The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) announced that landowners can apply online to the state’s Rural and Family Lands Protection Program (RFLPP) until 5 p.m. on July 27. The department will review the applications for eligibility. The program, which partners with farmers and ranchers through conservation easements, aims to safeguard working agricultural operations. “Florida’s agricultural lands are …
House Passes Block Grant Assistance Act
Rep. Scott Franklin (FL-18) announced the House of Representatives passed the Block Grant Assistance Act on June 12. This critical bill provides needed authority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to issue block grants to growers devastated by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. It now heads to the Senate for consideration. Those supporting the Block Grant Assistance Act include Florida …
Greater Lemon Production in Chile
Lemon production in Chile is expected to increase by 26.4% in 2022–23 and total 172,000 metric tons (MT), the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) reported. Favorable climatic conditions and an increase in water supplies in the Coquimbo region pushed up lemon yields, and thus overall production. ACREAGEIn 2022–23, total area planted in Chile reached 8,080 hectares, …
Grower Achieves High Brix and Stops Drop
Low Brix has been a major problem plaguing the Florida citrus industry in recent years. While many growers are struggling to achieve the minimum required Brix level, this has not been an issue for citrus grower Chip Henry. He recently shared how he believes his organic production techniques contribute to high Brix as well as stopping premature fruit drop in …
Build Resilience in HLB-Affected Hamlin Trees
By Taylor Livingston and Tripti Vashisth Fighting HLB alongside weather disasters like freezes and hurricanes is leaving growers with little options for sustaining yields. The Hamlin sweet orange variety is known for higher susceptibility to HLB symptoms which cause rapid tree decline, including increased pre-harvest fruit drop and canopy loss. Production strategies that target fruit drop and canopy health improvement …
Gulf Citrus Growers Gain Hurricane Insights
The Gulf Citrus Growers Association (GCGA) hosted its annual meeting in Fort Myers in early June to tend to association business and elect new board members. The event was well attended, and growers were mostly in good spirits buoyed by observations that HLB therapies might be having positive impacts on trees. Ron Mahan, current GCGA president, captured that sentiment in …
2023 Citrus Achievement Award Winner Announced
Florida Grower magazine chose Glenn Beck as the 2023 Citrus Achievement Award winner. He is featured in the magazine’s June cover story. For more than 20 years, the people who have won the award have helped shape the history of the state’s citrus sector. Some years, selecting a winner is an easy process because the person checks so many boxes. …
Fundecitrus Researchers Contribute to Citrus Meetings
Fundecitrus researchers contributed to two recent citrus gatherings in South America — the 48th Expocitrus/44th Citriculture Week in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and a CITRIBAC project meeting in Argentina. Researchers Franklin Behlau, Marcelo Miranda and Geraldo Silva Júnior, along with postdoctoral fellows Deived Carvalho and Wellington Ivo Eduardo, gave lectures on citrus-growing topics at the 48th Expocitrus/ 44th Citriculture Week. The …
Integrating Use of Organic Soil Amendments and Weed Management
By Ute Albrecht, Ankit Pokhrel, Sarah Strauss and Ramdas Kanissery The soils in most Florida citrus production areas are sandy. They have less than 1% organic matter and a low cation exchange capacity (CEC). This makes them prone to nutrient leaching, especially after heavy rainfall events in the summer. HUMIC SUBSTANCESOne way to improve soils is by amending them with …
Florida Citrus Forecast Sees Small Changes
With the 2022–23 season harvest virtually completed for all varieties, the June citrus forecast for Florida had several slight changes. The Florida orange and grapefruit forecasts each climbed 1% from May, while the tangerines/tangelos forecast dropped 2%. Forecasts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS) were unchanged for Arizona, California and Texas. FLORIDA ORANGESFlorida’s all-orange …
Drone Sprays for Psyllids Effective in Brazil
Using drones to apply chemical control for HLB-spreading psyllids in Brazil proved effective against adult insects, a Fundecitrus researcher reported. The researcher, Marcelo Miranda, said psyllid mortality was above 80% as a result of drone applications. Miranda’s work was pioneering in 2021. There was no record of the use of drones for the chemical control of the psyllid in western …
Citrus Root Weevil Intercepted
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agriculture specialists intercepted a species of citrus root weevil for the first time in Wilmington, Delaware, on May 22. They found the Cleistolophus viridimargo (Champion, 1911) weevil, a significant actionable pest, while inspecting a shipment of pineapples from Honduras. CBP said citrus root weevils pose a serious threat to the $3.4 billion U.S. citrus …
Know Your Purpose for Pruning
“Don’t prune if you do not know why you are pruning,” University of California Cooperative Extension’s Craig Kallsen cautioned in a June 6 webinar about pruning navel oranges. “It’s a lot of work and thus expensive.” “Generally, pruning of any kind reduces total fruit yield,” the citrus and pistachio farm advisor for Kern County stated. “The goal of pruning is …
HLB Researcher Honored
Fundecitrus researcher Marcelo Pedreira de Miranda has received the Outstanding Citriculture Engineer-Agronomist Award from the 48th Expocitrus and 44th Citriculture Week. The Brazilian entomologist, whose main studies are related to HLB, has worked at Fundecitrus since 2008. The award ceremony where Miranda was honored was part of the opening afternoon of the exhibition week and was attended by authorities and …
Chilean Orange Production to Climb
Orange production in Chile will increase by 6.1% and total 174,000 metric tons (MT) in 2022–23, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) estimated recently. Yields are up due to increased rainfall and no damage from frost. ACREAGEIn 2022–23, orange area planted in Chile totaled 6,362 hectares, unchanged from 2021–22. The total orange area planted has remained …
Keeping Florida OJ at Top of Consumers’ Minds
The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) 2023–24 global marketing plan for orange juice (OJ) focuses on continuing awareness and sales-driving activities to keep Florida OJ at the top of consumers’ minds. Karmen Johnson of FDOC marketing agency Edible told the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) that the plan will continue to focus on primary shoppers and light and lapsed OJ buyers. …
Psyllids Resistant to Insecticides in Brazil
Psyllids collected in orchards in four microregions of Brazil’s citrus belt showed reduced susceptibility to insecticides from the pyrethroid and neonicotinoid chemical groups. That information was reported earlier this year by agronomist and researcher Fernando Amaral of the Arthropod Resistance Laboratory at the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture/University of São Paulo (ESALQ/USP). This was the first confirmation of psyllid …
Safeguarding Citrus From Heat Stress
By Amir Rezazadeh Rising temperatures and climate change challenges of recent years have brought a significant threat to citrus trees. Heat stress, caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures, poses a severe risk to citrus trees. Excessive soil evaporation, inconsistent rainfall and poor soil water-holding capacity can make trees even more sensitive to heat. High temperatures result in shortened internodes, …
South Africa Citrus Estimate Higher Than Last Year
The latest estimate for the South Africa citrus crop in 2023 is 165.6 million cartons. This is 800,000 more cartons than last year, The Vanguard International Group recently reported. Vanguard stated that two commodities — lemons and mandarins — have emerged over the past few years. Lemons have witnessed a significant surge in plantings. There are approximately 8,000 hectares of …
Three New Citrus Varieties Released in Brazil
Three new citrus varieties were recently released in Brazil. They are the orange Navelina XR, the early sweet orange BRS IAC FCC Alvorada and the Tahiti lemon Ponta Firme. All are the result of a research partnership among Embrapa, the Coopercitrus Credicitrus Foundation and the Sylvio Moreira Citriculture Center, linked to the Agronomic Institute. NAVELINA XRDeveloped for fresh consumption, Navelina …