
Reasons to Believe HLB Is Beatable

Daniel CooperEvents, HLB Management

Growers gathered in Bonita Springs in mid-June for the Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference. The event hosted by Florida Citrus Mutual drew a good crowd. The mood of growers was mixed. While there was hope that HLB trunk-injection therapies might have resulted in more dramatic improvements to this year’s crop, there also was recognition that these therapies represent one of …

Oriental fruit fly

California Quarantine Updates

Daniel CooperCalifornia Corner, Pests, Regulation

Federal and state officials have removed and reduced Oriental fruit fly (OFF) quarantines in two California counties and expanded the huanglongbing (HLB) quarantine in another county. The actions were taken by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). ORIENTAL FRUIT FLY On July 5, the …


Greening Bacterium Causes Changes in Psyllids

Daniel CooperPsyllids, Research

Recent studies, including a partnership project between Fundecitrus and the University of California, revealed that the citrus greening bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus causes physiological changes in psyllids, posing additional challenges to management strategies. An increase in the number of eggs, more frequent dispersal flights over longer distances and greater attractiveness to the host are some of the changes observed in …

CRDF Approves Project to Enhance Breeding Efforts

Tacy CalliesBreeding, CRDF

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) convened for its July board of directors meeting with several projects under consideration. The board approved funding of a work program for the plant improvement teams of the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service and the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. The project is funded for three years. It …


CLas-Positive Psyllid Sample in Riverside County

Daniel CooperCalifornia Corner, Psyllids

An adult Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) sample from a residential property in the San Jacinto Valley area of Riverside County, California, has tested positive for Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), the bacterium that causes huanglongbing (HLB). The positive sample was collected as part of the Multi-Pest Risk Survey on a residential property in Hemet. It was confirmed positive for CLas on …

Orange Juice

No Shortage of Australian Orange Juice

Daniel CooperInternational, Orange Juice

Citrus Australia has assured Australian consumers they will continue to have consistent access to orange juice made from locally grown fruit. Adverse growing conditions and the spread of the huanglongbing (HLB) disease have reduced orange production in Brazil, Florida and several other key citrus-growing regions around the world. This has created a global shortage of orange juice concentrate, prompting media …

cold-hardy citrus

CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: Strong Support for Cold-Hardy Citrus Growers

Daniel CooperCitrus Nursery Source, Cold Hardy

By Peter Chaires The citrus research program at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) includes several projects aimed at assisting growers in the cold-hardy citrus region. Let’s take a look at what researchers are working on. EVALUATING SCIONS AND ROOTSTOCKS Presently, the citrus industry in North Florida faces …


All In For Citrus Podcast, July 2024

Daniel CooperAll In For Citrus Podcast

As citrus growers try to stabilize production in the midst of endemic HLB, maintaining the industry’s infrastructure is critically important. Two key sectors of that infrastructure are citrus nurseries and juice processors. In the July episode of the All In For Citrus podcast, Michael Rogers, director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research …


Mexican Fruit Fly Quarantine Expanded in Texas

Daniel CooperPests, Regulation, Texas

On June 27, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) expanded a Mexican fruit fly (Anastrepha ludens; Mexfly) quarantine in Harlingen, Texas. The expansion of the quarantine is in response to the confirmed detection between May 26 and June 11 of three wild mated Mexflies from traps in …

foliar feed

Foliar Feed Your Trees

Daniel CooperNutrition

By Mongi Zekri Foliar fertilizer application is certainly not a new concept to the citrus industry. For over six decades, foliar fertilization has been recommended to correct zinc, manganese, boron, copper and magnesium deficiencies in citrus. It is now common knowledge in agriculture that properly nourished crops may tolerate insect pests and diseases. Traditionally, citrus growers try to achieve optimum …

Tau Fruit Fly

Tau Fruit Fly Quarantine Lifted in Los Angeles County

Daniel CooperCalifornia Corner, Pests, Regulation

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has officially declared an end to the Tau fruit fly quarantine in Los Angeles County following the successful eradication of the invasive pest. The quarantine, which was established in the Santa Clarita area of Los Angeles County, was the first-ever quarantine for the Tau fruit fly in the Western Hemisphere. It encompassed …

ReMedium TI®

ReMedium TI Receives Exemption From Two-Year Restriction on Applications

Daniel CooperHLB Management

ReMedium TI® has received a special local need label from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumers Services (FDACS). The label will remove the requirement that applications to treat citrus greening (HLB) cannot be made beyond two years in a row. For Florida citrus growers, this means those who have applied ReMedium TI® over the past two seasons now will …


International HLB Conference Focused on Grower Solutions

Daniel CooperEvents, HLB Management, Research

This spring, the seventh International Research Conference on Huanglongbing (IRCHLB) was held in Riverside, California. The inaugural event was held in 2008 and funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture. USDA researcher Tim Gottwald and University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) professor Jim Graham founded the …


Study Looks at Interaction Between OTC and Soil Microbiome

Daniel CooperHLB Management, soil

A wealth of observations are being recorded by growers and scientists on the effects of trunk injection of oxytetracycline (OTC). Visually, trees have responded with better canopies. Hopefully, higher yields and quality will continue to follow the applications. But what about below ground? There have been recorded improvements in citrus root mass in treated trees. Sarah Strauss, associate professor of …

task force

Task Force and Credit Line to Assist Brazil with Greening

Daniel CooperBrazil, HLB Management

Fundecitrus recently announced two efforts aimed at assisting Brazilian growers with citrus greening. A São Paulo task force will include a focus on the disease, and a credit line will be available for growers with greening in their orchards. In addition to greening, the public/private task force will address development of biofertilizer and biological research, studies to increase productivity in …


How Does OTC Impact the Soil Microbiome?

Daniel CooperAll In For Citrus Podcast, soil

Sarah Strauss, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) soil microbiologist, joined the June All In For Citrus podcast episode to discuss her research on the interaction of oxytetracycline (OTC) currently being injected into citrus trees and the soil microbiome. She noted that OTC does change the soil microbial community. The good news is that the changes …

high-density plantings

ACP Management in High-Density Plantings

Daniel CooperPsyllids, Tip of the Week

By Jawwad Qureshi The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP, Figure 1) is the vector of huanglongbing (HLB) disease associated with the phloem-limited bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. Infected trees start to decline and produce poor-quality fruit, which drops prematurely. Consequently, citrus production has decreased dramatically since the advent of HLB in Florida in 2005. There is no cure for the disease yet. …


Seeking a Partner for OTC

Daniel CooperHLB Management

Few would dispute that the approval of oxytetracycline (OTC) for use as a trunk-injection therapy to treat HLB is one of the biggest breakthroughs in the nearly two decades of fighting the disease. Most Florida citrus growers believe the therapy has been a net positive and they are committed to continuing the treatment. However, there’s a stipulation in the labels …


Researchers Discuss Rising HLB Incidence in Brazil

Daniel CooperBrazil, HLB Management

The incidence of citrus greening disease (HLB) in Brazil’s Citrus Belt of São Paulo and Triângulo/Southwest Mineiro rose from 24.42% in 2022 to 38.06% in 2023, according to Fundecitrus. The association’s annual survey indicates the disease increasingly demands more effective and collaborative measures. At a session of Brazil’s Expocitrus in June, Fundecitrus researcher Marcelo Miranda discussed the development of greening …