Legislation Passes for Georgia Citrus Commission

Josh McGillGeorgia, Legislative

Georgia citrus farmers and industry leaders scored a legislative victory on Monday when the state Senate overwhelmingly passed the proposal to start a Georgia Citrus Commission. The win for the industry will come when Gov. Brian Kemp signs it into law. The legislation states, “There shall be an Agricultural Commodity Commission for Citrus Fruits established on July 1, 2023.” The …

The Seasonal Satsuma Bottleneck

Josh McGillCold Hardy, Mandarins

The short timeframe for satsuma mandarins to be harvested and sold in the fall created a bottleneck of supply around the Thanksgiving holiday in 2022. An excess supply led to a challenge for growers attempting to sell their fruit when demand diminished, according to Kim Jones, who grows and packs citrus in Florida and Georgia. “The week of Thanksgiving when …

Citrus in the Home Landscape Initiative Launched

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, Varieties

After HLB disease was first found in Florida in 2005, many people were discouraged from growing citrus in their home landscapes. There were no citrus recommendations tailored for home gardeners in the HLB era. Now, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) has responded to home gardeners who want to plant citrus trees again. Researchers are …


Benefits of Increasing Citrus Hybrids in Orange Juice

Josh McGillOrange Juice

Allowing citrus hybrids with certain criteria in orange juice (OJ) was one of several issues addressed in a recent workshop about potential changes to OJ’s standard of identity. Peter Chaires, executive director of the New Varieties Development and Management Corp., discussed benefits of increasing the hybrid allowance in OJ. Chaires presented a consumer study of juices conducted by University of …

OJ Standard of Identity Discussed

Josh McGillFlorida Citrus Mutual, Orange Juice

No action was taken after numerous speakers discussed potential changes to the standard of identity for orange juice (OJ) at a March 1 public workshop. Taking place at Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) headquarters in Bartow, the workshop was titled “Continuing the OJ Standards Conversation.” FCM Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer Matt Joyner offered background on the standard of …


Satsumas Look ‘Pretty Darn Good’ Post-freeze

Josh McGillCold Hardy, freeze

Satsumas in the Sweet Valley Citrus region appear to have aced their first test of multiple days of subfreezing temperatures. It is still a wait-and-see approach with other varieties, however. One grower was extremely optimistic about satsumas, the cold-hardy mandarins that look to have survived December temperatures in the teens. “Satsumas are pretty darn good. We lost some leaves, got …

Sweet Valley Citrus Expansion Could Stall

Josh McGillCold Hardy, freeze

Trees in the Sweet Valley Citrus region have been in high demand in recent years. Plantings of satsuma mandarins and other citrus varieties have steadily risen the past few years in Georgia, Alabama and North Florida. That steady climb is expected to stall this year, however. Following the Christmas freeze event that rattled the industry in the Southeast in December …

Thinking Outside the Box With Satsumas

Josh McGillCold Hardy

Satsuma mandarins are big business in the Georgia and North Florida citrus industry. Satsumas are desirable from the consumer perspective, and the fruit’s cold hardiness is suited for the northern reaches of citrus production. Cold hardiness was proven to be especially important after freezes in late December and in January. But a problem with satsumas is that the fruit matures …

Celebrate Sunkist Citrus Day

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Industry News Release

Sunkist Growers is celebrating its 130th anniversary and California roots with Sunkist Citrus Day on March 1. In anticipation of the day, the fresh citrus cooperative discussed its history and products. Sunkist began in 1893, making it the longest-standing agricultural co-op in the United States. Sunkist’s first advertisement was published in Des Moines, Iowa, in March 1908 to promote the California …

EU Citrus Crops to Decline

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

The European Union’s (EU) production of tangerines/mandarins, lemons and grapefruit are all projected to decline in 2022–23 compared to the prior season. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) made the EU citrus projections. TANGERINES/MANDARINSEU tangerine and mandarin production in 2022–23 is forecast at 3.01 million metric tons (MMT), down from 3.15 MMT the previous season. Good …

Freeze’s Full Impact on Cold-Hardy Citrus Still Unknown

Josh McGillCold Hardy, freeze

Southeast citrus trees were undoubtedly impacted by multiple days of sub-freezing temperatures during Christmas week. An exact understanding of the impact will not be known for another couple of months, believes Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia (UGA) assistant professor and small fruits pathologist. “The freeze was significant, but you never really know for sure until the plants start to flush …

Small Drops for Chinese Citrus Crops

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Chinese production of tangerines/mandarins and grapefruit/pomelos in 2022–23 are both forecast to dip slightly from prior year levels. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). TANGERINES AND MANDARINSProduction of tangerines and mandarins is forecast at 26.5 million metric tons (MMT) in 2022–23, compared to 27 MMT the prior year. The forecast reflects …


Much Less Citrus Production in Turkey

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Fresh mandarin/tangerine, lemon and grapefruit production in Turkey is forecast to decline in 2022–23 compared to the prior year due to freezing temperatures in March 2022. Orange juice (OJ) production will likely be unchanged, while orange production will significantly decline. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).   TANGERINES/MANDARINSOverall tangerine production is forecast …

Leading Citrus Producers of the World

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Brazil will continue to lead the world in orange and orange juice production in 2022–23. China continues to produce the most tangerines/mandarins and grapefruit. Mexico will remain the largest producer of lemons and limes.  Global production of all varieties is forecast to be lower in 2022–23 than in the prior year. These projections were made by the U.S. Department of …

Update on Japanese Citrus

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) recently issued forecasts for Japanese citrus production. Covered crops included the following: ORANGESJapanese 2022–23 orange production is forecast at 5,600 metric tons (MT), a decline of 2% from the previous year. Orange harvested area is projected to fall by 1.2% to 395 hectares. Orange imports are forecast at 80,000 MT …

Florida Orange Forecast Continues to Fall

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

February’s federal citrus forecast trimmed another 2 million boxes from Florida’s projected orange crop, dropping expected 2022–23 production to 16 million boxes. That’s an 11% drop from what had already been projected to be a historically low orange crop. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS). If the Florida orange forecast …


Sizeable Citrus Crop Declines in Morocco

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) has forecast production of oranges, orange juice (OJ) and lemons/limes in Morocco to decline in 2022–23 compared to the previous season. FRESH ORANGESOrange production in Morocco is expected to decline 35% to 750,000 metric tons (MT). The decline is attributed to unfavorable weather during the growing season, water shortages and …


Most Israeli Citrus Crops to Increase

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Production increases are forecast for Israeli mandarins/tangerines, grapefruit and lemons in 2022–23 compared to the prior year, while orange production is projected to decline sharply. The forecast is from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). MANDARIN/TANGERINETotal mandarin and tangerine production in 2022–23 is forecast at 170,000 metric tons (MT), up from 159,000 MT the prior season. …

Investing in Artificial Intelligence

Josh McGillBreeding, Technology

By J. Scott Angle, jangle@ufl.edu, @IFAS_VP University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) breeders produce new citrus plants more quickly than they can figure out if consumers like how the new fruit varieties taste. In the race to create versus evaluate, creators lead evaluators by hundreds of individual plants at a time. It takes a post-doc a …

Grower Sees More Damage From Season’s Second Freeze

Josh McGillCold Hardy, freeze

Another freeze event last weekend could spell doom for some citrus trees produced in the cold-hardy citrus region. Kim Jones, president of the Cold Hardy Citrus Association, discussed the dire situation facing growers in the region. “I think we had some damage to some new growth that had come out from the last freeze. I can’t tell how much, but …