Israel’s Dynamic Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesCitrus

By Stephen H. Futch and Ariel Singerman As home to three of the world’s major religions, Israel is one of the most diverse countries in the world. Besides its cultural diversity and historical importance, Israel is also a major citrus producer and exporter. Israel’s citrus industry began in 1882. As new immigrants moved to the country, they established many very …

new york times

May 4 Is National OJ Day

Tacy CalliesOrange Juice

Ray Royce of the Highlands County Citrus Growers Association reminds citrus industry members that this Saturday, May 4 is National OJ Day. “You are encouraged to think about how, even in a very small way, you can help assist in reminding your friends, neighbors and business associates that Americans have long had a love affair with orange juice,” says Royce. …

Sneak Peek: May 2019 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

The May issue of Citrus Industry magazine offers something for everyone. The diverse range of article topics in this issue is sure to be of interest to readers. First, growers will want to read the latest research on citrus tristeza virus (CTV). Although this is an old problem in Florida, it’s still a threat today — especially if you are …


Soil and Water pH Play a Key Part in Nutrition

Tacy CalliesNutrition, Water

By Tripti Vashisth, Davie Kadyampakeni and Lushan Ghimire In the past few years, horticultural citrus grove management practices have changed significantly in Florida. It is a common observation across the state that huanglongbing (HLB)-affected trees respond well to complete and balanced nutrition programs. Therefore, citrus growers are currently focusing on intensive management of irrigation and nutrition. HLB-affected trees suffer a …


What Will Come from Brazil?

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Global Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves On the supply side, Florida expects 77 million boxes of oranges this season. Valencias account for 46 million boxes, while non-Valencia represent 31 million boxes. With reports of smaller fruit, these figures may drop before the end of the processing season. SEASON STATUSIn general, the Florida weather has been favorable this season, allowing for a good …

PIECES OF THE PAST: Noteworthy 1921 Tangelo Tree

Tacy CalliesPieces of the Past

I came across an article in the March 1921 issue of Citrus Industry that was titled “Tangelo Tree Attracts Attention” by W.B. Powell of Lakeconics. Two things caught my eye: 1) “Lakeconics” — where or what the heck was that!? and 2) the singular use of “Tree.” What was so special about this one tree? So, of course, I had …

IMG Citrus Adds 4,000-Acre Grove to Portfolio

Daniel CooperCitrus, Industry News Release

The future of Florida citrus is bright. IMG Citrus, a family-owned, vertically-integrated citrus grower, packer and shipper in Vero Beach, Florida, announced the acquisition of one of the largest grapefruit groves in St. Lucie County. The 4,000-acre grove increases IMG’s control of citrus land management in Florida by over 75 percent, securing the company’s position as an established citrus leader …

Ambrosia Beetle Update

Tacy CalliesPests

By Lauren Diepenbrock In October 2018, a potential “new pest” was found in large numbers in one grove in Hernando County, Florida. The damage to trees was dramatic, with dark staining throughout the trunk of the tree and beetle damage evident. It was something that would put any grower, Extension agent or researcher on alert. Fortunately, by working with Jiri …

Important Insurance Deadlines Are Approaching

Tacy Calliescrop insurance

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds Florida citrus growers of upcoming insurance deadlines as they relate to the Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program (WHIP) and the Block Grant. WHIP Requirement for Nursery CropsThe application sales closing date for crop insurance for 2020 Nursery Crops is May 1, 2019. Nursery growers who received WHIP benefits must …

Michaela McLean Crowned Miss Florida Citrus

Tacy CalliesAwards

The Florida citrus industry now has one of its own family members to serve as a spokesperson. Michaela McLean, sponsored by Pro Citrus Network, won the title of Miss Florida Citrus 2019 on March 23. Her family owns Uncle Matt’s Organic orange juice company, based in Clermont, Florida. “Uncle Matt is actually my uncle,” says McLean. “I’m on the back …

