hurricane forecast for Atlantic seasonal activity and landfall strike probability for 2022. But citrus growers and other agriculturists shouldn’t relax their guard because the CSU Department of Atmospheric Science continues to call for an above-average Atlantic hurricane season. NEW PROJECTIONSCSU now forecasts the Atlantic will have 18 named storms in 2022, …

Final U.S. Citrus Forecast Has Several Changes

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

The final U.S. citrus forecast of the 2021–22 season, released July 12, projected production changes for crops in Florida, California, Texas and Arizona compared to the June forecast. FLORIDAFlorida’s all-orange forecast rose 1%, to 40.95 million boxes, due to a slight increase in non-Valencia orange production and a 1% increase in expected Valencia orange production. The Florida grapefruit production forecast …

Evaluation of Citrus × Microcitrus Hybrid Scions

Josh McGillResearch, Varieties

By Ute Albrecht, Anas Fadli and Chandrika Ramadugu Most commercially available citrus scion cultivars are highly attractive to the Asian citrus psyllid and susceptible to HLB. There are some citrus species, however, that are HLB tolerant or resistant. This may be because they are less attractive to the psyllids and/or because they restrict pathogen proliferation and therefore HLB disease development. …

Sneak Peek: July 2022 Citrus Industry

Josh McGillRootstocks, Sneak Peek, Varieties

HLB continued to contribute to reduced production and lower quality fruit for Florida growers this season. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers are working to help alleviate these problems by delivering improved rootstocks and varieties. The July issue of Citrus Industry magazine includes an in-depth look at this work. Read “Juice for Florida’s future” to …


Hurricane Threat Has Increased

Josh McGillhurricane, Weather

Colorado State University (CSU) hurricane researchers on June 2 increased the number of named storms and hurricanes they expect for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season from their initial outlook in April. The CSU Tropical Meteorology Project team is predicting 20 named storms in 2022. Of those, researchers expect 10 to become hurricanes and five to reach major hurricane strength (Saffir/Simpson …

Research Update: Stable Antimicrobial Peptide

Josh McGillPeptides, Research

By Hailing Jin Research on the effectiveness of a novel stable antimicrobial peptide (SAMP) identified from the Australian finger lime (Microcitrus australasica) to fight huanglongbing (HLB) continues in a multistate initiative involving 1,500 citrus trees. Although the pandemic has impacted the progress of the research, work has steadily continued and expanded.  Researchers at the University of California, Riverside and University …


U.S. Lemon, Grapefruit and Tangerine Outlook

Josh McGillCrop Forecast

Lemons are the only U.S. citrus commodity forecast this season to exceed last season’s production levels, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service reported recently. At a projected 976,000 tons, lemon production is expected to be 10% higher than last season. Ninety-four percent of lemons commercially grown in the United States are from California. Despite the higher domestic production, …

April Citrus Forecast: Florida Down, California Up

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

Florida’s Valencia orange crop forecast was cut by 13%, and the state’s grapefruit crop projection was trimmed by 8% in the April 8 forecast by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service. The Valencia crop projection was reduced by 3 million boxes, to 20 million boxes. Final fruit size is below the minimum, requiring 273 pieces of …


U.S. Orange Juice Output to Hit 50-Year Low

Josh McGillForecast, Orange Juice

Total U.S. orange juice (OJ) production in the current 2021–22 season is forecast at 286 million single-strength equivalent (SSE) gallons, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service reported recently. If realized, this volume will be the lowest in more than 50 years. To compensate for lower production, U.S. OJ imports are expected to increase over last year, reaching more …

Growers Needed to Aid Development of HLB Tool

Josh McGillHLB Management, Research

Excelsior Aerospace Corporation announced it is pursuing funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to build a free tool that can rapidly detect, track and manage huanglongbing (HLB) disease. “On one end, our tool would serve growers in states such as Texas and California to detect early symptoms of ACP (Asian citrus psyllid) and HLB infection and take measures …

Citrus Canker Confirmed in South Carolina

Josh McGillDiseases

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has confirmed the presence of citrus canker disease in a nursery in South Carolina. The nursery sells plants to consumers through online sales. Other nurseries did not receive these plants. Together with state partners, APHIS is working to collect and destroy the plants shipped to consumers in …

Be Alert for Citrus Canker in Alabama

Josh McGillCitrus, Diseases

Alabama Cooperative Extension implores growers to be on the lookout for symptoms of citrus canker disease in their trees. Commercial growers need to scout their trees regularly to stop the disease’s potential spread, says Kassie Conner, Alabama Extension specialist. “What we need people to do right now is look for these symptoms and report it if they find it,” Conner …

Florida Orange Forecast Falls Again

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast, Florida

Florida’s projected 2021–22 orange crop was reduced by 1 million boxes, to 43.5 million boxes, in the February citrus crop forecast from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service. The forecast was released Feb. 9. The entire orange reduction was in the to-be-harvested Valencia crop, which was reduced 4% to 26 million boxes. The forecast for non-Valencia …

Florida Citrus Forecast Drops Again

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service released its monthly U.S. citrus production forecast on Jan. 12. ORANGESThe report showed another 3% drop in Florida orange production down to 44.5 million boxes. The initial forecast in October predicted 47 million boxes. The forecast for all oranges fell by 1.5 million boxes from the December report. Florida’s non-Valencia …

Resolved to Give Growers What They Need

Josh McGillFlorida, Research

By Michael Rogers January marks the season for resolutions: exercising more, eating well and being more organized. But in the research world, resolutions may not be that simple. I don’t think that University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers could be any more “resolved” in finding ways to fight citrus diseases and ways to improve how …

New H-2A Wages Effective Dec. 29

Ernie NeffLabor

A recent issue of the Florida Citrus Mutual Triangle newsletter provided information about the wage that growers must pay H-2A labor, effective Dec. 29. H-2A workers are foreign agricultural workers who are allowed to work in the United States temporarily. In recent years, the vast majority of Florida citrus has been harvested by H-2A workers. The Employment and Training Administration …

Grapefruit Issues Tackled by Mutual

Ernie NeffGrapefruit

The Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) Triangle newsletter recently updated efforts to have the federal government rescind an action that suspended the juice content requirements on imported grapefruit. In early October, the domestic grapefruit industry was made aware of a “patch” that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) had issued in April of this year suspending the juice content requirements on …