The Search for Canker-Resistant Satsumas

Ashley RobinsonDiseases, Louisiana

Citrus canker, a highly contagious bacterial disease of citrus, was first detected in Louisiana around 1914 and declared eradicated by 1940. However, the disease reappeared in the state in 2013. Right now, there are no effective treatments to eliminate the disease after the infection has occurred. Adding insult to injury, Louisiana’s hot and humid climate is especially conducive to the …

New Research on HLB-Associated Fruit Drop

Ashley RobinsonFruit Drop

Tripti Vashisth revealed new research information on what causes preharvest fruit drop and possible strategies to mitigate the problem. The Florida citrus industry, stricken by HLB, has suffered a sharp increase in preharvest fruit drop, leading to a substantial reduction in citrus production. According to Vashisth, assistant professor of horticulture at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural …

Making Sense of Biologicals: Benefits of Biostimulants

Tacy CalliesBiostimulants, MSOB

Fertilizers help crops reach maximum yields while fungicides prevent diseases. But what if there were products available that could further enhance the fruiting qualities all growers hope to achieve every season? IMPROVED FRUIT PRODUCTIONIf growers can increase the level of flowering hormones in their crops, this will allow for a better fertilization process that will generate improved fruit set and …


UF/IFAS Citrus Position; Upcoming Grower Meetings

Ernie NeffAll In For Citrus Podcast

Michael Rogers with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) discussed plans to hire a new citrus horticulturist, as well as grower meetings set for March. Rogers is director of the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) in Lake Alfred. The horticulturist to be hired will work with UF/IFAS plant breeders on the field development …

Florida citrus growers

HLB Spending Summarized

Ernie NeffCRDF

Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) Chief Operating Officer Rick Dantzler on Feb. 23 detailed CRDF spending on efforts to solve HLB. According to Dantzler, the Florida-based organization spent $140.7 million between its formation in 2009 and 2020. The vast majority of CRDF’s focus has been on HLB. Dantzler’s report came moments after University of Florida (UF) Institute of Food …


Improving Root Health in the Era of HLB

Ashley RobinsonRoot health

Developing and maintaining a healthy root system is crucial for establishment and long-term productivity of citrus trees. The presence of HLB can greatly complicate citrus root-health management. The infection causes severe damage to fibrous roots that amplify the detrimental effects caused by other root pests and pathogens, such as phytophthora root rot. Due to HLB’s widespread presence throughout Florida, root-health …

citrus forecast

Florida Representatives Concerned About EU Grapefruit Tariffs

Ernie NeffGrapefruit

Twenty-two members of the Florida congressional delegation, led by Reps. Darren Soto and Bill Posey, wrote a letter to Acting U.S. Trade Representative Maria Pagan expressing concerns over retaliatory tariffs placed by the European Union (EU) on U.S. agricultural products. The letter focused on the harm the EU tariffs could do to Florida grapefruit. Here’s the full text of the …

Canker Treatment Uses Less Water and Copper

Tacy CalliesDiseases

An important bacterial disease that affects citrus trees and causes lesions, citrus canker has been effectively controlled by spraying copper. However, standard management techniques involve spraying excessive amounts of copper and water without consideration for the size of the trees. “This technique resulted in a waste of resources as well as higher costs, detrimental environmental impact and risk for development …

Protecting Young Citrus Trees

Ashley RobinsonProduction

Newly planted citrus trees and resets require more care and attention than established trees to ensure establishment and proper growth. Many growers use tree wraps to protect the trunks of young trees. These protective wraps offer a layer of protection to the bark underneath and can be used during the winter season or year-round. Jake Price, University of Georgia Extension …

Sneak Peek: March 2021 Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

As growers strive for sustainability in the HLB era, biological controls are playing an increasingly important role in citrus production. The March issue of Citrus Industry magazine features some of the latest biological control research. An article by University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologist Jawwad Qureshi looks at three types of biological control agents used …

