Lessons on Yield and Root Health From Modified Nutrition

Tacy CalliesNutrition

By Davie Kadyampakeni, Evan Johnson, Kelly Morgan and Ali Atta Citrus production in Florida has been decreasing over the last 15 years due to several factors, with huanglongbing (HLB) a major driver. This disease has severe effects on citrus growth and production, including stunted vegetative growth, misshapen small fruits and poor color development, root mortality, stunted branches, excessive fruit drop, …

Improve Yields With Gibberellic Acid

Ernie NeffHLB Management

Many Florida citrus growers were among the approximately 300 people who registered for a Sept. 21 virtual seminar telling how gibberellic acid (GA) can improve Valencia orange yields. Valencias, at 30.1 million boxes, made up slightly more than half of Florida’s total citrus crop in the 2020-21 season. Presenter Tripti Vashisth started her presentation by saying that GA, already available …

Steps for Reducing Fruit Drop

Ernie NeffFruit Drop

Editor’s Note: Tripti Vashisth with share new information on the use of gibberellic acid treatments to improve health and yield of HLB-diseased trees in a virtual seminar on Sept. 21. Register here. Researcher Tripti Vashisth told the recent Citrus Expo audience how fruit drop might be reduced through the use of nutrition and irrigation strategies, gibberellic acid and increased fruit …

Gladstone Buys Florida Groves

Ernie NeffIndustry News Release

Gladstone Land Corporation announced that it acquired two lemon and orange groves, totaling 617 acres, in South Florida for approximately $5.2 million. In connection with the acquisition, it entered into a 12-year leaseback agreement with the seller. The organization did not respond to a request for information about the seller or the location of the groves. “We are excited to …

Grower: Young Trees Look ‘Outstanding’

Ernie NeffProduction

In the face of production declines, pest issues and other challenges, multi-county Florida citrus grower David Wheeler of Wheeler Farms found something positive to report. “One bright spot is the health of our young trees,” he said. “They look outstanding and have been on a good program with a rotation of insecticides.” Wheeler Farms’ more mature citrus trees aren’t doing …

Parson Brown Outperforming Hamlin

Ernie NeffResearch, Varieties

Manjul Dutt recently discussed his research on the Parson Brown (PB) sweet orange, which shows some characteristics that could make it more attractive than Hamlin, Florida’s leading early-season orange. Dutt is a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences horticultural sciences researcher at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. Dutt’s research, funded by the Citrus …

Citrus Fiber Market to Expand

Ernie NeffMarket

The global citrus fiber market is expected to surpass $500 million by 2031, growing at a 6% annual rate, according to a recent report by market research firm Fact.MR. The firm reported that the citrus fiber market was about $300 million in 2020. It stated that as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, consumer eating habits switched to natural alternatives; that significantly …

Turkey: Lemons Up, Grapefruit Down

Ernie NeffInternational

Lemon production in Turkey climbed in 2020-2021, but grapefruit production is expected to decline, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. LEMONSLemon production reached 1.1 million metric tons, which is 13% more than in the 2019-20 season. Lemons have a longer season compared to oranges and tangerines in Turkey because different lemon varieties ripen at different times …

Making Sense of Biologicals: Improve Fruit Size and Quality

Tacy CalliesBiostimulants, MSOB

Citrus growers need as many tools in their toolbox as possible. With the Florida citrus industry decimated in recent years, mainly due to citrus greening disease, growers are exploring all options to help them succeed. CYAN 365®, a biostimulant from C Green Ag Biotechnology, is one tool that has proven to help enhance the quality and size of citrus crops, …

Fruit Drop: When to Harvest

Tacy CalliesFruit Drop

By Ariel Singerman and Stephen H. Futch In the 2020–21 citrus season, fruit drop has severely impacted orange yield in Florida. According to a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) citrus crop forecast, the estimate of fruit drop for early/mid-season and Valencia oranges was 43% and 34%, respectively. Moreover, according to some growers, the level of fruit drop has been …

