red sea

Red Sea Disruptions Hit Egyptian Citrus Exports

Daniel CooperInternational, Shipping

Attacks by Houthi rebels in Yemen on commercial vessels have resulted in many shipping companies rerouting away from two of the world’s busiest shipping routes — the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. Egyptian citrus exports have been part of the global trade and supply chain that has been disrupted by the attacks. Consequently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign …

Chilean Citrus Exports Soar

Tacy CalliesExport, International

Chilean citrus exports in the 2023 season increased 48% over the previous season, and 16% over the average of the last three seasons, the Chilean Citrus Committee reported. A total of 395,889 tons have been exported, of which 15.5% were clementines, 43.7% mandarins, 23.7% oranges and 17.1% lemons. U.S. IS TOP MARKETThe United States was the main destination market, receiving …

Brazilian OJ Exports to United States Surge

Josh McGillBrazil, Orange Juice

Brazil is the world’s leading exporter of orange juice (OJ) and accounts for nearly 80% of the OJ marketed in the world. For every five cups of orange juice consumed, almost four are produced in Brazil. According to the Institute of Agricultural Economics, in the first four months of the year, São Paulo exported $682 million in juice, of which …

Florida citrus

Florida Citrus Prices, Exports and Yields

Josh McGillExport, Orange Juice

Summaries of last season’s processed citrus prices, exports and juice yields were part of the recently released Florida Citrus Statistics 2021–22. The summary was produced by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS). PROCESSED PRICESThe delivered-in price per pound of solids (PPS) for all processed oranges …

Australia on Pace for Record Mandarin Exports

Josh McGillExport, International, Mandarins

Australian tangerine and mandarin production in 2022–23 is forecast at 190,000 metric tons (MT), a 9% increase over the 2021–22 estimate of 175,000 MT. This growth is predominantly related to a young tree age profile, with an increasing area of plantings entering production. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).   From …

Brazil’s Orange Juice Production and Exports

Josh McGillBrazil, Orange Juice

Production of Brazilian frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) is forecast at 1.12 million metric tons (MMT) in 2022–23, a drop of 1% from the prior year. The reduction is due to the lower availability of fruit for processing, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) Brazilian citrus report. São Paulo is expected to process 268 …

Ever-Changing MRLs for Fresh Citrus Exports

Josh McGillExport, Pesticides

By Mark A. Ritenour Modern production practices for fresh fruits and vegetables usually include the use of various preharvest and postharvest chemicals, some of which are pesticides. Legally, these materials must be labeled for use on specific crops and may only be used according to label instructions. Chemical residues on fruits and vegetables are monitored by industry and regulators to …

Brazilian NFC OJ Exports Boom

Josh McGillBrazil, Export, Orange Juice

Brazilian exports of not-from-concentrate orange juice (NFC OJ) have jumped 296% in volume over the past 18 crop seasons, reaching a peak of 1.5 million tons in the 2017–18 season. During the same period, exports of concentrated OJ declined 46%. Concentrated OJ historically had accounted for the highest volume of shipments of orange products to international markets. The increase in …

Morocco Citrus Exports to United States Set Record

Josh McGillExport, International

Morocco in 2021–22 shipped a record 110.5 million metric tons (MMT) of fresh citrus to the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) reported recently. That’s an increase of 156% over prior year shipments to the United States. Fresh tangerine and mandarin shipments to the United States increased 142% over the prior year, to 103.2 MMT. …

Australia Aims to Expand Citrus Exports to India

Josh McGillExport/Import, International

Citrus Australia will use a $485,711 grant from the federal government to increase citrus export opportunities to India for Australian growers, through targeted development of the Indian market. The Australian citrus industry currently exports up to $540 million worth of citrus around the world. India and the subcontinent have been recognized as potential growth markets. India has a population of …

