
Weathering the HLB Storm

Daniel CooperHLB Management

Specialty crop growers might be aware of the disease sweeping through Florida’s citrus industry. Its impact has been tremendous and has tested the survival of the state’s signature crop. This year will mark the 20th anniversary of the official confirmation of citrus greening disease (also known as huanglongbing or HLB) in Florida. In the past two decades, the state’s output …

citrus forecast

Changes in U.S. Citrus Forecast

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast

The U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Services (USDA/NASS) released a citrus forecast on Jan. 10. FLORIDA Florida orange and grapefruit production expectations were unchanged from the December citrus forecast. The Florida orange forecast remains at 12 million boxes and grapefruit at 1.2 million boxes. Florida non-Valencia orange final fruit size is smaller than the average, requiring 327 pieces …


Study Shows Impact of HLB Bacterium on Roots

Daniel CooperResearch, Root health

A recent study sheds light on the significant effects of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), the bacterium responsible for HLB, on the root systems of grafted Valencia orange trees. The findings reveal that root system reductions caused by the infection are more extensive than the corresponding aboveground declines. That finding underscores the hidden yet critical impact of the disease below the …

citrus tree

Experimental Citrus Tree Kills Young Psyllids

Daniel CooperHLB Management, Psyllids, Research

Scientists at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) are testing a new type of citrus tree that can fight off the HLB-spreading Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). The genetically modified tree has only been tested in the lab and the greenhouse but is very promising as a potential solution to HLB. The approach involves inserting a …

orange and tangerine

Orange and Tangerine Production in Argentina

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, International

Argentine orange and tangerine production are both forecast to decline in 2024–25 according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS). Orange production is projected at 620,000 metric tons (MT), down from 760,000 MT the prior year. Tangerine production is projected at 200,000 MT, down from 280,000 MT. REGIONS AND VARIETIES Sweet citrus is grown in both the …


International Project Arms Citrus Industry Against HLB

Daniel CooperHLB Management, International

Australia’s New South Wales (NSW) Government has partnered with the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research and Hort Innovation to prepare the citrus industry against huanglongbing (HLB). Although widespread in Asia and found in North and South America, HLB is not known to be present in Australia. The psyllid that spreads HLB is also absent from Australia. A collaborative research …

Florida Citrus Show

Registration Is Open for the Florida Citrus Show

Daniel CooperCitrus, Events, FCS24, Florida Citrus Show

The Florida Citrus Show is scheduled for Thursday, March 13, 2025. The event will be held at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Indian River Research and Education Center and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory in Fort Pierce. The Florida Citrus Show combines educational seminars for both …


A Look at Chilean Lemon Production

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, International, lemons

Chilean lemon production is projected to grow by 2.6% in 2024–25, reaching 197,000 metric tons (MT), the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) reported. Chile’s lemon acreage is expected to reach 10,400 hectares, a 4.8% increase from 2023–24. The increase in area planted is a major reason for the expected production increase. The area planted with lemons …


Florida Citrus Decline Detailed

Daniel CooperFlorida, Production

A December Florida TaxWatch report, The Continuing Decline of Florida’s Citrus Industry, highlights the causes of the industry’s demise in recent decades. Edited excerpts follow: In the last 20 years, Florida’s total citrus production has decreased by more than 90%, from around 300 million boxes in 2003–04 to just 20 million boxes in 2023–24. The 2022–23 season was the worst …

MASC program

USDA Increases MASC Program Payment Limit and Extends Deadline

Daniel Cooperfinancial, Marketing

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) is providing an additional $650 million in funding for the new Marketing Assistance for Specialty Crops (MASC) program and is extending the application deadline to Friday, Jan. 10, 2025. With a total of $2.65 billion available, MASC helps specialty crop producers expand markets and manage higher costs. FSA is also increasing …


Medfly Quarantine Expanded Again

Daniel CooperCalifornia Corner, Pests, Regulation

Twice in December, agriculture officials expanded the Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) quarantine area in California’s Alameda and Santa Clara counties, designated the Fremont quarantine. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) made the expansions Dec. 5 and Dec. 12. The quarantine was expanded in response to …

pest management

Plan Your 2025 Pest Management

Daniel CooperPest Management, Pests, Tip of the Week

By Lauren Diepenbrock Pest management is a year-round challenge in Florida citrus. With the warm climate, pests are at the ready as soon as plant resources are available to them. With knowledge of invertebrate biology in relation to tree phenology, growers can develop plans to protect fruit and maintain productive citrus trees. HIGHLY PROBLEMATIC PESTS Populations of some highly problematic …

Alico Citrus

Alico Citrus to Cease Operations After This Season

Daniel CooperIndustry News Release

Large Florida citrus grower Alico Citrus will cease operations after the current season’s harvest, parent company Alico, Inc. announced Jan. 6. The company cited increasing financial challenges from citrus greening disease and “environmental factors.”  Alico owns approximately 53,371 acres of land across eight counties in Florida, as well as approximately 48,700 acres of oil, gas and mineral rights in the …


Survey Tracks Hurricane Milton Impacts and OTC Usage

Daniel Cooperhurricane, planting, Survey

The Florida Citrus State of the Industry Survey seeks input from growers on key issues affecting their groves. While not a scientific survey, it has reflected general trends over the years. This year’s survey asked growers to weigh in on major events like the impact of Hurricane Milton and the performance of trunk-injection therapies. HURRICANE MILTON Hurricane Milton made landfall …


Have a Plan for Freeze Protection

Daniel CooperAll In For Citrus Podcast, freeze

Cold weather is in the forecast with the potential for freezing temperatures in the coming days. That means citrus growers should be thinking about their plans for cold protection. Chris Oswalt, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus Extension agent for Polk and Hillsborough counties, recently joined the All In For Citrus podcast to provide details …


Florida Winter Weather Trends

Daniel CooperWeather

Florida state climatologist David Zierden recently discussed past and present weather impacts on Florida citrus and said the next three months of winter are projected to be warmer than usual. Zierden, of Florida State University’s Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies, spoke during a virtual Winter Weather Lunch Break on Dec. 10. PAST Zierden said 13 freezes occurred over a 162-year …

South African

Small Changes for South African Orange Industry

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, International

South African orange production and area under production are both forecast to increase by 1% in 2024–25 compared to the prior year. Orange juice production is projected to climb 4%. The forecasts by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) are for 1.69 million metric tons (MMT) of orange production, 44,500 hectares of oranges planted, and orange …

functional beverage

Marketing Orange Juice as a Functional Beverage

Daniel CooperFlorida Department of Citrus, Marketing, Orange Juice

U.S. consumers have felt the sting of inflation, but that hasn’t kept them from drinking more beverages year after year, the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) recently reported. Tina Charpentier of Padilla, the Florida Department of Citrus’ (FDOC) marketing and issues management agency, told the FCC that consumers have endured a 30% increase in food prices since 2019. During that same …

Healthy Soils

California Citrus Growers Eligible for Healthy Soils Funding

Daniel CooperCalifornia Corner, soil

California Farm Bureau’s California Bountiful Foundation announced that citrus growers may apply for Healthy Soils Program (HSP) block grant funds from Jan. 20–31, 2025. Approximately $278,000 in grant funding is available for two to five new projects. The funding is available only to citrus growers who did not receive funding in the first HSP round, from other HSP programs or …

protection program

Florida Land Protection Program Accepting Applications

Daniel CooperFlorida, Land

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) announced the opening of an application cycle for landowners to apply to the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program. The program partners with farmers and ranchers through rural lands protection easements to preserve working agricultural operations. Landowners can submit applications online through Jan 29, 2025. FDACS will then review the applications …