Celebrating 50 Years of Growth

Josh McGillSponsored Content

Chemical Dynamics is a leading provider of crop nutrition solutions, focused on helping farmers grow specialty crops in Florida, the Southeast and across the US. Our company was founded in 1973 by W.B. “Hap” Carson in Plant City, FL and has been a family-owned and operated business for three generations. For the past 50 years, we have developed a diverse …

Cover Crop Considerations for Citrus

Josh McGillCover Crops

By Amir Rezazadeh Cover crops protect the soil from sunlight, wind and heavy rain, which enhances soil microbial populations and improves soil structure, water infiltration and root penetration. A reduction in soil crusting, erosion, runoff and nutrient leaching are additional advantages. Through improved nitrogen cycling and nutrient retention, cover crops increase soil fertility. ORGANIC MATTER SOURCECover crops offer an inexpensive …

Alico Issues Sustainability Summary

Josh McGillIndustry News Release

Alico, Inc. recently summarized its second sustainability report. President and Chief Executive Officer John Kiernan said the company over the past year has delivered environmental, social and governance (ESG) promises made in its first sustainability report in 2021. He cited the following as some of Alico’s notable accomplishments: “Our goal with this report is to make it easier for our …

Research Center Gets Largest Gift From Grower

Josh McGillIndian River

The late citrus grower John T. Moose left the largest individual gift ever to the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Indian River Research and Education Center (UF/IFAS IRREC) in Fort Pierce. The $260,000 contribution came in 2022, the same year as the center’s 75th anniversary. The gift will help serve local agriculture and natural resources protection …

The Most Critical Step to a Good Nutrition Program

Josh McGillNutrition, Research

By Tripti Vashisth, Faisal Shahzad and Jamie Burrow Leaf nutrient analysis is an important part of a successful citrus management program. Good fertilization practices are critical for optimal crop production, especially in HLB conditions. The two main objectives of nutrition management in citrus are 1) optimum and consistent yield and 2) building a strong tree that grows and produces year …

CUPS Can Be More Profitable Than Conventional Production

Josh McGillCUPS, Economics, Research

High yields of HLB-free fruit can hypothetically be sustainably produced in citrus under protective screen (CUPS), Arnold Schumann said at a Dec. 14 field day at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC). He backed that up with data showing high yields from Ray Ruby grapefruit planted at high densities and fertigated in CUPS. Trees in his CUPS facility are …

Seeing Success With Louisiana Citrus Grown Indoors

Josh McGillLouisiana

A three-year Louisiana State University Agricultural Center (LSU AgCenter) study is investigating the pros and cons of growing citrus inside or in containers. “So far, we are finding that the pros are outnumbering cons,” said Anna Timmerman, LSU AgCenter horticulture agent in St. Bernard and Plaquemines parishes. Early results of Timmerman’s research show that growing citrus indoors produces a high-quality …

The Essential Elements of Reset Management

Josh McGillplanting, Tip of the Week

By Mongi Zekri For maximum efficiency of a grove, it is essential that every location is occupied by a tree and that every tree is healthy. Prompt replacement of dead and declining trees means higher average long-term returns from the grove. If the declining trees remain in the grove, they keep getting weaker and yield less fruit each year. Therefore, …

Updates for Citrus Nutrient Best Management Practices

Josh McGillBMPs, Nutrition

By Kelly T. Morgan, Davie Kadyampakeni and Tripti Vashisth This article reviews current University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus fertilizer recommendations and provides updated information about recently approved recommendations for secondary macronutrients and micronutrients. Citrus growers have been very concerned about fertilizer applications and nutrient management since citrus greening (huanglongbing or HLB) was found in …

Limoneira Using Liquid Natural Clay to Strengthen Sustainability

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, Water

Norwegian company Desert Control has developed a liquid natural clay (LNC) that reportedly restores and enhances soil ecosystems to reduce usage and improve efficiency of water, fertilizers and natural resources for agriculture and other uses. It has signed contracts with the Limoneira Company to apply LNC to citrus trees in California and Arizona. The project’s initial scope is to apply …

