U.S. Citrus Demand Exceeds Supply

Josh McGillExport/Import, Production

While the U.S. domestic supply of citrus has declined tremendously, imports have increased substantially. That, says American Farm Bureau Federation economist Daniel Munch, is a telltale sign that consumer demand for citrus in the United States is now greater than domestic production capacity. “In other words, we’ve become partially reliant on other nations for citrus products,” Munch writes in U.S. …


Weather, Costs and Other Citrus Impacts

Josh McGillProduction, Weather

In U.S. Citrus Production – An Uphill Battle to Survive, Daniel Munch zeroed in on issues impacting citrus-producing states. In excerpts that follow, the American Farm Bureau Federation economist focuses on weather, disease, population, production shifts and increasing costs that have impacted citrus. FLORIDA FACES NUMEROUS CHALLENGESIn 2017, Hurricane Irma’s high winds and damaging rains battered key citrus-producing regions in …

U.S. Citrus Concerns Summarized

Josh McGillProduction

American Farm Bureau Federation economist Daniel Munch recently detailed concerns about the U.S. citrus industry in a report titled U.S. Citrus Production – An Uphill Battle to Survive. Excerpts providing an overview of those concerns follow.  Once leaders in citrus crop production, U.S. growers (particularly those in Florida) have faced numerous challenges that have led to an unfortunate decline in …

Fine-Tuning CUPS Production Practices

Josh McGillCUPS, Production

Mixon family members were pioneers in the Florida blueberry industry. Brothers Jerry and Keith Mixon planted their first berries in 1993. Over the years, they grew their business and became worldwide marketers, eventually adding blackberries, raspberries and strawberries to their portfolio. BACK TO CITRUSIn 2011, they sold their berry business to the Dole Food Company. But the brothers still had …

Drought and Freeze Don’t Deter Grower

Josh McGillOrganic, Production, Weather

Apopka citrus grower Chip Henry reports that McGuire Groves received 9.5 inches of rain in March 2022. In March 2023, it received less than half an inch. Portions of Lee, Hendy and Collier counties were in an extreme drought as of April 6, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Many other areas of Florida, including where McGuire Groves is located, …

U.S. Citrus Production to Decline Over a Decade

Josh McGillEconomics, Production

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) projects American citrus production will decline from 11.2 billion pounds in 2022 to 9.8 billion pounds in 2032. The 10-year outlook for citrus is part of the lengthy USDA Agricultural Projections to 2032 report. The report was issued in February by the chief economist’s office at the USDA. According to the report, total citrus …

Flower Bud Advisories Have Begun

Josh McGillProduction

Regular flower bud advisories from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) were restarted Nov. 21 and will be provided every other week through early spring. Associate Professor Tripti Vashisth provides the advisories. The advisories provide critical information about the intensity and time of citrus blooms. Growers use this information to determine when to spray for …

Flower Bud Advisories Promote Better Planning

Josh McGillProduction, Tip of the Week

By Tripti Vashisth In Florida, it is the time of year to start following citrus flower bud induction conditions for next year’s bloom. Citrus flower bud induction starts in the fall and usually is complete by early January. Low temperatures first stop growth and then promote induction of flower buds as more hours of low temperatures accumulate (below 68 degrees). …

Irrigation Contributes to Rising Yields in São Paulo

Josh McGillBrazil, Irrigation, Production

Use of irrigation for citrus in Brazil’s state of São Paulo has grown by almost 33% in the last six years, according to Citricultor magazine, published by Fundecitrus. The magazine cites irrigation and other improved growing practices as causes for a continuing yield rate acceleration.      In 35 years, citrus production per hectare in São Paulo has leaped by about 178%, …


The Role of Boron in Citrus Production

Josh McGillNutrition, Production

Borates Today recently issued a news release titled Citrus Fruits and Boron: What You Need to Know. A summary follows: Boron is a trace element used in the production of citrus fruits. It is required for proper plant development and preserving consistent fruit yield and quality. The element has a role in flower initiation, pollen germination, nitrogen metabolism, hormonal influences …

navel oranges

California Navel Orange Forecast Up

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Production

The initial 2022–23 California navel orange forecast is for 76 million cartons, up 19% from the previous year. Of the total navel orange forecast, 73 million cartons are estimated to be in the Central Valley. Cara Cara variety navel orange production in the Central Valley is forecast at 8 million cartons. The Sept. 12 forecast was issued by the California …

pest risk

California Yields Most Citrus per Acre

Josh McGillProduction

California led the nation in boxes-per-acre yield for every citrus variety grown in 2021–22, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA/NASS) recently reported. The yields per acre, along with on-tree prices and other information, is in the agency’s Citrus Fruits 2022 Summary. ORANGES California’s 140,000 acres of bearing orange acres produced 289 boxes per acre in the …

Decline in U.S. Citrus Production and Value

Josh McGillProduction

Citrus production and crop value in the Unites States both declined in 2021–22 compared to the prior season, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA/NASS) reported recently. PRODUCTIONCitrus utilized production in the United States for the 2021–22 season totaled 5.61 million tons, down 19% from the 2020–21 season. California accounted for 62% of total United States citrus …

Florida Citrus Value Drops Steeply

Josh McGillFlorida, Production

The $438 million preliminary on-tree value of the 2021–2022 Florida citrus crop is 29% less than the $613 million revised value for 2020–2021, according to a federal Citrus Summary. The summary reported production, price and value of the 2021–2022 crop. It was released Sept. 7 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. PRODUCTION PLUMMETS Florida’s all citrus …

Combined Treatment Reduced Drop and Increased Size

Josh McGillFruit Drop, HLB Management, Production

A combination of gibberellic acid (GA) and 2,4-D reduced preharvest fruit drop by 18% and improved fruit size but produced no statistical effect on yield, researcher Tripti Vashisth reported Aug. 30. The combination “seems promising,” the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) horticulturist stated. The report was based on first year results from a trial of …

Groundcovers Influence Citrus Yield and Water Use

Josh McGillIrrigation, Production, Tip of the Week

By Sandra M. Guzmán In Florida citrus, black fabric mulch groundcovers have been used for the control of the invasive Diaprepes abbreviatus (root weevil). However, these groundcovers can also serve as a best management practice (BMP) to optimize tree water uptake and maintain nutrients around the root system. A three-year University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) …

European Mandarin Production to Drop

Josh McGillInternational, Mandarins, Production

European Union (EU) mandarin production in 2021–22 is forecast at 3.16 million metric tons (MMT), a 2.3% decrease from the previous year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) recently reported. Spain will be the largest EU producer of mandarins in 2021–22 at 2.1 MMT, down from 2.3 MMT the prior year. Italy’s expected mandarin production of 832,300 …

How Alico Had Less Crop Decline Than Average

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, Production

Alico President and CEO John Kiernan recently pointed out that the company had less orange crop decline than Florida as a whole in the 2021–22 citrus season. He noted that while the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that the Florida crop declined 22.7% from the prior season, Alico’s decline was only 12.9%. “The company believes this lower rate of decline …

Global Citrus Production Is Up in All Categories

Josh McGillInternational, Production

Brazil, China and Mexico are the top producers. Brazil easily continues to lead the world in orange and orange juice (OJ) production, while China dominates in production of tangerines/mandarins and grapefruit. Mexico remains the leading producer of lemons and limes. These facts come from a July report on world citrus issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. …