Xanthomonas Key Finding Made

Ernie NeffDiseases

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore have identified a key mechanism by which the dangerous plant bacteria Xanthomonas can infect crops. The Xanthomonas bacteria, known as the “crop killer,” is a globally prevalent bacterium capable of infecting 400 different plant species. Citrus canker is caused by the bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas citri subsp. The NTU researchers identified the exact …

Alabama Trying to Contain Citrus Canker

Tacy CalliesDiseases

How citrus canker arrived in Alabama is still unknown. What is certain is that it’s an issue the Alabama Department of Agriculture is determined to contain before it becomes a major problem, said Kassie Conner, director of the Auburn University Plant Diagnostic Lab, during a recent webinar. “The first trees that were found infected were in a landscape, and the …

Canker Quarantine Revised in Texas

Ernie NeffDiseases

In late August, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) removed a portion of Harris County within the Braeswood area of Houston, Texas, from citrus canker regulations. APHIS reported that the successful partnership between itself and the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) has resulted in a citrus canker-free status in the area since 2016. On …


Canker Eradication Efforts Underway in Texas

Ernie NeffDiseases

The Asiatic A strain of citrus canker was recently found in the Upper Gulf Coast area of Texas, posing a significant threat to the state’s commercial citrus production. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Texas Department of Agriculture and the Texas A&M University-Kingsville Citrus Center are collaborating on surveys to detect the disease. They are also removing and properly …

Florida Black Spot Quarantine Expands

Ernie NeffDiseases, Regulation

The citrus black spot (CBS) quarantine in Florida was recently expanded in five Southwest Florida counties by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). APHIS added 37 sections in Charlotte County, 17 sections in Collier County, 45 sections in Glades County, 68 sections in Hendry County and 28 sections in Lee County to the quarantine …

Controlling Diplodia Stem-End Rot Before Harvest

Tacy CalliesDiseases

By Mark A. Ritenour, Jiuxu Zhang, Liliana M. Cano and Megan M. Dewdney The decay of fresh citrus fruit in Florida is usually caused by fungal pathogens that grow and develop in the hot and wet conditions typical to the state. While green and sometimes blue Penicillium molds and sour rot can cause Florida fruit to decay, the subtropical conditions …

Grower Input Wanted on ‘Greasy Green’ Disorder

Ernie NeffDiseases

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is asking Florida fresh citrus growers and packers to complete a brief, anonymous survey about a disorder some call “greasy green.” The symptoms of the disorder are consistent with greasy spot, but a direct causal relationship has not been proven. The disorder may also be related to other possible …

Treating Pathogens Without Antibiotics

Ernie NeffDiseases, Pests

Federal researchers announced that they have found an innovative way to treat pathogens (harmful bacteria) and pests in citrus trees and potato and tomato plants without the use of antibiotics. The researchers are with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The research was done in collaboration with the University of Florida and AUM LifeTech Inc. The …

greasy spot

Time for Brown Rot Management

Tacy CalliesDiseases, Tip of the Week

By Evan Johnson The Florida summer rainy season is in full swing, and there have been one or two root flushes by now. This is a good environment for increases in soil Phytophthora propagule counts. High counts have been seen this year, especially in Southwest Florida. While much of the focus may be on root rot, it is important to …

First Citrus Canker Detection in Alabama

Ernie NeffDiseases

Citrus canker has been detected in a residential area of Baldwin County, Alabama, which is bordered by Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. Federal and state plant health officials confirmed the identification of the disease from foliage and fruit samples collected by the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries’ (ADAI) routine citrus survey.  This was the first detection of citrus …

What To Do About Algal Spot

Tacy CalliesDiseases, Tip of the Week

By Megan Dewdney I did not need to visit my field trial to know that algal spot was in bloom on citrus in the last month. I have received many phone calls about it recently as growers notice the bright orange doughnuts on their tree limbs. For those unfamiliar with algal spot, it is a disease that occurs mostly on …

A Trojan Horse for Citrus Disease

Ernie NeffDiseases, Research

Scientists are hoping the RNA of an obscure infection can one day be used like a Trojan horse to deliver treatments to citrus trees, possibly to combat HLB disease. The infection, citrus yellow vein disease, was discovered 64 years ago in Riverside, California, and has never been seen elsewhere in the world. Decades later, University of California (UC) Riverside researchers …

CLM and Canker: Dangerous Summer Duo

Ernie NeffDiseases, Pests

Chris Oswalt details the connection between citrus leafminer (CLM) and citrus canker in the May/June Central Florida citrus Extension newsletter, Citrus from the Ridge to the Valley. He also offers some management tips. “I don’t think we can overstate the effect of leafminer damage on citrus foliage and the increased development of citrus canker lesions on damaged leaves,” the multi-county …

New Anthracnose-Causing Fungus Identified

Ernie NeffDiseases

Researchers at the University of Melbourne have identified an Australian strain of fungus that causes citrus anthracnose. “Our research group at the University of Melbourne analyzed Colletotrichum collected from samples of anthracnose lesions on citrus leaves, twigs and fruit,” researchers Weixia Wang and Paul Taylor wrote. “The study identified six Colletotrichum species infecting Australian citrus. One of these is a …

Effects of Grower Tools on Citrus Diseases and Roots

Ashley RobinsonDiseases, Root health

Citrus researchers at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) are taking a more comprehensive look at how tools to manage HLB affect young trees. The goal is to develop integrated approaches and update management practices for growers. After one year of the research project, some interesting results are already emerging. The research project, “Establishing Healthy …

The Challenge of Solving Citrus Tree Diseases

Ernie NeffDiseases

“When a tree gets infected, there is generally no way to cure it,” University of Maryland virologist Anne Simon wrote in a recent white paper about invasive tree diseases. She explained that trees lack adaptive immune systems, so once infected they typically must tolerate the pathogen for the remainder of their lifespan. “In some cases, immunity can be provided by …

Fungal Disease Management Recommendations

Ernie NeffDiseases

University of Florida multi-county citrus Extension agent Chris Oswalt discussed fungal disease management in the April Central Florida citrus Extension newsletter. Here is a summary: In Florida, fruit fungal diseases that are oftentimes problematic in the early spring are melanose, scab and alternaria brown spot, along with citrus canker. In the summer period, greasy spot is more of a problem, …

Vaccinating Trees Against CTV and HLB

Ernie NeffDiseases

University of Maryland virologist Anne Simon and the company she founded, Silvec Biologics, have successfully vaccinated laboratory hosts against citrus tristeza virus (CTV). They are now focusing on HLB, also called citrus greening. The vaccination induces trees to produce their own therapeutic agents.   Silvec’s vaccination concept is based on the discovery of a novel infectious RNA that the company calls …

supreme court

Australia Declared Free of Citrus Canker

Ernie NeffDiseases, International

On April 12, Australia was officially declared free from citrus canker after the remaining restricted areas in the Northern Territory (NT) were lifted. The disease was not detected in commercial orchards in Australia and was restricted to non-commercial residences in Western Australia (WA) and NT. Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management David Littleproud acknowledged NT and WA for their …

Plan Greasy Spot and Melanose Management

Tacy CalliesDiseases, Tip of the Week

By Megan Dewdney Greasy spot and melanose are two fungal diseases that have long needed the attention of Florida citrus growers. While they are more of a concern for fresh fruit growers, trees for processing can be damaged, too. In terms of management priorities, greasy spot is the greater concern since it reduces tree photosynthetic capacity and causes defoliation. Melanose …