Educational Opportunities for Growers

Ernie NeffCitrus Expo, Education

Michael Rogers discusses several educational opportunities for citrus growers, including the Citrus, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Expo and Citrus Packinghouse Day. Rogers is the director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC). The Expo (Aug. 18-19) and Packinghouse Day (Aug. 26) will be held in-person this year after taking …

orange juice

Suspension of OJ Brix Level Sought

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

For most months during the 2020-21 Florida citrus season, oranges did not meet the federal minimum standard of 10.5 degrees Brix for not-from-concentrate orange juice (OJ). According to a slide shown during Florida Citrus Mutual’s recent annual meeting, the average Brix level for oranges during the season was 10.45. Brix is a measure of the sugar content of juice. Consequently, …


All In For Citrus Podcast, June 2021

Tacy CalliesAll In For Citrus Podcast

This month’s All In for Citrus Podcast details the results and benefits growers are getting from the citrus nutrition box program. Before hearing from the coordinators of the program, Citrus Research and Education Center Director Michael Rogers shares updates on key events coming up this summer for the industry. The first is the Citrus, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Expo in …

Mexican Lime Imports Controversial in Australia

Ernie NeffInternational, Limes

Officers from the Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment in Australia held a meeting in May to discuss an import risk assessment that proposes to allow lime imports from Mexico. Many growers shared their concerns that allowing imports of Mexican limes would impact profitability of their farms at a time when labor is difficult to obtain and they …

FFVA Creates Stuart Scholarship

Ernie NeffScholarship

The Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association (FFVA) has created the Mike and Karen Stuart Scholarship. The scholarship encourages and supports college students who intend to pursue a career in the specialty crop industry. The specialty crop industry is an area of agriculture focused on vegetables, citrus, tropical fruit, berries, sod, sugar cane, tree crops and more. Applicants may be interested …

Renewed Effort to Stop Chinese Citrus Imports

Ernie NeffTrade

U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott of Florida recently urged U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to re-implement a prohibition on the importation of five varieties of citrus from China. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in April 2020 decided to allow the importation of the Chinese varieties. “The USDA’s decision continues to risk an increase in unfair trade competition …

florida orange

More Changes to Florida Citrus Crop Forecast

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast

On June 10, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service reported the Florida orange forecast at 52.7 million boxes. Total orange production is up 2% from the May forecast but down 22% from last season’s final utilization. The forecast for Florida non-Valencia orange production is 22.7 million boxes, unchanged from the previous forecast. The Navel forecast, included …

FDOC Reveals Preliminary Budget

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus

The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) on May 26 presented a preliminary 2021-22 operating budget of $18.095 million to its governing board, the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC). That is a 7% decrease from the previous season. The reduction reflects an expected reduction in crop size. Preliminary revenue is based on an estimate of 50 million boxes of Florida oranges, 4.2 …

NOAA Predicts Above-Normal Hurricane Season

Ernie Neffhurricane

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted another above-normal Atlantic hurricane season. Forecasters predict a 60% chance of an above-normal season, a 30% chance of a near-normal season and a 10% chance of a below-normal season. However, experts do not anticipate the historic level of storm activity seen in 2020.  For 2021, a likely range of 13 to 20 …

citrus forecast

Citrus Crop Forecast Has Small Changes

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

Reductions in the projected Florida grapefruit and tangerine/tangelo crops were the only changes in the May 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) citrus crop forecast. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) reduced Florida’s grapefruit crop projection by 2%, to 4.2 million boxes, down from 4.3 million boxes in April. The total 100,000-box reduction was in red grapefruit, which dipped to …

Herbicide Adjuvants in Citrus Weed Control

Tacy Calliesweeds

By Ramdas Kanissery Adjuvants (derived from Latin, adiuvare: to aid or help) are materials added into an herbicide spray solution that improve handling, performance and crop safety. To be effective, an herbicide must overcome certain environmental and biological obstacles before entering and acting in the weeds. For example, environmental conditions like hot and dry weather will result in a thicker …

supreme court

Australia Declared Free of Citrus Canker

Ernie NeffDiseases, International

On April 12, Australia was officially declared free from citrus canker after the remaining restricted areas in the Northern Territory (NT) were lifted. The disease was not detected in commercial orchards in Australia and was restricted to non-commercial residences in Western Australia (WA) and NT. Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management David Littleproud acknowledged NT and WA for their …

Peru’s Mandarin Exports on the Rise

Tacy CalliesExport, International

By Francisco Seva Rivadulla Peru’s mandarin growers are working to build on their export momentum and open new markets. “Negotiations are well advanced with India. The technical part is already finished, such as the phytosanitary registration; only the administrative part is missing,” said Sergio Del Castillo, general manager of the Citrus Producers Association of Peru (ProCitrus). “SENASA (Peru’s National Agrarian …

U.S. Citrus Crop Forecast Takes a Tumble

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

Florida’s Valencia orange crop projection tumbled 12% in the April 9 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) crop forecast, to 29 million boxes from 33 million boxes in March. The USDA added 200,000 boxes, or 1%, to Florida’s non-Valencia tally, bringing non-Valencias to 22.7 million boxes. In total, Florida oranges dipped to 51.7 million boxes, down 7% from March’s 55.5 million …

BMPs: Addressing the Costs and Benefits

Ashley RobinsonBMPs

Agricultural best management practices (BMPs) are essential to protect Florida’s natural resources by mitigating agriculture’s potential negative impact on the environment. Public benefits of BMP implementation include sustained or improved water quality, reduced soil erosion and increased water conservation. Private benefits can include improved crop yield and reduced input costs from less labor, fuel and fertilizer. “Growers provide a public …


Department of Labor Targeting Southeast Agriculture

Ernie NeffLabor

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division is engaged in an education and enforcement initiative to increase compliance with federal labor laws in the Southeast’s agricultural industry. In addition to enforcement activity, the initiative provides compliance assistance to employers and educates workers and other stakeholders. The division is working with industry stakeholders in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, …

Spanish Lemon Growers Optimistic About Tariff Suspension

Tacy CalliesTrade

By Francisco Seva Rivadulla The Agricultural Association of Young Farmers (ASAJA) Murcia expressed “enormous optimism” for the suspension of tariffs agreed to by the United States and the European Union (EU). Tariffs on Spanish lemons exported to the United States that were set at 25% have been temporarily lifted for four months. Similarly, the EU has suspended tariffs on U.S. …


Grapefruit Part of Tariff Suspension

Ernie NeffGrapefruit, Trade

Florida grapefruit grower and packer Dan Richey hopes a recently announced four-month suspension of tariffs on U.S. products shipped to the European Union (EU), including grapefruit, will become permanent. The EU and the United States on March 5 agreed on the mutual four-month suspension of the tariffs related to World Trade Organization (WTO) aircraft disputes. The suspension will cover all …

Changes to U.S. Orange Crop Forecast

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

Florida’s orange crop forecast was reduced by 500,000 boxes to 55.5 million boxes in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) March 9 citrus crop forecast. This represents a 1% reduction from the February forecast. If the March projection is realized, it will be 18% lower than last season’s final production. Florida’s Valencia orange crop forecast was reduced by 1 million …