Record Lemon Production in Spain

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast, International, lemons

European Union (EU) lemon production is forecast at just over 1.6 million metric tons (MT) in 2023–24, up from the 1.5 million MT in 2022–23, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) recently reported. The increase can be entirely attributed to an all-time-record production level in Spain, following the historically low lemon production there in 2022–23. Conversely, …

Chilean Lemon Production to Climb

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast, International, lemons

Lemon production in Chile is projected to grow 6.7% in 2023–24 compared to the previous season and reach 175,000 metric tons (MT), the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) reported. The expected production increase is due to high profits and an increase in planted area. The lemon planted area in Chile is estimated at 1,150 hectares, a …

EU Orange and OJ Production to Decline

Tacy CalliesInternational, Orange Juice, Oranges

European Union (EU) orange and orange juice (OJ) production are projected to decline in 2023–24 compared to the prior season, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). ORANGESEU orange production is projected to reach 5.4 million metric tons (MT) in 2023–24, down 2% from the already short EU orange output level …

New Research on Neonicotinoids for Psyllids

Tacy CalliesBrazil, Psyllids, Research

Continuing Brazilian research into the application of neonicotinoids via drench for control of HLB-spreading psyllids shows higher efficacy than earlier results indicated. In September, Fundecitrus released preliminary results on the application of neonicotinoids via drench. At that time, tests carried out on a property in Casa Branca, São Paulo, showed that the efficiency of the molecules for this type of …

pesticide resistance

Preventing Pesticide Resistance

Daniel CooperPesticides, Pests

By Lourdes Pérez Cordero Insects in general are often thought of as pests. Although some organisms of the class Insecta can become harmful to important agricultural crops, not all insects should inherently be considered pests. A pest can be any organism that competes, injures, or spreads diseases to humans, domestic animals and desired plants. Historically, humans have utilized chemical mixtures …

Florida Citrus Hall of Fame Inductees Named for 2024

Daniel CooperAwards

The Florida Citrus Hall of Fame has announced its Class of 2024 inductees. They are Robert M. “Bob” Behr of New Smyrna Beach, George H. Streetman of Vero Beach and Leland K. Young, formerly of Bartow. They will be inducted March 1, 2024, along with the Class of 2023 inductees. The induction ceremonies and a luncheon will be held at …


U.S. Fresh Oranges Up; OJ Down in 2022–23

Daniel CooperFresh, Orange Juice, Production

The fresh-market orange crop in the United States rose 2% in 2022–23 compared to the prior year, to 1.44 million tons, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service reported this fall. The increase was due to larger navel orange and early/midseason crops in California and Texas. FRESH FRUIT PRICES FALL With increased supply, grower prices for fresh oranges were …


Fundecitrus Repudiates Articles About Citrus Greening

Daniel CooperBrazil, Citrus Greening

Fundecitrus says it repudiates recent articles that claim productivity in Brazil’s São Paulo and Minas Gerais citrus belt will be reduced by 60% in the next five years due to citrus greening disease. Fundecitrus says Chilean and Spanish news portals published such reports on Nov. 14.  According to Fundecitrus, this information is not valid, nor was it ever provided by …

Insights on India’s Citrus Industry

Josh McGillHLB Management, International

Fundecitrus researcher Franklin Behlau lectured about canker and HLB and participated in other ways at the recent Asian Citrus Congress in Nagpur, India. His lecture addressed the advancement of HLB (also known as greening) in the Brazilian citrus belt and the work carried out by Fundecitrus in combating HLB and canker. Behlau also moderated a technical session and participated in …

São Paulo Governor Creates Greening Committee

Josh McGillBrazil, Citrus Greening, HLB Management

The governor of Brazil’s state of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, on Oct. 16 decreed the formation of a state committee for greening contingency after meeting with several members of the state’s citrus industry. Greening affects 38.06% of orange trees in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. The governor acted after considerations by the Sylvio Moreira Citriculture Center/Agronomic …