Flower Bud Advisories Promote Better Planning

Josh McGillProduction, Tip of the Week

By Tripti Vashisth In Florida, it is the time of year to start following citrus flower bud induction conditions for next year’s bloom. Citrus flower bud induction starts in the fall and usually is complete by early January. Low temperatures first stop growth and then promote induction of flower buds as more hours of low temperatures accumulate (below 68 degrees). …

Peel Protection Key for Citrus Growers

Josh McGillCold Hardy, Fresh

Citrus growers producing for the fresh market should always ensure their fruit’s peel remains unblemished and without defect. This will protect the fruit against infection and consumers choosing not to purchase the fruit. Mark Ritenour, professor of postharvest technology at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, spoke during the recent Cold-Hardy Citrus Field Day at the …

Pruning Recommendations and Benefits

Josh McGillPruning

By Mongi Zekri Pruning is an important grove practice that increases sunlight penetration within the tree canopy. Sunlight enhances flowering, fruit quality and color development. Sunlight also allows foliage to dry quickly after a rain shower, which reduces problems of fungal diseases. Pruning trees can improve fruit quality and increase fruit size. However, tree response to pruning depends on scion …

florida citrus

BMP Verification Visits Suspended

Josh McGillBMPs

The requirement that the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) conduct Best Management Practice (BMP) implementation verification visits has been temporarily suspended for several counties impacted by Hurricane Ian. The action was taken Oct. 31 by Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried. The 60-day suspension is effective for the counties of Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Flagler, Glades, …


Cold-Hardy Citrus Research Initiatives

Josh McGillCold Hardy, Research

The Fruit Crop Physiology Lab at the North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) in Quincy is focused on developing a sustainable and profitable cold-hardy citrus industry in the southern United States. To do that, it is conducting research-driven Extension projects. The NFREC is part of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). The lab collaborates …

Factors Affecting Nutrient Concentration of Citrus Leaves

Josh McGillNutrition

By Chris Oswalt Growers may have compelling reasons to collect and analyze citrus leaf samples at different times of the year. Current tables allow growers to interpret the results of their citrus leaf analysis based on the collection and analysis of 4- to 6-month-old leaves from non-fruiting twigs (Figure 1). This begs the question of the potential consequences of interpreting …

Two Ways to Treat Ian-Stressed Trees

Josh McGillhurricane, Irrigation, Tip of the Week

Give trees a bit of relief with frequent irrigation and kaolin particle film. By Christopher Vincent Hurricane Ian caused damage to orange trees, knocking fruit on the ground, twisting and breaking limbs, stripping leaves off trees and flooding soil. Although lots of damage was visible immediately, the after-effects will continue to rear their ugly heads in the months to come, …

California Citrus Mutual Expects Increased Crops

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Crop Forecast, Mandarins

The California Citrus Mutual (CCM) Marketing Committee —comprised of growers, shippers and marketers — anticipates the state’s 2022–23 navel orange and mandarin crops will be larger than last season. The U.S. Department of Agriculture also predicted larger California crops in its initial citrus forecast for the 2022–23 season. The navel orange crop will be approximately 10% over the previous season’s …

Dundee to Double CUPS Acreage

Josh McGillCUPS

Dundee Citrus Growers Association (CGA) and its members will more than double the area growing fresh citrus under protective screen (CUPS) with the addition of a second CUPS project. The new project will be located in southern Polk County, just east of Fort Meade. “Once fully developed, the 622-acre parcel will contain approximately 500 acres of CUPS … bringing our …

Politics of Water Addressed at Expo

Josh McGillCitrus Expo, Nutrition, Water

Citrus growers have been watching developments with water regulation closely in recent years. The 2022 Florida legislative session addressed some issues that had developed with the state’s best management practices (BMPs) program. Ernie Barnett, president of the Florida Land Council, gave Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo attendees a recap of the BMPs changes and provided a big-picture perspective of the …