The Florida Citrus Show is right around the corner, and exhibitors are getting fired up for the tailgate competition. Take a look at what some of the vendors are planning to serve to attendees on April 3. Visit the vendors to try their delicious tailgate dishes. Growers who vote for their favorite dish will be entered into a drawing to …
Florida Budget Includes $47 Million for Citrus
Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) recently reported that the Florida Legislature’s fiscal year 2024–25 budget includes $47 million to aid the state’s citrus industry. The funding for various programs is: Additionally, the Florida Legislature’s budget includes a $100 million annual appropriation for the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program, which aims to protect working agricultural operations from development by establishing conservation easements. …
Visit the Vegetable Learning Stations at the Florida Citrus Show
Vegetable learning stations will be open at the Florida Citrus Show for growers to visit with experts on various production-oriented topics. The stations will be in the lobby of the U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory in Fort Pierce. Plan to visit the stations from 2:00–2:30 p.m. or after the vegetable speakers’ session concludes. The learning stations will feature the following topics: …
Florida Citrus Show – Seminar
HomeAttendSeminarsHotelExhibitSponsor2024 Seminar ProgramWednesday, April 3, 2024General Session- Indian River Research and Education Center Auditorium 8:45 a.m. Welcome Frank Giles, AgNet Media, Scott Adkins, USDA Ron Cave, UF/IFAS 9:00 a.m. Federal Agriculture Priorities in 2024 Mike Joyner, Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association 9:30 a.m. TBA 10:00 a.m. 4Roots Farm’s Reverse Demand Program Driving the Buy Local Movement Tommy Ward, 4Roots Farm …
Continued Commitment to Florida Ag
By J. Scott Angle, When I arrived in Florida three and a half years ago to lead the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), my message to Farm Bureau members was, “I work for you.” I still do, but no longer as UF’s senior vice president for agriculture and natural resources. I’ve become provost, the …
Florida Citrus Land Sales and Prices
The recent Lay of the Land Florida 2023 Market Report from SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate highlighted 40 citrus grove sales in 12 Central Florida counties last year. The average sales price of $11,141 per net tree acre was up 3% from the prior year. The average gross acre sales price was $9,284, up 7%. The highlighted grove sales …
Scheuerer Crowned Miss Florida Citrus
Alana Scheuerer was crowned the 2024 Miss Florida Citrus on March 2 in Winter Haven. She was chosen during the Miss Florida Citrus and Miss Winter Haven Program at Nora Mayo Hall in Winter Haven. The event was the program’s 100th anniversary. Scheuerer, 26, of Coral Springs, has a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management and tourism and a master’s degree …
HLB Management Different for North Florida Citrus
Living with huanglongbing (HLB) disease (citrus greening) is a much different process for citrus growers than protecting their crop from it. Growers in the cold-hardy citrus region are currently trying to keep the devastating disease out of their area. Industry experts like Michael Rogers, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Citrus Research and Education Center director, are …
The Florida Citrus Show Is a Month Away!
Citrus and specialty crop growers are invited to gather on April 3 in Fort Pierce at the Florida Citrus Show. The event takes place at the Indian River Research and Education Center and the U.S Horticultural Research Laboratory. The trade show and breakfast begin at 8:00 a.m. Take the time to network with exhibitors before the general session begins at …
Florida Southern College Has New Major
Florida Southern College (FSC) in Lakeland will offer a new horticulture, land and resource management major in August for incoming students and current students who want to add a major or switch majors. It consists of 28 credit hours (without general education courses). Sixteen of those hours come from horticulture science, and the rest are business oriented with a focus …
AgNet Media Set to Host Florida Citrus Show
Citrus and specialty crop producers should mark their calendars for the upcoming Florida Citrus Show, scheduled for Wednesday, April 3, in Fort Pierce, Florida. This will be the second year of AgNet Media hosting the event, which will once again feature a tailgating theme with vendors exhibiting their products and services while sharing delicious foods. In addition, general and educational …
Top Tailgater To Be Named at Florida Citrus Show
Exhibitors are gearing up to compete for the Top Tailgater title at this year’s Florida Citrus Show. The reigning champion, Southern Citrus Nurseries, took home the title and $500 cash for their vegetable spring rolls last year. This year, they’re competing to be the two-year champion with virgin bloody mary oyster shots. Who will bring home the prize this year? …
Endangered Species Act To Be Addressed at Florida Citrus Show
During the Florida Citrus Show’s general session, Mike Aerts, Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association vice president, science and regulatory affairs, will address how the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is being used to challenge the registration of key crop protection materials. The ESA has already been used to knock down the use of two active ingredients specific to citrus. Currently, the …
Florida Citrus Part of USDA Plant Protection Funding
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is allocating more than $5 million to Florida for plant-health protection. The funding is part of a nationwide effort to strengthen the country’s infrastructure for pest detection, surveillance and mitigation, as well as protect the U.S. nursery system. Through the authority of the Plant Protection Act (PPA) Section 7721, USDA is providing more than …
Register Today for the Florida Citrus Show!
The hype is building for the Florida Citrus Show! Clear your schedule on April 3 and plan on a day full of fun, education and great food at the Florida Citrus Show in Fort Pierce. Citrus and specialty crop growers are invited to network with exhibitors in the tailgate-style trade show and learn the latest research in the seminar sessions. …
Proposal to Increase Florida Fresh Citrus Assessment
The federal marketing order assessment rate for fresh Florida oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and pummelos would increase under a rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service. The proposed rule would increase the assessment rate for the 2023–24 fiscal year and subsequent fiscal periods from $0.015 to $0.02 per 4/5-bushel carton or equivalent for Florida citrus handled under …
Nominations Open for Two Florida Ag Awards
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) is accepting nominations through March 1 for the Woman of the Year in Agriculture Award and the Agricultural-Environmental Leadership Awards. The Woman of the Year in Agriculture Award annually recognizes the achievements of women who have made outstanding contributions to Florida agriculture. The Agricultural-Environmental Leadership Awards are presented annually, spotlighting environmentally …
Update on Florida’s CRAFT Program
Florida’s Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) board of directors recently approved a slate of Cycle 5 solid set Program for Expedited Propagation (PEP) projects following recommendations from the Technical Working Group. Eleven projects totaling 455 acres were approved. Projects will focus on comparisons of five scions (Parson Brown, Roble, Carney 2, Carney 3 and Donaldson) on the same rootstock. …
Attention Vegetable Growers: The Florida Citrus Show Is for You, Too!
For many years, the Florida Citrus Show has provided citrus growers with an excellent networking opportunity and educational program. Now, the event has added vegetable programming that growers will not want to miss. Show planners are developing a unique program for commercial vegetable growers that will combine traditional seminars with a “build-your-own” learning experience. After the morning general session, which …
Florida Juice Prices and Marketing Focus
At the Jan. 17 Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) meeting, Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) Director of Economic and Market Research Marisa Zansler reported on price increases for orange juice (OJ) and grapefruit juice. Nielsen data for the period ending Dec. 2, 2023 showed: Zansler reported that the average increase in grapefruit juice price year-over-year is 4.27%, somewhat in line with …