Grower Frustration Mounting Over Millions of Uncommitted Boxes

Ernie NeffEconomics, Processing

Highlands County grower Jarred Eddy recently shared his frustration with the Florida Citrus Commission over his failure to receive any offers for the fruit from his 200-acre grove. Following Eddy’s Oct. 23 presentation, he and Highlands County Citrus Growers Association Executive Director Ray Royce discussed the problem. Eddy says he expected offers several times since the middle of summer, but “as …

FDOC Budget and Rates: More Info Sought

Ernie NeffFlorida Citrus Commission

The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC), governing board of the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), is still seeking information before setting grower taxes and a budget for this season. The FCC held the latest in a series of marketing and budget workshops Oct. 18. At the most recent workshop, FDOC Executive Director Shannon Shepp asked commissioners if they could offer an …


Grower Reacts to Citrus Forecast

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

John Gose with Lykes Citrus was among the growers who gathered at a Florida Citrus Mutual luncheon in Bartow to hear the announcement of the initial citrus crop forecast of the 2019–20 season. He offers his perspectives on the forecast in this interview with Citrus Industry magazine Editor Tacy Callies. “It was pretty close to what I was expecting,” Gose …

Orange Juice Consumption Declining at a Slower Rate

Tacy CalliesGlobal Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves An annual report on global orange juice consumption was recently completed. This report is based on data from CitrusBR (Brazilian Orange Juice Exporters Association), Tetra Pak, Euromonitor International, Planet Retail, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and others. The report was first published in 2004. Decline in orange juice demand has been seen since then. The …


Sparks on Forecast, FDOC Taxes

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

Florida Citrus Mutual Executive Vice President/CEO Mike Sparks weighs in on the recent Florida citrus crop forecast and explains why Mutual currently opposes a Florida Department of Citrus tax increase. “I have mixed emotions on the crop estimate,” Sparks says. “The 74 million boxes (of oranges) is good news. It shows that the industry’s starting to recover.” On the other …


Citrus Growers Expected to See Production Bump

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, Industry News Release

Florida’s struggling citrus industry is projected to see a 3.3 percent increase in production in the newly started growing season. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, in its first citrus forecast for the 2019-2020 season that will run through July, projected Florida growers will produce enough oranges to fill 74 million of the industry-standard 90-pound boxes, which would top the 71.6 …

florida all

Federal Money Flowing to Citrus Growers

Daniel CooperCitrus, hurricane, Industry News Release

Florida has reached the halfway point in dispensing a $343 million federal grant it received for citrus growers who sustained damage in Hurricane Irma two years ago, according to Gov. Ron DeSantis. “I think that that’s been much-needed relief,” DeSantis said of the $173 million that has been distributed, mostly since he took office in January. “We’re going to continue …

citrus industry

Florida to Get 1,500 New Acres of Grapefruit

Daniel CooperAcreage, Grapefruit, Industry News Release

In recent years, the iconic Florida citrus industry has been faced with challenges from devastating citrus greening to major hurricanes pummeling the state’s fruit groves. But industry members are doubling down on their commitment to ensure citrus and juice products remain synonymous with the Sunshine State. Peace River Citrus Products and Scott Family Companies and its partners announced they will …

citrus production

Dumping of Brazilian and Mexican Juice Causes Southern Gardens to Cease Processing Citrus

Tacy CalliesProcessing

A flood of foreign imported orange juice was the deciding factor. Southern Gardens Citrus Processing Corporation announced today that it will no longer process fruit at its facility in Hendry County, Florida.  Beginning with the 2019-20 season, Southern Gardens will have its fruit processed at another facility and bring that juice back to its facility in Hendry County for storage …

florida citrus

Citrus Crop Value Up as Farmland Shrinks

Daniel CooperCitrus, Industry News Release

Florida citrus production and crop value is up from a year ago, when the industry was trying to recover after being hit hard by Hurricane Irma. But the industry continues to bleed acreage in the state, according to numbers released Aug. 28 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The federal agency’s commercial citrus inventory recorded 430,601 acres spread across …

