Update on Georgia Citrus Production

Tacy CalliesGeorgia, Production

The citrus industry in Georgia is quickly gaining ground. Extension agents from Fort Valley State University (FVSU), University of Georgia (UGA) and the University of Florida (UF) hosted a virtual conference on April 27 providing updates from UGA Extension on citrus production in Georgia. Topics discussed during the meeting included current citrus production numbers in Georgia, tree sources, yield forecasts …

Senators Join in Opposition Against Citrus Imports From China

Daniel CooperExport/Import, Industry News Release

On April 28, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio and U.S. Sen. Rick Scott sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue asking him to reverse a decision to let five varieties of citrus fruits be imported from China. The senators’ letter follows an April 24 letter from 17 U.S. representatives from Florida, who made the same request to Perdue. …


What Should I Plant?

Ernie Neffplanting

Rick Dantzler has determined in conversations over the last few months “that the primary question on growers’ minds is, ‘What should I plant?’ And that really frames the discussion we [the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) governing board] had regarding our plant improvement efforts going forward.” Dantzler is CRDF chief operating officer, and he was referring to discussions at …

Valencia Oranges Hit by Heavy Fruit Drop

Ernie NeffCOVID-19, Processing, Weather

Heavy fruit drop and weather issues reportedly could lead to reduction in Florida’s Valencia orange crop. Some in the citrus industry said COVID-19 issues in processing plants have also limited the intake of Valencias from groves, but the Florida Citrus Processors Association (FCPA) says that is not likely the case. “Processors have slowed down presumably due to COVID-19 … They …


FAWN Website Now Easier to Use

Daniel CooperIndustry News Release, Weather

The Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN), a University of Florida-operated service aiding agricultural decision-makers statewide since 1997, relaunched its website with a new look and additional features. “Our main goal in revamping the site was to make it more efficient for users,” said Rick Lusher, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) project manager for FAWN. “One …

growiong matters

Growing Matters: Protecting Pollinators as Applications Increase

Taylor HillmanGrowing Matters, News from our Sponsor

Pesticide applications are picking up as seasons progress across the country. The BeSure campaign, brought to you by the Growing Matters Coalition, is pointing out the communication that needs to be taking place to protect pollinators. University of Florida Entomologist Dr. Jamie Ellis said there are several things growers can do to help prevent any undue harm. Listen to Ellis’ …

The Economics of Mesh Bags for Protecting Young Citrus Trees

Tacy CalliesEconomics

By Ariel Singerman The use of mesh bags has been proposed as a strategy for excluding Asian citrus psyllids to protect young citrus trees. The expected benefit of using mesh bags is increased yield by delaying HLB infection. A scientific experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of mesh bags started in February 2018. There are still many unknowns regarding yield, use …


Florida Representatives Ask USDA to Reconsider Chinese Citrus Imports Decision

Tacy CalliesExport/Import

In a bipartisan effort, 17 U.S. representatives from Florida sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue asking him to reconsider the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) decision to allow importation of five types of Chinese fresh citrus to the United States. Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, along with leaders of citrus and other agricultural groups, have already …

Citrus Involved in Re-Open Florida Task Force

Ernie NeffCOVID-19, Regulation

Two citrus industry representatives participated last week in a Re-Open Florida Task Force working group created by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Florida Department of Citrus Executive Director Shannon Shepp and Matt Joyner of Florida Citrus Mutual served on a panel representing agriculture, finance, government, healthcare, management and professional services. It is one of several working groups that will inform the …

N95 Mask Shortage for Pesticide Applicators

Ernie NeffCOVID-19, Pesticides

According to Laurie Hurner, Highlands County Extension director and citrus Extension agent, some Florida growers have reported a shortage of N95 respirator masks. Hurner said many growers use those masks for pesticide application. Such masks have reportedly been in short supply for medical personnel nationwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. “With the COVID-19 virus, it is getting more and more difficult …

Tips for Citrus Grove Sellers

Ernie Neffsales

By Brian Beasley Current sellers of citrus groves are usually seasoned growers. They understand and practice the best horticultural activities based on a grove’s income potential. If the grove is profitable, they usually provide premium caretaking. If the grove is not profitable, growers may augment cash flow needs to ensure relatively healthy trees capable of setting a good crop. Sometimes …


Watch Out for Invasive Species

Daniel CooperPests

By Clint Thompson April is Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) wants help in identifying invasive species that threaten the food supply and cause plant diseases. Samantha Simon, USDA’s executive director of emergency and domestic programs, says invasive species can threaten agriculture and many farming operations, especially in the Southeast. She …

New HLB Find in California

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, HLB Management

A new finding of huanglongbing (HLB) has been reported in a residential citrus tree in the city of San Bernardino, California. This is the first confirmed find of the citrus disease in the city and follows the recent detections of several HLB-positive trees located in Colton, Montclair and Ontario. The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is working with …

Sneak Peek: May 2020 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

Drought conditions this spring have brought renewed attention to the importance of irrigation for Florida citrus growers. The May issue of Citrus Industry magazine includes two articles on irrigation that will help growers make the most of their water resources. In the first article, growers will learn tips on how to keep their irrigation systems properly maintained. University of Florida …


Georgia Also Opposes China Citrus Imports

Ernie NeffExport/Import, Georgia

Like several organizations in Florida, the Georgia Citrus Association (GCA) has asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to reverse its decision to allow fresh citrus from China into the United States. GCA President Lindy Savelle asked for the reversal and expressed “strong opposition” to the April 15 USDA decision in an April 17 letter to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture …

UF/IFAS Working Through COVID-19

Ernie NeffAll In For Citrus Podcast, COVID-19

Whether in the field or from home, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus staffers are working for growers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Michael Rogers, director of the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center at Lake Alfred, tells how. “We still are doing business right now,” Rogers says. “IFAS continues to provide support in any way …

Citrus Leaders Want Chinese Imports Decision Reversed

Tacy CalliesExport/Import

Leaders of citrus and other agricultural groups in Florida joined Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried in strongly opposing the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) recent decision to allow fresh Chinese citrus imports into the United States. An April 21 letter that Fried wrote to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue stated in part, “The dire situation on the ground due to …

Florida Hemp Plan Approved; What’s Next

Ernie NeffAlternative Crops

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) mid-April approval of Florida’s state hemp program cleared the way for Florida growers to begin cultivating the crop soon. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) will begin accepting applications to grow industrial hemp on April 27. Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, who governs FDACS, said, “After months of incorporating feedback from …

Citrus Work Still Moving Forward at University of Florida

Daniel CooperIndustry News Release

While the scenery may have changed, the work remains the same for the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus faculty and Extension agents. “The coronavirus pandemic has altered the daily routine but not our mission to provide research and educational service to the citrus industry,” said Michael Rogers, director of the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and …

growiong matters

Growing Matters: Labels Protect Producers and Beneficials During Foliar Applications

Daniel CooperGrowing Matters, News from our Sponsor

The BeSure! program, brought to you by the Growing Matters Coalition, is reminding growers about the importance of following product usage directions. Syngenta’s Garrett Gilcrease said labels are living documents that can be updated regularly. As producers and applicators plan for spring foliar applications, he reminds the industry to check product labels and adhere to the guidelines for all-around safety and good …