
Another Push to Prohibit Chinese Citrus Imports

Daniel CooperLegislative, Trade

U.S. Reps. Greg Steube and Daniel Webster of Florida have reintroduced legislation to prohibit the importation of fresh citrus fruit from the People’s Republic of China. Steube introduced the U.S. Citrus Protection Act approximately five years ago, in 2020. Learn more about that introduction of the legislation here. The act was introduced in response to the U.S. Department of Agriculture …


Sneak Peek: March 2025 Citrus Industry

Daniel CooperDiseases, Sneak Peek, Soil Health

The Citrus Industry section in the March issue of Specialty Crop Grower magazine offers timely information citrus growers won’t want to miss. Now is the time for Florida citrus producers to begin thinking about their disease management programs for the season. Megan Dewdney, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) plant pathologist, offers a foliar disease outlook …

Florida Citrus Show

See the Florida Citrus Show Seminar Schedule

Daniel CooperCitrus, Education, Events, FCS24, Florida Citrus Show

The Florida Citrus Show is a day full of learning, fellowship and fun. The educational seminars includes presentations for all specialty crop growers. The general session tackles some of the big issues facing growers today, including ag labor, what to expect from the new Trump administration and a grower panel discussing the challenge of citrus greening. After lunch, breakout sessions …

soft citrus

South African Soft Citrus Production

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, International

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) forecasts that 2024–25 production of South African tangerines/mandarins (also known as soft citrus) will increase by 3% from the prior year to 790,000 metric tons (MT). Growers have been putting up hail nets, which are expected to support both yield and fruit quality. PLANTED AREA AND CULTIVARS USDA FAS expects that …

citrus varieties

Options for Planting Profitable Citrus Varieties

Daniel CooperBreeding, Rootstocks, Varieties

By Maegan Beatty On Feb. 18, Jude Grosser and Fred Gmitter hosted an online informational session on new citrus varieties and how to plant a profitable crop in the future. Both Grosser and Gmitter are part of the citrus improvement team at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center. Their main …

Secretary of Agriculture

Florida Citrus Mutual Statement on New Secretary of Agriculture

Daniel CooperUSDA

Last week, Brooke Rollins was sworn in as the 33rd U.S. Secretary of Agriculture by Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States Clarence Thomas. The U.S. Senate confirmed Rollins’ appointment by a vote of 72 to 28. “It is the honor of a lifetime to serve as the nation’s 33rd Secretary of Agriculture — and a …

citrus BMP manual

New Citrus BMP Manual Near Adoption

Daniel CooperBMPs

In the past year, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) undertook a significant effort to update all the state’s agricultural best management practices (BMPs) manuals. Many of these manuals had not been updated for over a decade. FDACS updated the manuals to: For the citrus BMP manual, the notice of change was published in the Florida Administrative …

cold-hardy citrus

Cold-Hardy Citrus Crop Outlook for 2025

Daniel CooperCold Hardy, freeze

Growers in the cold-hardy citrus region enjoyed a bountiful crop in 2024. Unfortunately, that is not expected to be the case in 2025. Lindy Savelle, executive director of the Georgia Citrus Association, said the expected drop in volume is due to multiple factors, including the winter storm last month that brought historic snowfall and sub-freezing temperatures over multiple days. But …

Vegetable Seminar Program Available

Daniel CooperEducation, Events, FCS24, Florida Citrus Show

With expanding vegetable acreage in parts of South Florida, the Florida Citrus Show now hosts a special vegetable breakout seminar to serve growers in the region. The researchers at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and U.S. Department of Agriculture have put together an informative agenda covering a wide range of topics. Some of the subjects …

new varieties

CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: New Varieties Released

Daniel CooperCitrus Nursery Source, Varieties

By Peter Chaires On October 24, 2024, the University of Florida’s (UF) Cultivar Release Committee unanimously approved the release of seven citrus varieties to Florida Foundation Seed Producers, Inc. Florida Statutes now require that, before being released to the general public, any new variety of citrus developed as a result of any research or study accomplished using any percentage of …