Q&A With FDOC’s Shannon Shepp

Tacy CalliesFlorida Department of Citrus

Shannon Shepp, executive director of the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), answers several questions regarding her agency’s work, including efforts to market orange juice (OJ) and other Florida citrus products. She fields additional questions of interest to the citrus industry, including about demand for citrus products, foreign OJ imports, and industry challenges and opportunities. The FDOC is governed by the …


All In For Citrus Podcast, February 2021

Taylor HillmanAll In For Citrus Podcast, Sponsored Content

February’s All In For Citrus podcast brings good news about a new faculty position, an upcoming in-person meeting and Australian finger limes projects to battle HLB and keep growers profitable. After more than a year in the making, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) plans to add a new faculty member in citrus horticulture. Citrus …

New Solution for Fruit Drop?

Ashley RobinsonFruit Drop, Research

Fruit left on the ground is a waste for growers and consumers alike, and Florida’s citrus industry certainly cannot afford to leave any fruit behind. Citrus fruit drop before harvest has been particularly challenging during the 2020-21 Florida growing season. That is why Fernando Alferez, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus horticulturist, is researching strategies …

Citrus Greening Solutions: How Long Will It Take?

Tacy CalliesCitrus Greening

It may not be the answer Florida citrus growers want to hear, but it is likely to be several years before a citrus greening remedy is put in place to combat the destructive disease. University of Florida professor Fred Gmitter shared his assessment on possible citrus greening solutions during a recent American Seed Trade Association webinar. “We learn a lot …

Texas Freeze Leaves Citrus Crop in Trouble

Ashley Robinsonfreeze

The historic cold snap that has frozen Texas this week has left citrus growers with little hope for saving their crops. “We’ve had the perfect trifecta this season,” says Dale Murden, citrus grower and president of Texas Citrus Mutual. “We’ve endured the lingering drought, Hurricane Hanna and now the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre — all on top of the pandemic. …

Georgia Citrus Conference to Be Online

Ernie NeffGeorgia

Due to COVID-19, the 2021 Georgia Citrus Association (GCA) Conference will not be held in person. Instead, the GCA is launching a new website and membership platform. This state-of-the-art tool will allow members to view presentations by experts at any time. Topics include weed management, citrus diseases and disorders, testing for diseases, precision agriculture, crop insurance, cold protection and the …


Thrips Management Tips

Tacy CalliesPests, Tip of the Week

As Florida growers prepare for the spring bloom, it is time to think about a pest that thrives on citrus flowers: thrips. Most notably, flower thrips are known to cause damage to developing flowers in sweet orange. Feeding damage can range from negligible to causing abortion of the flower or developing fruitlet. This pest is particularly challenging because it migrates …

Coordinated Treatment Planned for California Citrus

Taylor HillmanHLB Management

Citrus growers and industry members recently gathered virtually to discuss the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and huanglongbing disease (HLB) situation throughout the Central Valley of California. The reason for the concern is a negative trend seen in 2020. ACP DETECTION HISTORYACPs, the vectors for the disease, are widespread in Southern California where HLB-infected trees have been found. There are ongoing …


Georgia Owari Rootstock Trial Update

Ashley RobinsonGeorgia, Rootstocks

Ongoing citrus rootstock trials being conducted by the University of Georgia (UGA) hold promise for Georgia’s growing citrus industry. Jake Price, UGA Extension agent and Lowndes County Extension coordinator, has produced six local citrus rootstock/variety trials with varying objectives. The oldest trial, planted in 2014, is growing Owari satsuma trees on standard and new trifoliate hybrid rootstocks. Each year, as …


Nutrition Management Program Yields Results

Ashley RobinsonNutrition

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers have found that following nutrition and irrigation guidelines designed for a specific grove will help growers promote tree health and produce high-quality citrus. Last year, UF/IFAS scientists offered Florida growers a unique nutritional counseling program, commonly referred to as the nutrition box program. It provides free soil and leaf …