
Citrus Research and Field Trial Program Update

Ernie NeffResearch

A multimillion-dollar federal program to establish thousands of acres of citrus research field trials in Florida has undergone significant changes in recent months. The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) spent much time on May 21 hearing about new developments in the Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) program. CRDF Chief Operating Officer Rick Dantzler summarizes developments in the timing …

Technology: Look Before Leaping

Ernie NeffTechnology

New technology can get growers excited about its potential benefits, says John Schueller, a University of Florida engineer and professor. “But before we go out and do something really big, we need to look at various aspects (of the technology),” he says. He suggests five questions growers should consider before going all in. “One is, what are the effects of …

Working Toward Better Orange Juice in the HLB World

Tacy CalliesBreeding, Orange Juice, Varieties

By Jude Grosser, Fred Gmitter, Yu Wang and Bill Castle It’s no secret that huanglongbing (HLB) has challenged the industry to maintain the outstanding quality associated with Florida orange juice. Moreover, increased prices and competition from new juice products and blends have reduced Florida orange juice consumption. We believe that improving the quality, especially flavor and color, of juice products …

Old Days in Citrus Recalled

Ernie NeffCitrus, History

Dalton Yancey, probably best known as the former chief executive officer of the Florida Sugar Cane League, recently recalled days working in his family citrus grove and for Florida Citrus Mutual. “I grew up on a citrus family farm in Umatilla,” Yancey says. As a teenager, he recalls, “my dad put me on the business end of a hoe … …

An Important Reminder on Citrus Tristeza Virus

Tacy CalliesDiseases

By Amit Levy and Ozgur Batuman Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is an important citrus pathogen that, in the past, had a dramatic effect on the citrus industry and caused the loss of almost 100 million trees worldwide. These trees were propagated on sour orange rootstock. The disease created a need for tristeza-tolerant rootstocks to sustain the citrus industry, because only …

long-horned beetle

Psyllid Management for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock reports on Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) management studies being conducted around the world. Her report covers presentations made at the International Citrus Research Conference on HLB in March. She summarized the international scientists’ observations at the Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute in Avon Park last month. She shares …

Citrus Black Spot Update

Ernie Neffblack spot, Diseases

Callie Walker with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) recently gave an update on the citrus black spot quarantine in Southwest Florida. Walker is bureau chief of pest eradication and control for FDACS’ Division of Plant Industry and serves as statewide director for the Citrus Health Response Program. She summarizes the presentation she made at the Florida …


Grower Optimism Tempered by Pricing

Ernie NeffCitrus, CUPS, Economics

Central Florida citrus grower Jerry Mixon of KLM Farms recently expressed optimism that is tempered by current orange prices. “I am optimistic, and it seems like the industry does have that same feeling,” Mixon says. “Yields are up. I have heard a little bit that (pound) solids are up a little bit, particularly Valencia crops … Trees look better.” Mixon …


Haffield Reprises Role at IMG Citrus

Daniel CooperIndustry News Release

IMG Citrus, a family-owned, vertically-integrated citrus grower, packer and shipper in Vero Beach, Florida, renamed Todd Haffield as director of packinghouse operations. He previously held this role with the company from 2010 to 2017. Haffield has been with IMG Citrus since 1999 in various logistics and sales roles in addition to his director position. He contributed to many operational improvements, …

Small Citrus Growers Struggling to Sell Valencias

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Economics, sales

Citrus grower Chip Henry of McGuire Groves in Apopka reports that some small citrus growers in Florida are currently unable to sell their Valencias. Although Henry’s 12 acres of Valencias are ready to be picked — with a high Brix level and good pound solids — he has no market for his fruit. Henry is not the only grower currently …

Israel’s Dynamic Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesCitrus

By Stephen H. Futch and Ariel Singerman As home to three of the world’s major religions, Israel is one of the most diverse countries in the world. Besides its cultural diversity and historical importance, Israel is also a major citrus producer and exporter. Israel’s citrus industry began in 1882. As new immigrants moved to the country, they established many very …

HLB: Horticultural Practices

Ernie NeffCitrus, HLB Management

Scientists from numerous countries attending the International Citrus Research Conference on HLB in March reported on studies of horticultural practices that might help growers cope with the disease. Tripti Vashisth, a horticulturist with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), summarized their observations at the recent Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute. She shares those observations in the …

Grower Editorial Advisory Board Gathers to Review Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesCitrus

A newly formed Grower Editorial Advisory Board met with Citrus Industry magazine’s staff in Sebring, Florida, on May 2. Participating in the meeting were citrus grower board members from around the state, including: Larry Black, Peace Riving Packing George Hamner, Indian River Exchange Packers Marshall Hartley, small grove owner Aaron Himrod, Himrod Citrus Nursery Lee Jones, Gardinier Florida Citrus Paul …


Rootstock Solutions for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Rootstocks

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus breeders are working on both short-term and long-term rootstock solutions for HLB, Fred Gmitter said earlier this year. Gmitter and fellow UF/IFAS citrus breeder Jude Grosser have already identified numerous rootstocks that seem to offer tolerance to the disease. Tolerance would help growers in the short term. Gmitter says …


Artificial Intelligence Could Help Citrus Growers Detect Psyllids

Daniel CooperCitrus Greening, HLB Management, Industry News Release, Psyllids, Research, Technology

Precision agriculture engineer Yiannis Ampatzidis sees a day when citrus farmers use artificial intelligence (AI) to detect the pin-sized insects that can infect the fruit’s trees with the deadly greening disease. That day could come in the near future, because Ampatzidis and his research team are starting to perfect a system to detect the potentially deadly Asian citrus psyllid. Citrus …

new york times

May 4 Is National OJ Day

Tacy CalliesOrange Juice

Ray Royce of the Highlands County Citrus Growers Association reminds citrus industry members that this Saturday, May 4 is National OJ Day. “You are encouraged to think about how, even in a very small way, you can help assist in reminding your friends, neighbors and business associates that Americans have long had a love affair with orange juice,” says Royce. …


Kaolin Impact on Psyllids and HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Psyllids

Researchers found use of kaolin particle film on trees reduced populations of HLB-spreading psyllids and delayed HLB infection. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher Christopher Vincent and graduate student Juanpablo Salvatierra Miranda report on their findings. Vincent says both white kaolin and red kaolin applications “had very low psyllid numbers” compared to a foliar insecticide treatment …


Media Investigating Bactericide Use in Citrus

Ernie NeffBactericides

Potential human resistance to antibiotics as a result of bactericide use to treat HLB is the apparent topic of upcoming media stories. The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) has recently responded to national and local reporters’ questions about the topic. Questions “have mostly touched on resistance in humans,” according to an FDOC spokesperson. The spokesperson said the reporters were with …

Citrus Production Cost Surveys Scheduled

Daniel CooperEconomics, Production

In an effort to continue to gather accurate production cost data for Florida citrus growers, University of Florida economist Ariel Singerman will be conducting two regional surveys. This will be the fourth year that Singerman has met with citrus growers to gather current production cost data. This information is important for a multitude of reasons, including citrus grove valuations for …


Pathology Research for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management

Scientists from numerous countries attending the International Citrus Research Conference on HLB in March reported on pathology research that might help growers cope with the disease. Megan Dewdney, plant pathologist with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), summarized their reports at the recent Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute. Dewdney shares the research findings in the current …