Giving Back to Orie Lee

Ernie NeffResearch, Rootstocks

The late Orie Lee was renowned for his long and generous cooperation with University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) scientists conducting citrus research on his property. One of those researchers, plant breeder Jude Grosser, says the industry is now giving a little back to the Lee family. Grosser discusses 12 federally funded trials in which rootstocks …


Psyllid Control and Endemic HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Pests, Psyllids

In the early days of HLB in Florida, virtually all researchers and growers agreed that nothing was more important than controlling HLB-spreading Asian citrus psyllids. But once HLB had spread to every grove (become endemic), many growers began questioning whether continued psyllid control was necessary. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologist Lukasz Stelinski tackled that …

Advice on Picking Rootstocks

Ernie NeffRootstocks

Growers who attended a recent Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) rootstock field day in Highlands County should look at similar CRDF trials when deciding what rootstocks to plant. That’s the opinion of Jim Graham, a CRDF project consultant who spoke at the event last month. The same six rootstocks with Valencia scions that are in field trials in Highlands …

Redefining Orange Juice?

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

Some Florida citrus processors, scientists, grower representatives and others recently started discussions about the feasibility of changing the legal standard of identity for orange juice (OJ). Under current U.S. Food and Drug Administration standards of identify for OJ, only sweet orange can be used in OJ products without limitation. Only 10 percent of juice from mandarins or citrus hybrids can …

Technology: Look Before Leaping

Ernie NeffTechnology

New technology can get growers excited about its potential benefits, says John Schueller, a University of Florida engineer and professor. “But before we go out and do something really big, we need to look at various aspects (of the technology),” he says. He suggests five questions growers should consider before going all in. “One is, what are the effects of …

Working Toward Better Orange Juice in the HLB World

Tacy CalliesBreeding, Orange Juice, Varieties

By Jude Grosser, Fred Gmitter, Yu Wang and Bill Castle It’s no secret that huanglongbing (HLB) has challenged the industry to maintain the outstanding quality associated with Florida orange juice. Moreover, increased prices and competition from new juice products and blends have reduced Florida orange juice consumption. We believe that improving the quality, especially flavor and color, of juice products …

long-horned beetle

Psyllid Management for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock reports on Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) management studies being conducted around the world. Her report covers presentations made at the International Citrus Research Conference on HLB in March. She summarized the international scientists’ observations at the Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute in Avon Park last month. She shares …


Brazil’s Orange Forecast Announced for 2019–2020

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

The 2019–2020 orange crop forecast for Brazil, published on May 10 by Fundecitrus in cooperation with Markestrat, FEA-RP/USP and FCAV/Unesp, is 388.89 million boxes. Box weight is 90 pounds. The forecast region includes São Paulo and the west-southwest Minas Gerais Citrus Belt. The total orange production by variety is forecast as follows:• 76.97 million boxes of Hamlin, Westin and Rubi …


Grower Optimism Tempered by Pricing

Ernie NeffCitrus, CUPS, Economics

Central Florida citrus grower Jerry Mixon of KLM Farms recently expressed optimism that is tempered by current orange prices. “I am optimistic, and it seems like the industry does have that same feeling,” Mixon says. “Yields are up. I have heard a little bit that (pound) solids are up a little bit, particularly Valencia crops … Trees look better.” Mixon …

HLB: Horticultural Practices

Ernie NeffCitrus, HLB Management

Scientists from numerous countries attending the International Citrus Research Conference on HLB in March reported on studies of horticultural practices that might help growers cope with the disease. Tripti Vashisth, a horticulturist with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), summarized their observations at the recent Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute. She shares those observations in the …


Rootstock Solutions for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Rootstocks

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus breeders are working on both short-term and long-term rootstock solutions for HLB, Fred Gmitter said earlier this year. Gmitter and fellow UF/IFAS citrus breeder Jude Grosser have already identified numerous rootstocks that seem to offer tolerance to the disease. Tolerance would help growers in the short term. Gmitter says …

new york times

May 4 Is National OJ Day

Tacy CalliesOrange Juice

Ray Royce of the Highlands County Citrus Growers Association reminds citrus industry members that this Saturday, May 4 is National OJ Day. “You are encouraged to think about how, even in a very small way, you can help assist in reminding your friends, neighbors and business associates that Americans have long had a love affair with orange juice,” says Royce. …


Kaolin Impact on Psyllids and HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Psyllids

Researchers found use of kaolin particle film on trees reduced populations of HLB-spreading psyllids and delayed HLB infection. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher Christopher Vincent and graduate student Juanpablo Salvatierra Miranda report on their findings. Vincent says both white kaolin and red kaolin applications “had very low psyllid numbers” compared to a foliar insecticide treatment …


Pathology Research for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management

Scientists from numerous countries attending the International Citrus Research Conference on HLB in March reported on pathology research that might help growers cope with the disease. Megan Dewdney, plant pathologist with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), summarized their reports at the recent Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute. Dewdney shares the research findings in the current …

Grower Picks Favorites at Rootstock Trial

Ernie NeffRootstocks

Gardinier Florida Citrus General Manager Lee Jones named two rootstocks that looked appealing at an April 25 Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) rootstock field day in Highlands County. “(US) 942 kind of stands out to me,” he said. “(US) 812 looks good,” he added. “What we’re learning as we’re going is we’ve got to spoon feed this (citrus trees) …


Grapefruit Grown Under Protective Screens Maximizes Fruit Yield

Daniel CooperCitrus Greening, CUPS, Grapefruit, Industry News Release, Research

Growers of one of Florida’s signature citrus crops may see more production and possibly less of the deadly citrus greening disease. Researchers have worked for four years growing grapefruit under protective screens on a 1-acre experimental plot at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), and they’re seeing encouraging results. UF/IFAS scientists and a few commercial …


Soil and Water pH Play a Key Part in Nutrition

Tacy CalliesNutrition, Water

By Tripti Vashisth, Davie Kadyampakeni and Lushan Ghimire In the past few years, horticultural citrus grove management practices have changed significantly in Florida. It is a common observation across the state that huanglongbing (HLB)-affected trees respond well to complete and balanced nutrition programs. Therefore, citrus growers are currently focusing on intensive management of irrigation and nutrition. HLB-affected trees suffer a …


Grove Border Control for Psyllids

Ernie NeffPsyllids

Controlling HLB-spreading Asian citrus psyllids along grove borders can be part of a cost-efficient psyllid control program, says University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences entomologist Lukasz Stelinski. “Psyllids are found in borders in much greater frequencies than any other place within the grove,” Stelinski says. “This is a place that they congregate … Anything that helps protect …


What Will Come from Brazil?

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Global Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves On the supply side, Florida expects 77 million boxes of oranges this season. Valencias account for 46 million boxes, while non-Valencia represent 31 million boxes. With reports of smaller fruit, these figures may drop before the end of the processing season. SEASON STATUSIn general, the Florida weather has been favorable this season, allowing for a good …