
Workshop Provides Black Spot Advice

Ernie NeffDiseases

Information to help growers find and control citrus black spot (CBS), as well as CBS regulatory procedures, were provided in an Oct. 26 training workshop in Arcadia. The workshop was hosted by multi-county citrus Extension agent Ajia Paolillo. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) plant pathologist Megan Dewdney discussed the pest’s lifecycle, potential spread due to …

Survey Seeks Input on Fresh Fruit Decay

Ernie NeffFresh

Florida growers, packers and shippers of fresh fruit are being asked to take a survey that will help guide programs addressing fresh fruit decay. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher Mark Ritenour said he’d like as many survey responses as possible by mid-November. Ritenour said funding has been provided from a Florida Citrus Packers/U.S. Department of …

Black Spot Management Strategies Updated

Ernie NeffDiseases

The title of Megan Dewdney’s Citrus Expo presentation was, “Shorten the skirts? Whether skirting improves citrus black spot fungicidal management.” The answer was “no,” based on trials she conducted to make that determination. But while skirting doesn’t appear to improve citrus black spot (CBS) fungicide programs, she pointed out that “there are other good disease management reasons to skirt.” Dewdney …

Phytophthora Root Rot a Concern in Georgia Citrus

Tacy CalliesDiseases

A saturated summer across the Southeast means more potential for development of phytophthora root rot disease in citrus trees. The impact on Georgia’s young trees could be devastating, says Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia assistant professor and small fruits pathologist. Oliver implores Georgia’s citrus producers to stay vigilant with their fungicide sprays, as the wet conditions have not let up. …

Making Sense of Biologicals: Seaweed for Citrus Stress Management

Tacy CalliesMSOB

Florida provides an environment conducive to producing a variety of crops 365 days a year. It has beautiful sunshine, an ideal climate and ample rainfall for most of the year. These conditions allow Florida growers to produce some of the best citrus in the world. But Florida citrus is not immune to the harsh realities that can come with growing …

Florida Break-Even Yields and Prices

Tacy CalliesEconomics, Tip of the Week

By Ariel Singerman For processed oranges grown in Southwest Florida during 2020–21, the estimated cultural costs were $1,508 per acre. Total costs of production were $1,882 per acre. Those estimates are down $214 per acre compared to the previous season. This is the result of growers reducing costs across all grove programs, except for fungicides and irrigation. Such a cutback …


Brown Rot Management Advice

Ernie NeffDiseases

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) multi-county citrus Extension agent Ajia Paolillo discussed brown rot management in the September Extension newsletter, Citrus from the Ridge to the Valley. Her article follows. As we move into September, it is essential to remember that brown rot can impact yield, especially early varieties. Brown rot is caused by either …

Summer Citrus Intern Sought for 2022

Ernie NeffEducation

Syngenta Crop Protection is seeking a paid citrus intern for the summer of 2022. The company will assign the intern to a mentor and a territory, and provide a vehicle for work use. The intern will gain experience with territory management and pest and disease identification. Opportunities will be provided to gain sales and marketing experience and exposure to the …

Making Sense of Biologicals: A Key Tool Against Citrus Canker

Tacy CalliesMSOB

Disease management ranks high on the list of every Florida citrus grower’s agenda. Tools are available for producers to combat citrus diseases like greasy spot, melanose, scab, foot rot and citrus canker. But growers can never have enough tools, especially when disease resistance is a real possibility in the future. STOCKING THE TOOLBOX“To grow citrus trees and produce quality fruit …

Controlling Diplodia Stem-End Rot Before Harvest

Tacy CalliesDiseases

By Mark A. Ritenour, Jiuxu Zhang, Liliana M. Cano and Megan M. Dewdney The decay of fresh citrus fruit in Florida is usually caused by fungal pathogens that grow and develop in the hot and wet conditions typical to the state. While green and sometimes blue Penicillium molds and sour rot can cause Florida fruit to decay, the subtropical conditions …