Fundecitrus Addresses Issues With Psyllid Insecticides

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management, Pesticides

The resistance of HLB-spreading psyllids to some insecticides and the low effectiveness of insecticides applied via drench to control psyllids were recently addressed by Fundecitrus researchers. RESISTANCE OF PSYLLIDS Fundecitrus professionals participated in a meeting of the Brazilian Insecticide Resistance Action Committee. They were researcher Marcelo Miranda and agricultural engineer and postdoctoral fellow at Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture/University of …

Diseases Without Borders: Leprosis and Yellow Vein Clearing Viruses

Josh McGillDiseases

By Ozgur Batuman Plant virus diseases are unusually difficult to manage if introduced into new production sites. Citrus-infecting viruses, particularly those spread by insect vectors, are no exception to this. Florida is regularly challenged by a barrage of invasive pests and pathogen species that could devastate the citrus industry. Viruses causing citrus leprosis and citrus yellow vein clearing diseases are …

Brite Leaf Citrus Nursery: Innovation and Industry Involvement

Josh McGillnursery

By Tacy Callies Before they were married, Nate and Anna Jameson vowed they would one day farm for themselves. They met while attending the University of Florida. Nate graduated with a Bachelor of Science in ag operations management, while Anna earned her degree in animal science. After graduation, Anna worked for Lykes Meat Group and Nate for Ben Hill Griffin …

Historically Low Orange Juice Supply

Josh McGillBrazil, Orange Juice

Brazil’s São Paulo and Minas Gerais citrus belt has gone through four low orange production cycles in a row, the Brazilian Association of Citrus Exporters (CitrusBR) pointed out in a recent report on orange juice processing. The association noted that orange production in Brazil’s citrus belt totaled 269 million boxes in the 2020–21 season, 263 million boxes in 2021–22, 314 …


Replacing Psyllid Host Plants

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management, Psyllids

The secretary of agriculture and supply of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in partnership with Fundecitrus, has launched a campaign to replace plants that are hosts for the HLB-spreading psyllid. HLB disease is also known as citrus greening. The campaign, called Plant This Idea, aims to replace citrus and myrtle plants with fruitful and ornamental plants in rural backyards …

Worldwide Citrus Production Down in All Categories

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) recently estimated that world citrus production is down for oranges, mandarins, orange juice (OJ), grapefruit and lemons/limes. For all categories, production will be lower in 2022–23 than in the prior year. OJGlobal OJ production for 2022–23 is estimated 9% lower to 1.5 million metric tons (MMT). Production is down due …

Student’s Thiamethoxam Research Honored

Josh McGillAwards, Brazil, HLB Management

Work on HLB carried out at Fundecitrus by student Leandro Jun Soki Shibutani was honored at the recent Brazilian Congress of Phytopathology. The first part of Shibutani’s dissertation on the theme “Frequency of spraying thiamethoxam and transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus in orange trees under constant arrival of infective psyllids” took second place in the Best Master’s Works category. It …

California and Arizona Citrus Projects Funded

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Research

The California and Arizona departments of agriculture received funding for four citrus-related projects from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) for 2023. Nationwide, USDA AMS allocated $72.9 million in Specialty Crop Block Grant Program funding. DROUGHT-TOLERANT VARIETIESThe California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) received $499,921 for designing drought-tolerant specialty crops using metabolic modeling. The University …

Fundecitrus Researchers Honored for HLB Article

Josh McGillAwards, Brazil, HLB Management

Six Fundecitrus researchers recently received an award from the journal Tropical Plant Pathology, edited by the Brazilian Society of Phytopathology. The award is in recognition of the researchers’ work in the scientific article “Overview of citrus huanglongbing spread and management strategies in Brazil.” The researchers honored are Renato Beozzo Bassanezi, Sílvio Aparecido Lopes, Marcelo Pedreira de Miranda, Nelson Arno Wulff, …

Less Global Orange Production

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Global orange production for 2022-23 is estimated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) at 47.8 million metric tons (MMT), 5% less than the prior year. Lower production in the European Union, Turkey and the United States is only partially offset by a larger crop in Egypt. U.S. production is estimated to drop by over a …