The impacts of kaolin and climate on HLB in Brazil were among topics addressed by researchers from Brazil’s Fundecitrus during the recent International Research Conference on HLB in Riverside, California. HLB is also known as citrus greening. Researcher Marcelo Miranda discussed results of a study on the use of processed kaolin in low doses to reduce the HLB-spreading psyllid population …
Combination of Essential Oils and Kaolin to Control Psyllids
By Xavier Martini and Romain Exilien Despite intensive control efforts, the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), the vector of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the bacteria causing citrus greening, remains the most devastating pest of citrus. The ACP typically relies on tactile, visual and odor cues to detect its host. By combining an irritant, a visual masking and a true repellent, University of Florida …
Reduce HLB Pressure and Enhance Growth With Kaolin
By Christopher Vincent Kaolin particle film is a non-toxic tool to reduce psyllids and increase tree growth. Particle films are nothing more than a suspension of solid particles that make a “film” on the leaves after they dry. They work mostly by reflecting light. Kaolin is the most common type of particle film because the clay is mined directly and …
Kaolin Helps With ACP and HLB
According to researchers in Florida and California, kaolin clay, especially red kaolin, aids in the management of Asian citrus pysllids (ACP) and the HLB they spread, among other attributes. Christopher Vincent of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and Monique Rivera of the University of California at Riverside recently presented a webinar about kaolin. The University …
Kaolin Particle Film Reduces HLB Pressure
Researchers found use of kaolin particle film on trees reduced populations of HLB-spreading psyllids and delayed HLB infection. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant professor Christopher Vincent presented his research comparing red and white kaolin particle films with foliar insecticides during a recent UF/IFAS OJ Break webinar. According to Vincent, the particles of kaolin clay …
Kaolin Particle Films for Citrus Under HLB Pressure
Managing the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) that spreads citrus greening disease (HLB) has become a crucial task at the forefront of much research. One management option that has proven to reduce ACP populations while increasing tree growth and yield is particle film. During the 2020 virtual Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences …
Kaolin Impact on Psyllids and HLB
Researchers found use of kaolin particle film on trees reduced populations of HLB-spreading psyllids and delayed HLB infection. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher Christopher Vincent and graduate student Juanpablo Salvatierra Miranda report on their findings. Vincent says both white kaolin and red kaolin applications “had very low psyllid numbers” compared to a foliar insecticide treatment …
Kaolin Clay May Be Viable Option to Protect Citrus Trees from ACP
Florida citrus growers have begun taking notice of kaolin clay, a powdery white compound, because it can cause Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) to “not take notice” of their groves. Long used to protect other fruit and vegetable crops, kaolin can also conceal citrus trees from hungry psyllids by confusing their visual sensory system, said Michael Rogers, director of the Citrus …
For Psyllids, Kaolin Clay Beats Foliar Insecticides
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher Christopher Vincent says kaolin clay outperforms foliar insecticides for management of HLB-spreading psyllids at times when kaolin’s use is practical. His presentation on the topic followed the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) meeting on May 22 at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. The presentation, part …
Using Kaolin Against HLB-Spreading Psyllids
Researchers are trying to use all available tools to control HLB-spreading psyllids, says entomologist Michael Rogers with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Rogers, director of the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, says scientists want “to show that we can actually grow citrus in the age of HLB and still be profitable.” “The …
Citrus Greening, Production and Plantings in Brazil
The recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) annual report on Brazilian citrus included updates on citrus greening disease, production and planted area. CITRUS GREENING The report noted that new chemicals and practices have been developed to fight citrus greening, a major cause of recent production declines. Those chemicals and practices include a natural repellent called caryophyllene, …
Brazilian Citrus Researchers Discuss Pest Management
Fundecitrus researchers Marcelo Miranda and Wellington Ivo Eduardo participated in the recent XXIX Brazilian Congress of Entomology in Uberlândia in the state of Minas Gerais. In a round table discussion on fruit plant pests, Miranda addressed the challenges of implementing integrated pest management in citrus for insect vectors of pathogens. This includes the leafhopper that transmits citrus variegated chlorosis and …
What Will the Ideal Grove of the Future Look Like?
Since no cure exists for citrus greening-diseased plants, Brazilian researchers are developing ways to modify orange trees and the environment around groves to make it harder for greening-spreading psyllids to thrive. LOCATION AND LAYOUT The ideal grove envisioned by Fundecitrus researchers, in collaboration with the Spanish National Research Council/Polytechnic University of Valencia and Durham University (England), starts with a careful …
All In For Citrus Podcast, July 2024
As citrus growers try to stabilize production in the midst of endemic HLB, maintaining the industry’s infrastructure is critically important. Two key sectors of that infrastructure are citrus nurseries and juice processors. In the July episode of the All In For Citrus podcast, Michael Rogers, director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research …
Panel Discussions Highlight Florida Citrus Show Seminars
A pair of panel discussions during the citrus seminars at the Florida Citrus Show gave growers the opportunity to engage with experts on top-of-mind topics. BREEDER RECOMMENDATIONS The citrus seminar program started with a discussion among citrus breeders moderated by Flavia Zambon, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant professor at the Indian River Research and …
Investing in New Citrus Plantings in Brazil Can Be Worthwhile
A study by Brazilian citrus consultant Gilberto Tozatti indicated that even under high HLB pressure, but with reasonable prices, it is worth investing in new citrus plantings. Tozatti’s study, presented at the recent International Research Conference on HLB, received support from the Group of Citrus Consultants (GCONCI). Tozatti summarized his presentation: Brazil is the world leader in the production of …
Protect Trees With Particle Films
By Christopher Vincent Particle film is a useful tool to take the edge off stress to citrus trees caused by weather and HLB. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) research over the past several years shows moderate concentrations of kaolin particle films cause trees to grow faster, suffer less water loss and keep leaves cooler, even …
California’s CRaFT Accepting Cycle 2 Applications
California’s Citrus Research and Field Trials (CA-CRaFT) program is now accepting Cycle 2 applications from commercial growers. This initiative aims to showcase the efficacy of additional control measures against the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). ACP is the carrier of the Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus bacterium causing huanglongbing (HLB) disease in citrus. For Cycle 2, applications will be accepted until program capacity …
Increase Yield With Shade
By Christopher Vincent, Yu Wang and Nabil Killiny Mild shade reduces stress, increases growth and yield, and may improve pest management under huanglongbing (HLB). It reduces high temperature and water stresses. Shade also may reduce HLB transmission by making trees less visible to Asian citrus psyllids (ACP). Shaded trees have less ACP, and shade appears to reduce the severity of …
Brazil’s Public and Private Sectors Tackle Greening
Representatives of the Brazilian private citrus sectors of São Paulo and Minas Gerais met Sept. 25 with members of São Paulo’s government to formulate joint action plans against citrus greening disease. Representing the private sector in the meeting were Fundecitrus, Brazilian Table Citrus Association, Vivecitrus, Citrus Consultants Group and Technical Assistance and Consultancy Group in Citrus. The government of the …