
All In For Citrus Podcast, April 2023

Josh McGillAll In For Citrus Podcast, Breeding, Events

April was a busy month for citrus events with both the Citrus Growers’ Institute and the Florida Grower Citrus Show taking place. Michael Rogers, director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC), joined the All In For Citrus podcast to discuss the success of the two events. Both gatherings …

Heller Bros. Packinghouse Closes

Josh McGillPacking

Heller Bros. Packing Corp.’s packinghouse in Winter Garden, Florida, has ceased operations. The 50,000-square-foot facility had operated since 1939. “It’s a big loss for the citrus industry. It’s a big loss for Winter Garden,” said Jim Garceau. His company, Orlando Citrus, bought fresh grapefruit, oranges and tangerines from Heller Bros. from 1992 to 2020. He sold the fruit to farmers’ …

Gibberellic Acid Shows Promising Results on Hamlin

Josh McGillHLB Management, PGRs, Research

By Tripti Vashisth and Taylor Livingston Grower-led trials in 2022 showed positive results of gibberellic acid (GA) treatment on Hamlin trees in Florida. This article primarily discusses two growers’ trials in detail. Both sites showed improvement in fruit production from the GA application. Many growers have adopted GA applications in the past year as part of their grove management strategy. …

Farm Bill

Citrus Industry Impacts Florida’s Economy

Josh McGillEconomics, Tip of the Week

By Julio Cruz, João-Pedro Ferreira and Christa Court Many Florida citrus growers are under stress due to disease and extreme weather events. Citrus growers often request financial or other types of support from local, state and federal governments due to such situations. Understanding and communicating how the citrus industry supports economic activity throughout the state, even outside of the industry …

Rust Mite Damage and Management

Josh McGillBrazil, Pests

Phyllocoptruta oleivora, known as the false rust mite in Brazil, is one of the country’s main citrus pests, Fundecitrus reported. In the United States, the pest is known as citrus rust mite or silver mite. It affects all varieties of citrus. Infestation in Brazil’s orchards occurs throughout the year but reaches the highest populations between December and June. That’s a …

Alico Shares Quarterly Update

Josh McGillfinancial, hurricane, Industry News Release

Alico Citrus harvested 841,000 boxes of early- and mid-season (early/mid) oranges for the three months ended Dec. 31, 2022. That’s a decrease of approximately 6.1% from the same period in the prior fiscal year. The company will complete harvesting of early/mid oranges in the current fiscal year. It said it will recognize an overall decrease in the number of early/mid …

Old Variety Gets a New Look

Josh McGillAll In For Citrus Podcast, Varieties

The Parson Brown is an early-season sweet orange that J.L. Carney identified in 1875. By the 1920s, the variety had become a popular cultivar among growers, but eventually plantings declined as Hamlin became the go-to selection for the early season. However, because of its apparent tolerance to HLB, Parson Brown is again stirring interest among growers. Manjul Dutt, assistant professor …

Florida citrus industry

Two New Florida Citrus Hall of Fame Members

Josh McGillAwards

The late F. Gilbert Bowen of Winter Haven and the late A.G. Smith of Wauchula will join the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame as the Class of 2023 inductees. They will be inducted posthumously in March 2024, along with the Class of 2024 inductees.  BOWENFor more than seven decades, Bowen (1928–2022) was a leader in his family’s operations as well …

Pair of Problems for Louisiana Satsumas

Josh McGillLouisiana, Mandarins, Pests

Plant Diagnostic Center Director Raj Singh at the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center (LSA AgCenter) recently addressed two stresses that impact yields in Louisiana citrus — internal dry rot and puffy fruit. INTERNAL DRY ROTMature fruit affected by internal dry rot may look healthy on the outside, but peeling the fruit reveals dry, discolored flesh. This internal dry rot is …

Fundecitrus Researchers Attend Citrus Congress

Josh McGillEvents, International

Researchers from Brazil’s Fundecitrus participated in the 14th International Citrus Congress held in Mersin, Turkey, Nov. 6–11. The event brought together participants from public and private research institutions, as well as the production and commercial sectors of citrus. Representatives from 28 countries participated in the congress, including the United States, South Africa, Australia, Israel and several countries in Europe. Fundecitrus …

