Citrus Australia says the country’s state governments “will be asked to bring common sense to the Health Star Rating (HSR) system” at a meeting in November. The rating system currently rates diet soft drinks as healthier than fresh Australian juice. Industry bodies have contacted Senator Richard Colbeck, chair of the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation, asking …
Brazil Releases Updated Orange Crop Forecast
Fundecitrus and its cooperators announced an update to Brazil’s 2020-2021 orange crop forecast on Sept. 10. The new figure for the São Paulo and West-Southwest Minas Gerais citrus belt is 286.72 million boxes. This is 0.36 percent less oranges than the initial forecast released in May, and 25.87 percent less oranges than the 2019-2020 crop. The forecast represents one of …
World Non-Orange Citrus Production to Drop
Global production of non-orange citrus — tangerines/mandarins, grapefruit, lemons and limes — in 2019-20 is estimated to be lower than the previous year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. TANGERINES/MANDARINSGlobal production is estimated down 400,000 tons for 2019-20 to 31.6 million with declines in the European Union (EU), Morocco, Turkey and the United States more than …
FDOC Efforts Successful in Moving More Juice
According to the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), sales of 100 percent orange juice (OJ) continue to show promising results. In the 4-week period ending Aug. 1, average year-over-year sales of total OJ increased 21 percent with 32.64 million equivalent gallons sold, per the latest Nielsen retail sales report. Sales of not-from-concentrate (NFC) OJ increased 27 percent for the period. …
Alico: Orange Price Down but Outlook Positive
The average blended price per pound solid (PPS) for juice oranges grown by Alico, Inc. fell from $2.42 in the prior fiscal year to $1.86 in the current fiscal year. That was largely due to the Florida citrus crop being greater than expected in the 2018-19 harvest season, leading to excess inventory levels at Florida citrus juice processors, the company …
Dietary Guidelines Report Is Positive for Fruit Juice
According to the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), the conclusions and statements presented in a federal report related to 100 percent fruit juice are positive. The first print of the federal Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) report was released on July 15. This report will be used to develop the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) later this year. These …
Australia: Juice Gets Lower Health Rating Than Diet Cola
Citrus Australia stated it is “vastly disappointed” with state ministers’ decision to remove the 5-star rating for fresh juice with no added sugar under the revised Health Star Ratings (HSR) system. The Food Regulation Forum, comprised of ministers from every Australian state and territory, on July 17 rejected Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud’s proposals to retain the current 5-star rating. …
Orange Forecast and Overview for Europe
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) recently forecast lower orange production for the European Union (EU) this year and provided an overview of the EU industry. EU production is forecast at 6.19 million metric tons (MMT) in 2019-20, almost 9 percent lower than the previous year. Spain, the EU’s primary orange producer, is forecast to have a …
Juice Returning to Florida Welcome Centers
Florida orange and grapefruit juice will start flowing again in the state’s welcome centers on July 1. The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) on June 17 approved a new contract with Visit Florida to provide not-from-concentrate citrus juice at the welcome centers for one year. The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), which the FCC oversees, will spend $250,000 to cover the …
Juice Imports, Fruit Prices and Production Costs
In a recent presentation titled “Juice Imports, Fruit Prices and Cost of Production,” Ariel Singerman provided the price and yield required to break even growing oranges in Southwest Florida. “Average cultural cost of $1,847 requires prices for E&M (early and mid) and Valencias to be $2.31 and $2.01 per pound solids, respectively, just to break even,” the University of Florida …
Box Tax Could Increase for Florida Oranges
Florida citrus officials are taking another look at raising a tax on growers as they wait to see if a legislative boost in marketing dollars becomes a victim of the coronavirus. The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) on May 20 directed staff members to include in a budget proposal due in June the impacts of raising from 7 cents to 12 …
Australia: Don’t Downgrade Juice Health Rating
Citrus Australia, representing the nation’s citrus growers, has urged the federal government to reject proposed changes that could have 100 percent juice rated the same as diet cola on a health scale. Under proposed guideline revisions, the Health Star Rating (HSR) for fresh juice with no added sugar will fall from 5 stars to as low as 2.5 stars. The …
Valencia Oranges Hit by Heavy Fruit Drop
Heavy fruit drop and weather issues reportedly could lead to reduction in Florida’s Valencia orange crop. Some in the citrus industry said COVID-19 issues in processing plants have also limited the intake of Valencias from groves, but the Florida Citrus Processors Association (FCPA) says that is not likely the case. “Processors have slowed down presumably due to COVID-19 … They …
Managing Orange Production Costs
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension economist Ariel Singerman discusses a recent article he wrote titled “How Much Can Florida Growers Afford to Spend on Caretaking Processed Orange Groves?” The article addresses the grove management decisions growers must make in the face of recent orange price declines. It points out that an average grower would …
Orange Opportunities
New sweet orange cultivars for processing can be harvested throughout the Florida citrus season. By Jude Grosser, Fred Gmitter and Bill Castle Florida orange juice has always been the gold standard among the growing portfolio of fruit juices and blends available to consumers. However, the now endemic citrus greening disease or huanglongbing (HLB) threatens this status by causing reduced fruit …
New Varieties and Juice Blends Discussed
Growers recently sampled and graded new fruit varieties, as well as some juice blends, at University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) fruit display events. UF/IFAS plant breeder Jude Grosser commented on the fruit varieties and juice following a sampling event at the Citrus Research and Education Center. “It’s kind of neat because when we first started …
How Much Can Florida Growers Afford to Spend on Caretaking Processed Orange Groves?
By Ariel Singerman The decrease in prices for processed oranges this season presents growers with challenging management decisions. Last October, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) projected an average 2019–20 price for early and mid-season oranges of $1.62 per pound solids, while for Valencia oranges the forecast was $1.78 per pound solids. Those projected prices represent a 26 percent decline …
FDOC Orange Tax Unchanged
Florida orange growers will pay the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) a 7-cents-per-box tax in the current season for their juice oranges. After considering higher rates for months, the Florida Citrus Commission finally agreed to keep the existing 7-cent rate at its meeting on Nov. 20. The commission did, however, indicate its willingness to spend up to an additional $2 …
Dumping of Brazilian and Mexican Juice Causes Southern Gardens to Cease Processing Citrus
A flood of foreign imported orange juice was the deciding factor. Southern Gardens Citrus Processing Corporation announced today that it will no longer process fruit at its facility in Hendry County, Florida. Beginning with the 2019-20 season, Southern Gardens will have its fruit processed at another facility and bring that juice back to its facility in Hendry County for storage …
Orange Grower: ‘Best Year I’ve Ever Had’
Hardee County orange grower Kenny Sanders said at a grower roundtable meeting on June 25 that he produced 409 boxes per acre in the 2018–19 Florida citrus season. “This is the best year financially I’ve ever had in the citrus business,” Sanders said at the Wauchula gathering hosted by Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association. “In 2012, I picked 500 …