Making Sense of Biologicals – Biofertilizers: Improving Nutrition in Citrus Trees

Tacy CalliesMSOB, Nutrition

Citrus greening disease appears to be a problem for the foreseeable future for Florida growers. But what if growers could improve nutrition so trees could better cope with the disease? Scientists at Douglas Plant Health believe biofertilizers have that capability. “Think about it from a human health standpoint,” says Marcus Jones, vice president of research and development at Douglas Plant …

Change in Grove Practices Leads to Award

Ernie NeffAwards

Brad Turner has worked in Florida citrus more than 40 years as a grower, production manager, caretaker and nursery owner. For most of that time, he focused on using synthetic fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides and herbicides as the necessary inputs for citrus management. But a change in the way he thought citrus should be grown led to him being named a …

Making Sense of Biologicals: Improve Fruit Size and Quality

Tacy CalliesBiostimulants, MSOB

Citrus growers need as many tools in their toolbox as possible. With the Florida citrus industry decimated in recent years, mainly due to citrus greening disease, growers are exploring all options to help them succeed. CYAN 365®, a biostimulant from C Green Ag Biotechnology, is one tool that has proven to help enhance the quality and size of citrus crops, …

Fungal Disease Management Recommendations

Ernie NeffDiseases

University of Florida multi-county citrus Extension agent Chris Oswalt discussed fungal disease management in the April Central Florida citrus Extension newsletter. Here is a summary: In Florida, fruit fungal diseases that are oftentimes problematic in the early spring are melanose, scab and alternaria brown spot, along with citrus canker. In the summer period, greasy spot is more of a problem, …

Plan Greasy Spot and Melanose Management

Tacy CalliesDiseases, Tip of the Week

By Megan Dewdney Greasy spot and melanose are two fungal diseases that have long needed the attention of Florida citrus growers. While they are more of a concern for fresh fruit growers, trees for processing can be damaged, too. In terms of management priorities, greasy spot is the greater concern since it reduces tree photosynthetic capacity and causes defoliation. Melanose …

Making Sense of Biologicals: Crop Optimization With Seaweed

Tacy CalliesBiostimulants, MSOB

Sometimes growers must think outside the box to remain sustainable amid high input costs and devastating diseases. That is the situation facing citrus growers who are struggling to remain viable in the era of citrus greening. What if seaweed could be used to aid in the quality of citrus production? Seaweed is a biostimulant that is part of the biological …

Making Sense of Biologicals: Benefits of Biostimulants

Tacy CalliesBiostimulants, MSOB

Fertilizers help crops reach maximum yields while fungicides prevent diseases. But what if there were products available that could further enhance the fruiting qualities all growers hope to achieve every season? IMPROVED FRUIT PRODUCTIONIf growers can increase the level of flowering hormones in their crops, this will allow for a better fertilization process that will generate improved fruit set and …

Foliar Disease Management in 2021

Tacy CalliesDiseases

By Megan Dewdney There were many challenges in 2020, but fortunately the Florida season for foliar citrus diseases was relatively normal. Little to no postbloom fruit drop (PFD) was reported during the 2020 bloom because of a sudden dry spell as the flowers opened. As spring 2021 approaches, the forecast is for a La Niña weather pattern with slightly warmer …

Sneak Peek: February 2021 Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesDiseases, Sneak Peek

While everyone strives to protect themselves from coronavirus disease, growers have an additional concern: protecting their trees from citrus disease. While HLB is of course the most damaging disease of citrus, there are other diseases that should not be overlooked. Disease management is the theme of the February 2021 issue of Citrus Industry magazine. University of Florida Institute of Food …


Fight Phytophthora Root Rot in Citrus

Josh McGillSponsored Content

Citrus growers need every available tool to fight disease, reduce tree stress and keep groves healthy against Phytophthora root rot. According to the University of Florida Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), Phytophthora root rot is one of the most important diseases threatening citrus yield. This disease can be caused by different species within the genus Phytophthora, a water mold in the …