All Hands on Deck for Florida Citrus

Daniel CooperCitrus Expo, extension

By J. Scott Angle,, @IFAS_VP My 89-year-old father-in-law has planted new trees in his California grove in the last two years. Bruce Kelsey believes in the future of citrus, and that reinforces my belief in the future of citrus. I’m not saying everything Bruce does makes sense. I wish he didn’t still go up on ladders and pick fruit, …


Nominate Ag Women and Environmental Leaders

Daniel CooperAwards

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) has announced the opening of the nomination process for the Woman of the Year in Agriculture and the Agricultural-Environmental Leadership awards. Nominations for both awards must be submitted by March 1. “Florida agriculture thrives because of the extraordinary people who dedicate their lives to it,” said Florida Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson. …


Moroccan Tangerine/Mandarin Crop to Climb

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, International

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) recently forecast Morocco’s tangerine/mandarin production for 2024–25 at 1.1 million metric tons (MMT). That’s an increase of 16% from the prior season due to increased irrigation practices and a high level of new plantings coming into full production for the Nadorcott and Afourer varieties. The Moroccan area planted with tangerines/mandarins is …


Brix Bill Reintroduced

Daniel CooperLegislative

U.S. representatives from Florida have reintroduced legislation to have the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) alter the Brix standard in not-from-concentrate pasteurized orange juice from 10.5% to 10%. The Defending Domestic Orange Juice Production Act was reintroduced by Reps. Scott Franklin and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and is cosponsored by the entire Florida congressional delegation.  Currently, oranges below the 10.5% …


Win $500 by Voting for Tailgate Lunch Favorites at Florida Citrus Show!

Daniel CooperEvents, FCS24, Florida Citrus Show

The Florida Citrus Show is a day packed full of educational opportunities. If you are a citrus, small fruit or vegetable grower, there’s plenty to learn during the seminar program. In addition, the event provides a great opportunity for growers to interact with fellow farmers and industry stakeholders, which is an equally valuable component of the meeting. And it is …


Survey Shows Popular Scions and Rootstocks

Daniel CooperRootstocks, Survey, Varieties

The Florida Citrus State of the Industry Survey seeks input from growers on key issues affecting their groves. The survey has been conducted for many years, has tracked the trajectory of HLB and reported on production practices. While not a scientific survey, it has reflected general trends over the years. Last month, we published results on trunk-injection therapy and the …


Seeking Better Degreening Methods for Fresh Citrus

Daniel CooperFresh, Research

Two University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) scientists reported on research into more effective and environmentally friendly degreening methods for fresh citrus. They are Muhammad Shahid and Muhammad Nadeem, assistant professor of horticulture and postdoc scholar, respectively, at the UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC). Edited excerpts follow: Some varieties of citrus fruit, even …


Grove Tours a New Feature at the Florida Citrus Show

Daniel CooperEvents, FCS24, Florida Citrus Show

When a new tool to manage HLB is discovered, it must be tested in the grove in new varieties or in treatments like trunk injection. During the afternoon of the Florida Citrus Show on March 13, attendees will have the opportunity to tour two experimental groves to see this type of research in action. Attendees will see trunk-injection therapies being …

Texas citrus

Texas Citrus Industry Assessing Freeze Damage

Daniel Cooperfreeze, Texas

By Maegan Beatty  Across the United States, farmers have faced freezing temperatures, snowstorms and unpredictable conditions this winter. Texas citrus growers are among those evaluating the effects of the most recent temperature drop.   “In regard to growers experiencing damage, we are still assessing,” said Dale Murden, president of Texas Citrus Mutual. “It’s too early to tell overall, but we will …

temperature inversion

Temperature Inversion: Not a Friend of Pesticide Applicators

Daniel CooperCEU, Pesticides

By Wael Elwakil Editor’s note: This article grants one continuing education unit (CEU) in the Core category toward the renewal of a Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services restricted-use pesticide license when the accompanying test is submitted and approved. Temperature inversion is a weather phenomenon that alters the natural air movement in the lower layer of the atmosphere (troposphere). …