By Ariel Singerman For processed oranges grown in Southwest Florida during 2020–21, the estimated cultural costs were $1,508 per acre. Total costs of production were $1,882 per acre. Those estimates are down $214 per acre compared to the previous season. This is the result of growers reducing costs across all grove programs, except for fungicides and irrigation. Such a cutback …
Economic Trends, Disaster Analysis Discussed
The economic trends of Florida’s citrus industry and how the impacts of a natural disaster are determined were discussed recently by a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) economist. Christa Court, assistant professor of regional economics and director of the UF/IFAS Economic Impact Analysis Program, said Florida citrus production and yield are trending downward. “But we …
Value of Florida’s Citrus Industry Is Up
Despite a decrease in citrus production, the Florida citrus industry contributed more value to the state of Florida in 2019-20 than the previous season. According to a study conducted by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), the industry had an economic impact of $6.762 billion to the state and supported more than 33,300 jobs. The …
FDOC Offers 2020-21 Citrus Season Outlook
Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) economist Marisa Zansler recently broke down the expected utilization of the 57 million boxes of oranges Florida is forecast to produce in the 2020-21 season. She also offered projections for utilization of grapefruit and specialty fruit, and made other economic projections in her outlook for the season. ORANGESAbout 96 percent of the orange crop is …
Growers Sustain Losses
Not many watching a recent virtual Citrus Expo presentation were surprised by Ariel Singerman’s declaration that “taking into account total cost, on average, growers sustained a loss” in the 2019-20 Florida citrus season. Singerman, a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences economist, pegged the average per-acre losses at $1,606 for early-midseason oranges and $1,254 for Valencias. Singerman …
Stefanou to Lead USDA Economic Research Service
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) scientist Spiro Stefanou has been appointed as U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service (USDA/ERS) administrator. Stefanou was a professor in the UF/IFAS food and resource economics department. The mission of USDA/ERS is to anticipate trends and emerging issues in agriculture, food, the environment and rural America and to conduct high-quality, …
New Economic Reports for Florida Citrus
By Ariel Singerman Four reports summarizing Florida citrus industry survey-collected data during the 2019–2020 season are available at The reports include the average cost of production for processed oranges, harvesting charges, custom rate (or caretaking) charges and packing charges. The estimates presented in those reports, as well as those available for previous seasons, document the changes in the industry …
Florida Citrus Value Takes a Hit
A new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) report shows the value of the Florida citrus crop has substantially shrunk in the past year. The 2019–2020 Citrus Summary report was released by USDA’s National Agriculture Statistics Service on Aug. 26. It shows the $729 million preliminary on-tree value of the 2019–2020 citrus crop is 19 percent less than the $902 million …
New University of Florida Economist in Immokalee
Morgan graduated from the University of Florida three times. She earned a bachelor’s degree in animal sciences and then master’s and doctoral degrees in food and resource economics, all from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Mostly recently, she began her position as associate professor of food and resource …
Juice Imports, Fruit Prices and Production Costs
In a recent presentation titled “Juice Imports, Fruit Prices and Cost of Production,” Ariel Singerman provided the price and yield required to break even growing oranges in Southwest Florida. “Average cultural cost of $1,847 requires prices for E&M (early and mid) and Valencias to be $2.31 and $2.01 per pound solids, respectively, just to break even,” the University of Florida …
Florida Citrus Grower Profitability to Decline
Although orange juice sales have surged in recent months, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) director of economic and market research expects growers to have reduced profitability this season. Marisa Zansler told the Florida Citrus Commission on May 20 that demand for Florida citrus is expected to be tempered with higher production costs and suppressed grower prices for uncommitted early/mid …
Alico: Citrus Price Improvement Could Be Coming
Alico, Inc., one of Florida’s largest citrus producers, announced financial results for the second quarter of fiscal year 2020 and the six-month period ending March 31. Some highlights regarding the company’s citrus operation follow. For the six-months ending March 31, Alico Citrus harvested approximately 5.61 million boxes of fruit, an increase of 23.3 percent from the same period a year …
The Economics of Mesh Bags for Protecting Young Citrus Trees
By Ariel Singerman The use of mesh bags has been proposed as a strategy for excluding Asian citrus psyllids to protect young citrus trees. The expected benefit of using mesh bags is increased yield by delaying HLB infection. A scientific experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of mesh bags started in February 2018. There are still many unknowns regarding yield, use …
U.S. Citrus Supply and Prices
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service (ERS) released a Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook report on March 31. The report shows that the forecast for the U.S. citrus crop is down 4 percent from last season and how this is affecting imports, exports and pricing. LOWER PRODUCTIONU.S. all-orange production is expected to decrease by 1.6 percent, largely due …
Managing Orange Production Costs
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension economist Ariel Singerman discusses a recent article he wrote titled “How Much Can Florida Growers Afford to Spend on Caretaking Processed Orange Groves?” The article addresses the grove management decisions growers must make in the face of recent orange price declines. It points out that an average grower would …
Citrus Shipping Costs and Concerns
By Tara Wade On Dec. 16, 2019, all commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) are mandated to carry electronic logging devices (ELDs). These ELDs will replace paper logs and attach to trucks’ engines. They easily record idle time, driving time, miles driven, vehicle movement, and on- and off-duty time — making it easier for law enforcement to check if drivers are compliant …
How Much Can Florida Growers Afford to Spend on Caretaking Processed Orange Groves?
By Ariel Singerman The decrease in prices for processed oranges this season presents growers with challenging management decisions. Last October, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) projected an average 2019–20 price for early and mid-season oranges of $1.62 per pound solids, while for Valencia oranges the forecast was $1.78 per pound solids. Those projected prices represent a 26 percent decline …
Grower Frustration Mounting Over Millions of Uncommitted Boxes
Highlands County grower Jarred Eddy recently shared his frustration with the Florida Citrus Commission over his failure to receive any offers for the fruit from his 200-acre grove. Following Eddy’s Oct. 23 presentation, he and Highlands County Citrus Growers Association Executive Director Ray Royce discussed the problem. Eddy says he expected offers several times since the middle of summer, but “as …
Economics of CUPS and IPCs
At Citrus Expo, economist Ariel Singerman discussed the economics of producing citrus under protective screen (CUPS) and covering young trees with individual protective covers (IPCs). The primary purpose of both strategies is to exclude HLB-spreading Asian citrus psyllids. Singerman is with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). Singerman calculated that a CUPS grower who insures …
The Real Cost of HLB in Florida
By Ariel Singerman This article summarizes the major changes in the cost of production for processed oranges in Florida since the outbreak of huanglongbing (HLB). To deal with the disease, growers have significantly changed their cultural practices. Those changes have had a considerable impact on the cost of production per acre. NOMINAL COSTS VS. REAL COSTSHowever, given that inflation also …