Crop production is only half the battle for citrus growers in the cold-hardy citrus region of North Florida, South Georgia and South Alabama. The other half is knowing where that crop is headed once it is harvested. Bill Barber, Ag Services LLC and Certified Crop Adviser, stressed to growers during a recent citrus meeting that they should have a marketing …
UF/IFAS Researcher and Ph.D. Candidate Honored
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus researcher Lorenzo Rossi and his Ph.D. candidate Lukas Hallman have been invited to join Sigma Xi, an international honor society of scientists and engineers. Rossi is an associate professor at the UF/IFAS Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) in Fort Pierce. Sigma Xi lists more than 200 Nobel …
Many Farms Must File Ownership Information
Many farms and ranches will be required to file beneficial ownership information with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a division of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. In 2021, Congress passed the Corporate Transparency Act. It requires businesses to report the identity of their owners with the goal of reducing financial crime. WHO MUST FILE Any producer whose farm …
Florida OJ Marketing Program Outlined
The Florida Department of Citrus’ (FDOC) 2024–25 orange juice (OJ) marketing program will be anchored by a refresh of the current Original Wellness Drink concept. The campaign — The True Original — will salute “originals” and encourage consumers to drink more Florida OJ. Learn here what the FDOC and its advertising agency mean by “originals.” The program will kick off …
Scouting Critical for Georgia’s Citrus Industry
Regular scouting for Asian citrus psyllids and citrus greening disease is critical for Georgia’s citrus industry to remain healthy. That advice applies to both commercial growers and homeowners, Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia (UGA) assistant professor and small fruits pathologist, said during the recent Citrus Grower’s Summer Update meeting in Valdosta. Oliver encouraged all growers to scout for the disease …
HLB-Tolerant Scion Breeding Update
U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) geneticist Matt Mattia with the U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory in Fort Pierce, Florida, recently provided a scion breeding update on HLB-tolerant citrus. A slightly edited version follows: Significant strides are being made in the development and evaluation of new citrus varieties, with many now nearing commercial release. These varieties are not only promising …
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Optimizing OTC Injections
By Ute Albrecht, Caroline Tardivo, Larissa Nunes, Gabriel Pugina, Gerardo Moreno and Jasmine de Freitas As growers are well into the second year of oxytetracycline (OTC) injections since approval for commercial use, more and more data are accumulating. The good news is that in all University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) trials, trees have been responding …
SCFBA Calls for Action on Farm Bill
The Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance (SCFBA) has issued the following statement in response to an Oct. 2 letter from the chairs [Representatives Jim Costa (D-Calif.), David Rouzer (R-N.C.), Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) and David G. Valadao (R-Calif.)] of the Congressional Specialty Crop Caucus to leaders of the U.S. House and Senate: “The status quo for U.S. specialty crop growers is …
Plan to Attend the Millennium Block Field Day
By Robin Koestoyo On Nov. 7, citrus growers will join University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Assistant Professor Flavia Zambon to view new citrus varieties that show tolerance to citrus greening. Zambon will guide visitors at the 2024 Millennium Block Field Day, a walk-through interpreted tour. The Millennium Block is a seminal grapefruit trial on 20 acres …
Brassinosteroids Help Trees After IPC Removal
Associate Professor Fernando Alferez and his team at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) learned several years ago that individual protective covers (IPCs) protect newly planted trees from HLB. They do that by excluding the Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) that spread the devastating citrus disease. But multi-county citrus Extension agent Mongi Zekri noted that IPCs …
Hurricane Milton Resources
Hurricane Milton is currently expected to be a major hurricane when it makes landfall on Florida’s west coast late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. It will likely impact a large portion of the state. In anticipation of the hurricane and its aftermath, Florida Citrus Mutual has canceled its crop estimate luncheon that was scheduled for Oct. 11 in Zolfo …
Bournique to Serve Fifth Term on Water Board
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently reappointed Indian River Citrus League (IRCL) Executive Vice President Doug Bournique to a fifth four-year term on the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Governing Board. According to IRCL, being reappointed to a fifth term is “unprecedented in the history of the water management district.” “There remains so much more to do in supporting …
Personal Protective Equipment for Pesticide Handlers
By Danielle S. Williams Editor’s note: This article grants one continuing education unit (CEU) in the Core category toward the renewal of a Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services restricted-use pesticide license when the accompanying test is submitted and approved. Personal protective equipment (PPE) plays a crucial role in safeguarding pesticide handlers from potential pesticide exposure. While the right …
Florida Ag Eligible for Loans After Hurricane Helene
Florida farmers, ranchers and growers impacted by Hurricane Helene can apply for interest-free loans through the Agriculture and Aquaculture Producers Natural Disaster Recovery Loan Program. Eligible agriculture and aquaculture producers can use loans to restore, repair or replace essential physical property — including fences, equipment, greenhouses and other buildings — or to remove vegetative debris. The loan availability was announced …
HLB at Center of Florida Citrus Breeding Efforts
Peter Chaires, New Varieties Development and Management Corp. executive director, spoke about citrus breeding at the Cold Hardy Citrus Workshop on Sept. 24 at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension office in Perry. Chaires said HLB tolerance “is an essential element of everything that’s being done in the breeding program with a stronger emphasis than …
Commercial Citrus Impacted by Expanded HLB Quarantine
The area quarantined for HLB in San Diego County, California, has been expanded, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) announced on Sept. 23. USDA APHIS took the action in cooperation with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). HLB, a plant disease caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, is also known as citrus …
Farmworker Protection Rule Challenged
The National Council of Agricultural Employers (NCAE) has joined several agricultural associations and individual farmers in a lawsuit challenging a federal farmworker protection rule. The Department of Labor (DOL) rule is titled Improving Protections for Workers in Temporary Agricultural Employment in the United States. NCAE stated that the rule unlawfully violates the rights of America’s farm and ranch families. It …
Protect Against Potential Fungus Post-Hurricane
Citrus growers impacted by Hurricane Helene now must decide the best management strategy to protect trees from potential disease issues prior to harvest. Kim Jones, a citrus grower and packer with operations in Monticello, Florida, and Tifton, Georgia, weighed in on what to consider to protect trees. “Fungus is the biggest risk at this point,” said Jones. “The sunshine is …
Spanish Citrus Production to See Ups and Downs This Season
Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food projected total Spanish citrus production of 5,842 million tons for the 2024–25 season that began Sept. 1. That’s 60,500 tons, or 1%, less than preliminary figures for the previous season and 8.6% less than the average of the last five seasons. A continued drought and excessive heat in key periods of citrus development …
Texas Mexfly Quarantine Actions
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA/APHIS) and the Texas Department of Agriculture have taken several Mexican fruit fly (Mexfly) quarantine actions in Texas since mid-August. DONNA On Aug. 15, the agencies established a Mexfly quarantine in Donna, Hidalgo County. This is in response to the confirmed detection on Aug. 10 of Mexfly larvae in …