The Real Cost of HLB in Florida

Tacy CalliesEconomics, Production, Research

By Ariel Singerman This article summarizes the major changes in the cost of production for processed oranges in Florida since the outbreak of huanglongbing (HLB). To deal with the disease, growers have significantly changed their cultural practices. Those changes have had a considerable impact on the cost of production per acre. NOMINAL COSTS VS. REAL COSTSHowever, given that inflation also …


CUPS Research in Indian River Area

Ernie NeffCUPS

Research into citrus under protective screen (CUPS) in the Indian River area was discussed by students of Rhuanito (Johnny) Ferrarezi at the Florida State Horticultural Society meeting in June. The project at the Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) grows grapefruit, the citrus of most economic importance in the Indian River region. Ferrarezi, a University of Florida Institute of …


Citrus Numbers Improve as Struggles Continue

Daniel CooperCitrus, Crop Forecast, Grapefruit, Industry News Release

Florida’s citrus industry ended its growing season on a slight uptick, regaining the Sunshine State’s dominance in orange production over California. But struggles remain. Growers, who last year posted 75-year lows because of damage caused by Hurricane Irma, still are at diminished production levels that hadn’t been seen in decades as they face deadly citrus-greening disease and factors such as …


Florida Department of Citrus to Study OJ Consumption

Daniel CooperCitrus, Industry News Release, Orange Juice, Research

Amid ongoing struggles in Florida’s citrus industry, the Florida Department of Citrus appears to be turning attention to studying orange juice consumption. The department said Tuesday it is looking for three separate studies that would assess various aspects of orange juice consumption, including how it can affect people’s moods when drinking it as a snack. According to a bid notice, …

How One Small Grower Handles HLB

Tacy CalliesHLB Management

By Ernie Neff It’s common belief — and probably true — that small Florida citrus growers have suffered more than larger growers as a result of HLB. Del Murphy might agree, but his family’s 66-acre citrus grove east of Avon Park is doing well by any Florida standard. He says the Murphy Partnership production program seems to be working “as …

Citrus Black Spot Update

Ernie Neffblack spot, Diseases

Callie Walker with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) recently gave an update on the citrus black spot quarantine in Southwest Florida. Walker is bureau chief of pest eradication and control for FDACS’ Division of Plant Industry and serves as statewide director for the Citrus Health Response Program. She summarizes the presentation she made at the Florida …


Grower Optimism Tempered by Pricing

Ernie NeffCitrus, CUPS, Economics

Central Florida citrus grower Jerry Mixon of KLM Farms recently expressed optimism that is tempered by current orange prices. “I am optimistic, and it seems like the industry does have that same feeling,” Mixon says. “Yields are up. I have heard a little bit that (pound) solids are up a little bit, particularly Valencia crops … Trees look better.” Mixon …

Small Citrus Growers Struggling to Sell Valencias

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Economics, sales

Citrus grower Chip Henry of McGuire Groves in Apopka reports that some small citrus growers in Florida are currently unable to sell their Valencias. Although Henry’s 12 acres of Valencias are ready to be picked — with a high Brix level and good pound solids — he has no market for his fruit. Henry is not the only grower currently …


Florida Senators Fight for Disaster Dollars

Abbey TaylorCitrus, hurricane, Legislative

Hurricane Irma devastated the Florida Citrus Belt in 2017. Federal disaster relief funding was approved in early 2018, but many Florida citrus growers have yet to receive those funds. Several industry leaders and groups have been advocating for growers in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C. Now, Florida senators are joining the fight. Senator Ben Albritton, chairman of the Florida Senate Agriculture …

WHIP/Block Grant Insurance Requirements

Daniel CooperIndustry News Release

With the Florida citrus crop insurance closing date of April 15 rapidly approaching, Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) has fielded many questions about the requirements of the Hurricane Irma WHIP (Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program) and Block Grant programs. The information below, crafted by FCM, is designed to answer general questions. The information has been approved by both the Risk Management …