The Secret Ingredient of Developing New Citrus Rootstocks

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Rootstocks

By Bill Castle Creation, evaluation, release and commercial acceptance are dynamic, interactive activities that together constitute new rootstock development. Underpinning each of them is a commonly overlooked and rarely mentioned activity, professional judgment. Yet, it is something everyone has and recognizes as getting better with time and experience. It is a skill developed and refined over time from knowledge of …

Farm Bill

Value of Florida’s Citrus Industry Is Up

Ernie NeffEconomics

Despite a decrease in citrus production, the Florida citrus industry contributed more value to the state of Florida in 2019-20 than the previous season. According to a study conducted by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), the industry had an economic impact of $6.762 billion to the state and supported more than 33,300 jobs. The …

spray drift

The Goals of Pest Management

Josh McGillCEU

By Ajia Paolillo Editor’s note: This article grants one continuing education unit (CEU) in the Core category toward the renewal of a Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services restricted-use pesticide license when the accompanying test is submitted and approved. Integrated pest management (IPM) uses a combination of methods to keep pest populations at an acceptable level, which are economical …

Update on CRISPR Research for Citrus Improvement

Tacy CalliesBreeding

By Nian Wang, Fred Gmitter and Manjul Dutt Nearly all commercially important citrus types — oranges, grapefruits etc. — have originated by mutations that have accumulated over several hundreds to thousands of years, from what once was an original, individual sweet orange tree and a single grapefruit tree. The many different cultivars that we know today are descended from those …

Drought and Heat Harm Brazil’s Harvest

Tacy CalliesBrazil

By Maurício Mendes There is a saying among those who have been in the industry for a long time: “There is no citrus harvest like the other.” Growers are facing production challenges in the current harvest season in Brazil. HOT, DRY CONDITIONSThe first signs of a decrease in the season’s fruit crop were given by last year’s (August to September …

Texas Grapefruit Sweepstakes Launched

Ernie NeffGrapefruit

Texas-based grapefruit brand Winter Sweetz announced the launch of its Sweeter in Texas sweepstakes to celebrate the Texas red grapefruit season during the holidays. Consumers may enter the sweepstakes from Dec. 15 to Jan. 15. There will be weekly prizes and a grand prize winner. Every week, two winners will be selected at random to receive a free shipment of …

Fruit Drop Weighs Heavily on Florida Growers

Ernie NeffFruit Drop

Numerous Florida citrus growers are experiencing heavy fruit drop this fall. “For some growers, it’s the worst fruit drop they have experienced; 50 percent-plus,” says grower Lee Jones with Cross Covered Caretaking. Grower Jim Snively, with Southern Gardens Citrus, said he is hearing talk of around 30 to 50 percent-plus fruit drop. “I’m hearing pick-outs that are 20 percent to …

Parson Brown Research Funded

Ernie NeffResearch

Researchers looking into the possibility that the old Parson Brown orange might fare better than Hamlins in the face of HLB will be funded by the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF). CRDF Chief Operating Officer Rick Dantzler said the organization agreed to fund the project for $53,000 during its December meeting. The funding had been under consideration for several …

John Gose: Serving Youth and Industry

Tacy CalliesCitrus

Ray Royce readily acknowledges grower and nurseryman John Gose’s many contributions to the Florida citrus industry, including serving “on way too many advisory committees to list.” Gose has even been president of the Highlands County Citrus Growers Association, where Royce is executive director. PROGRAM LEADERSHIPBut it’s not Gose’s work with growers that most impresses the association executive. “I always think …

Grapefruit and Drugs: A Conversation

Ernie NeffGrapefruit

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus breeder Fred Gmitter recently had an email conversation with a retired Swedish pediatrician about a UF/IFAS grapefruit and pummelo hybrid that likely won’t interact with drugs. The retired physician, Leif Gothefors, had inquired about Gmitter’s work on the hybrid, UF 914. Gothefors noted that he had heard UF 914 …