Tariffs to Decline on Australian Citrus Exports to India

Josh McGillInternational, Trade

India and Australia have reached an interim outcome in free trade agreement negotiations that will reduce tariffs on Australian citrus exports by 50%. When enacted, the interim agreement will allow the entry of 13,700 tons of Australian citrus into India at a reduced tariff of 15%. The agreement coincides with a renewed effort by Citrus Australia to increase exports to …

Israel Citrus Exports Expected to Climb

Ernie NeffExport/Import

Exports of citrus from Israel in 2021-22 are forecast to reach 158,000 metric tons, up 16% from 2020-21, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported. However, FAS cautioned that exports could be lower “if higher-than-normal freight costs and limited shipping options continue.” Israel is seeking new export markets that will be able to absorb its produce with …

Mexico OJ Exports Increasing

Ernie NeffMexico, Orange Juice

Mexico is the second leading exporter of orange juice (OJ), following only Brazil, Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) economist Marisa Zansler reported recently. She said Mexico’s OJ exports increased incrementally in recent seasons in response to the decline in world OJ supplies. Excerpts from Zansler’s FDOC document, Florida Citrus Outlook 2021-22 Season, follow. Although a net exporter of orange juice, …

Fresh Citrus Production, Imports and Exports

Ernie NeffFresh

U.S. citrus production for the fresh market was estimated at 3.45 million tons in 2020-21, down 6% from the previous season, with smaller fresh-market crops of oranges (down 11%), grapefruit (down 15%) and lemons (down 6%). The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service reported the production levels in September. ORANGES DOWNRepresenting just under half of all U.S. citrus production …

Australia Fruit Traceability Project for Exports

Ernie NeffTechnology

Agriculture Victoria is funding an innovative $770,000 traceability pilot project for high-value exports that will be led by Citrus Australia, which represents commercial citrus growers. The funding is part of the Victorian government’s Food to Market program. The Citrus Australia project will utilize leading tracing technology, isotope testing, cool-chain tracking and orchard mapping to enhance traceability. Citrus Australia CEO Nathan …

Citrus Exports Face Challenges

Ernie NeffExport

Canker protocols in the European Union (EU) and difficulties transporting fruit to Asia are among problems hampering Florida’s fresh citrus exports, Dan Richey told participants during the recent virtual Packinghouse Day. Richey, of Riverfront Packing Company, is heavily involved in international trade issues on behalf of Florida’s citrus industry. The canker protocols that the EU has imposed for accepting Florida …

U.S. Grapefruit Exports to France Threatened

Tacy CalliesExport, Grapefruit

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service, a new French ban on the sale of fruits and vegetables with identifying stickers could threaten future exports of U.S. grapefruit. The ban is slated to be implemented on Jan. 1, 2022. The USDA report states that most U.S. grapefruit and some sweet potatoes shipped overseas have stickers that …

Keep Current With MRLs for Exports

Tacy CalliesExport, Tip of the Week

By Mark A. Ritenour The United States and other countries set maximum residue limits (MRLs) on fresh produce for various chemicals, including pesticides that might be used before or after harvest. These materials must be labeled for use on the crop of interest and used only according to label instructions. While it is unlikely for U.S. MRLs to be exceeded …

Peru’s Mandarin Exports on the Rise

Tacy CalliesExport, International

By Francisco Seva Rivadulla Peru’s mandarin growers are working to build on their export momentum and open new markets. “Negotiations are well advanced with India. The technical part is already finished, such as the phytosanitary registration; only the administrative part is missing,” said Sergio Del Castillo, general manager of the Citrus Producers Association of Peru (ProCitrus). “SENASA (Peru’s National Agrarian …

South Africa Citrus Exports to Break Record

Ernie NeffExport, International

The South Africa citrus industry will likely break all export season records with an estimated 158.7 million cartons in 2021, the Citrus Growers Association of Southern Africa (CGA) reported recently. If the estimate is reached, it would represent a third consecutive season of record export volumes, with 130 million cartons exported in 2019, followed by 146 million cartons in 2020. …