PIECES OF THE PAST: Citrus Cultivation a Century Ago

Tacy CalliesPieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette I found the first issue (January 1920) of Citrus Industry, courtesy of Jen Dawson at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, Florida. As I looked through the issue, I came across an article on soil tillage. Unfortunately, the pages had stuck together and only the last part was readable, but I wanted to …

citrus growers

Citrus Growers Meet in Florida’s Heartland

Daniel CooperCitrus

Several hundred Highlands County Citrus Growers Association (HCCGA) members and area community leaders turned out for the association’s 29th annual meeting on March 21 in Sebring, Florida. Florida Department of Citrus Executive Director Shannon Shepp briefly updated the group on activities of the department. Rep. Greg Steube (FL-District 17) was the featured speaker. He shared some of his experiences and …

Make Plans to Attend the Miss Florida Citrus Pageant

Tacy CalliesAwards, Public Relations

A new spokeswoman for the Sunshine’s State’s citrus industry will be crowned at the Miss Florida Citrus pageant next week. Citrus industry members are encouraged to attend the Miss Florida Citrus and Miss Winter Haven pageant on Saturday, March 23 at 7:00 p.m. at Polk State College’s Winter Haven Fine Arts Theatre. Tickets are available for $10 in advance at …

New Extension Agent for Indian River Citrus Growers

Daniel CooperCitrus, Industry News Release, Research

A horticultural research scientist with experience in the development of disease-free citrus rootstock and disease-tolerant citrus varieties in Iran’s northern agricultural region will now serve the Indian River District’s growers. Amir Rezazadeh recently began his new position as multicounty fruit and field crops agent for the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension in Saint Lucie …

PIECES OF THE PAST: Think Upside Down

Tacy CalliesPieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette The headline of a Wilson & Toomer Fertilizer Company advertisement in a 1949 Citrus Industry magazine read “how to think UPSIDE DOWN — and make more money!” It included the following copy: “If a tree can be said to think at all — it thinks from the bottom up — just opposite to Man. To make …


Gmitter Talks Gene Editing at AgVocacy Forum

Daniel CooperGenetic Engineering, Research

By Gary Cooper This year’s AgVocacy Forum, hosted by Bayer Crop Science, again featured numerous provocative and insightful presentations dealing with emerging issues in agriculture from a number of perspectives. Bayer hosts many of the nation’s farm media for this two-day event each year, just before the start of the nationwide gathering of corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum producers at …

Fungal Foliar Disease Concerns for 2019

Tacy CalliesDiseases

By Megan Dewdney The Florida citrus-growing seasons of 2017 and 2018 were quiet in terms of fungal foliar disease outbreaks. Small pockets of severe disease occurred sporadically, but there were no widespread reports of diseases like postbloom fruit drop, much to the relief of the industry. Greasy spot has flared up in a few locations on cultivars like Valencia, and …


Automated System Under Study to Deliver Bactericides

Daniel CooperCitrus Greening, Industry News Release, Research

Imagine using a robotic arm to grip and puncture the trunk of a citrus tree to deliver chemicals into the vascular parts of the plant, reducing its susceptibility to the citrus greening disease. Ozgur Batuman, an assistant professor of plant pathology at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), leads a team of researchers trying to …

Industry Encouraged to Support Miss Florida Citrus Program

Tacy CalliesPublic Relations

Citrus industry members are invited to attend the Miss Florida Citrus and Miss Winter Haven pageant on Saturday, March 23 at 7:00 p.m. at Polk State College’s Winter Haven Fine Arts Theatre. Tickets are available for $10 in advance at or $15 at the door. “The pageant is a Miss America preliminary pageant, which means that the two contestants …

Sneak Peek: February 2019 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

Disease defense is on the agenda for the February 2019 issue of Citrus Industry. University of Florida plant pathologist Megan Dewdney gives growers a fungal foliar disease forecast for this year. She warns that the risk of postbloom fruit drop is greater in 2019 than it was in 2017 and 2018. Other diseases she says growers should to be on …