The Orange Focus Group of the Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa (CGA) on July 23 cut its projections for navel and Valencia orange exports in the 2024 season. NAVELS The projected number of 15-kilogram cartons of navel orange exports is now 21 million. That continues the downward trajectory that was started in May when the season-opening estimate of 25.7 …
Reasons to Believe HLB Is Beatable
Growers gathered in Bonita Springs in mid-June for the Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference. The event hosted by Florida Citrus Mutual drew a good crowd. The mood of growers was mixed. While there was hope that HLB trunk-injection therapies might have resulted in more dramatic improvements to this year’s crop, there also was recognition that these therapies represent one of …
Symposium Unites Growers and Ag Industry Professionals
The second annual Growing Together Symposium was hosted at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Mid-Florida Research and Education Center in early August. The event was a forum for growers and agricultural industry professionals to learn about various business-related topics. Center director Kirsten Pelz-Stelinski welcomed attendees and noted the Apopka, Florida, facility is continuing its …
Update to Hurricane Season Forecast
Colorado State University (CSU) hurricane researchers on Aug. 6 continued to call for an extremely active 2024 Atlantic hurricane season. The August forecast is the same as the July forecast for all parameters except for named storms, which was reduced from 25 to 23. Twelve of the named storms are predicted to reach hurricane strength. Six of the 12 hurricanes …
Survey Asks Growers About Oxytetracycline Trunk Injection
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers are conducting a grower survey about the use of oxytetracycline (OTC) trunk injection in citrus production. The researchers want to learn about the adoption, efficacy and economic feasibility of OTC injections. The survey, which can be accessed here, will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. It should be completed …
Sooner Protections Put in Place for Pesticide Spray Drift
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is putting pesticide spray drift protections in place 15 years sooner in the review process for new pesticides than has historically occurred. The protections are for farmworkers, their families and the general public near where pesticides are applied. The earlier protections for spray drift were announced July 15. EPA will now assess the potential …
Hurricane Debby Damage in the Cold-Hardy Citrus Region
The impact of Hurricane Debby on the cold-hardy citrus region appears minimal, according to one industry expert. Lindy Savelle, executive director of the Georgia Citrus Association and member of the Georgia Citrus Commission, said any damage from the wind-heavy storm was limited to the younger citrus trees. Savelle has groves in Georgia’s Thomas County. YOUNG TREES “When we get a …
Low pH Does Not Cause Tree Injury in Trunk Injections
Sponsored Content In this special series, Tom Johnson, owner of TJ BioTech, tackles questions about optimizing trunk-injection applications to treat HLB. Q: Some are suggesting that oxytetracycline injections may be creating tree injury due to low pH. What have you learned about this from your ongoing research? Tom Johnson: A substantial amount of research has been conducted by TJ BioTech …
Alabama Citrus Grower Sees Success With Local Marketing
An Alabama citrus grower credits the surging population in Baldwin County for his success at marketing his satsuma crop. In retirement, Craig Goolsby has established a small but effective citrus operation. He has approximately 360 mature trees and planted another 150 last year. Goolsby is hoping to continue a strategy that’s focused largely on local marketing. Goolsby says he’s blessed …
Alico Increases Production and Names New Chairman
Alico, Inc.’s Citrus Division harvested more fruit in the three months and nine months ended June 30 than during the same periods in the prior fiscal year. Harvests for the three-month and nine-month periods were approximately 0.8 million and 3.1 million boxes, respectively, compared to 0.4 million boxes and 2.7 million boxes, respectively, in the prior fiscal year. POUND SOLIDS AND …
Visit the UF/IFAS Citrus Extension Booth at the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo
By Jamie D. Burrow and Michaela Ivy Since the spring, planning has been underway for the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus Extension team booth to be on display at the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo. The event is Aug. 21–22 at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. The booth will be in the same …
CRAFT Applications Open Until Nov. 1
Applications are available online for Cycle Six of the traditional Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) New Tree Planting Program and Round Three of the Existing Tree Therapies Program. Growers may submit their applications until 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 1. The CRAFT board of directors, with the help of the Technical Working Group, has established a list of factors …
Update on Global Orange and OJ Production
Global orange production for 2023–24 is expected to rise slightly while orange juice (OJ) production dips. This forecast is from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) Citrus: World Markets and Trade July report. ORANGES Global orange production for 2023–24 is estimated to rise 1% to 47.4 million tons. Lower production in Brazil and the European Union …
CUPS Allows Profitable HLB-Free Citrus Production
The U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA/NIFA) has invested more than $250 million to find a solution for HLB. One example of USDA NIFA-funded research is citrus under protective screen (CUPS). University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) scientist Arnold Schumann and colleagues began testing CUPS at the Citrus Research and Education Center …
Fourth Generation to Lead Fresh Citrus Business
There have been many challenges faced by the Florida citrus industry in its long and storied history. Innovative growers have found ways to overcome those challenges, making citrus one of the core industries in the state. Few would argue that HLB is not the biggest challenge to date, but growers continue to innovate to try to save the industry. A …
South African Citrus Crops See Gains
South African grapefruit, tangerine/mandarin and lemon production are all projected to increase in 2023–24 compared to the prior year, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) semi-annual report. GRAPEFRUIT The 2023–24 forecast for grapefruit production is now 420,000 metric tons (MT), up from 415,000 MT the prior year. Of that, 202,000 MT is expected to …
Crop Insurance Options Expanded
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is expanding crop insurance options for some specialty and organic growers beginning with the 2025 crop year. USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) is allowing enterprise units (EUs) by organic farming practice, adding enterprise unit eligibility for several crops, and making additional policy updates. The following changes impacting citrus will be made beginning with the …
California Quarantine Updates
Federal and state officials have removed and reduced Oriental fruit fly (OFF) quarantines in two California counties and expanded the huanglongbing (HLB) quarantine in another county. The actions were taken by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). ORIENTAL FRUIT FLY On July 5, the …
Assistance Expanded for Food Safety Certification
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is expanding the Food Safety Certification for Specialty Crops (FSCSC) program to include medium-sized and small businesses. Eligible specialty crop growers can apply for assistance for expenses related to obtaining or renewing a food safety certification. The program includes assistance for 2024 and 2025 expenses. Producers can apply for assistance on their calendar year …
Stressed Farmers Turn to Alcohol to Cope
A new University of Georgia (UGA) study published in the Journal of Agromedicine reveals that one in five U.S. farmers report binge drinking alcohol when they experience high levels of stress. Farming is a uniquely stressful vocation. Farmers work long hours performing labor-intensive, repetitive and often dangerous tasks. Farming is among the 10 most dangerous jobs in the United States, …