Growers and Researcher Discuss Millennium Block Trials

Josh McGillResearch, Rootstocks, Varieties

Two citrus growers recently explained the benefits to be gained from research at the Indian River Research and Education Center’s (IRREC) Millennium Block in Fort Pierce, and a scientist discussed a grapefruit study there. The IRREC is a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) facility. The 20-acre block was planted in 2019 to help growers find …

Florida’s Natural Announces Grower Returns and Officers

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, Orange Juice

Florida’s Natural Growers’ round orange pool for last season paid an average of $3.50 per pound solid, Chief Financial Officer Matthew Woodall announced at the cooperative’s recent annual stockholders’ meeting. Early and midseason oranges paid a combined $3.42 per pound solid, and Valencia oranges paid a combined $3.55 per pound solid. Tangerines paid an average of $2.60 per pound solid, …

Citrus Breeding Discussed During Field Day

Josh McGillBreeding, CUPS, Fresh

The focus of citrus breeding at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) differs for fruit produced for the juice market vs. fruit for the fresh market. Citrus breeder Jude Grosser, a UF/IFAS professor of plant cell genetics, spoke during the Cold-Hardy Citrus Field Day at the North Florida Research and Education Center in Quincy on …

Best Bets for HLB-Tolerant Citrus

Josh McGillVarieties

B9-65 Valencia received much attention from horticulturist John Chater during a virtual meeting highlighting HLB-tolerant citrus varieties developed by the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) Plant Improvement Team. Chater is an assistant professor at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences CREC. ORANGESAccording to Chater, pound solids per acre and yield per acre are the most …


The Role of Boron in Citrus Production

Josh McGillNutrition, Production

Borates Today recently issued a news release titled Citrus Fruits and Boron: What You Need to Know. A summary follows: Boron is a trace element used in the production of citrus fruits. It is required for proper plant development and preserving consistent fruit yield and quality. The element has a role in flower initiation, pollen germination, nitrogen metabolism, hormonal influences …

HLB Tolerance Data Expected in Early 2023

Josh McGillRootstocks, Varieties

Conclusive data on trials in the Millennium Block, expected in early 2023, may reveal which of more than 5,500 trees can tolerate HLB, researchers say. The Millennium Block is at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) in Fort Pierce. IRREC Director Ronald Cave said the 20-acre grove, established …

Fruit Displays Offer Growers Opportunities to Give Feedback

Josh McGillEvents, Tip of the Week, Varieties

By Peter Chaires Each season, variety displays and field days offer growers, packers, processors, nurseries, marketers, flavor companies and other interested parties an opportunity to experience the latest developments in Florida’s citrus breeding programs. Each team takes its own approach to these events. Some are more focused on fruit displays and sampling, some have field tours, and others include scientific …

CUPS Update From the Citrus Research and Education Center

Josh McGillCUPS, HLB Management, Research

By Arnold Schumann, Laura Waldo, Chris Oswalt, Napoleon Mariner, Timothy Ebert, Perseveranca Mungofa, Shankar Shrestha and Laura Cano-Castro Florida grapefruit production for the 2021–22 season was 92% less than in 2003–04, which was prior to the arrival of huanglongbing (HLB) disease [Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service, (USDA NASS)]. The decrease in Florida tangerine production for the …

New Finger Lime Cultivars for the Specialty Citrus Market

Josh McGillLimes, Tip of the Week, Varieties

By Manjul Dutt The finger lime is an HLB-tolerant Australian native citrus that has been gaining popularity and importance in the last few years. Finger lime has several unique fruit qualities that set it apart from conventional sweet oranges and mandarins. The primary characteristic of this fruit is the round to teardrop-shaped juice vesicles, known as “citrus caviar,” that burst …

Tropicana to Cease Processing at Fort Pierce Plant

Josh McGillOrange Juice

Tropicana Products Inc. advised the state of Florida in a July 15 letter that it will shut down its Fort Pierce processing plant on or about Sept. 13. The notification came in a letter from Tropicana human resources representative Jennifer Kane to the State Rapid Response Program. The program works to prevent or minimize the impacts of layoffs on workers, …