Managing Citrus Thrips in California

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Pests

In California’s Central Valley, citrus thrips are one of the most concerning pests for growers. Citrus thrips feed on young fruit, which results in scarring damage. “Those cuts are then downgraded in the packinghouse, costing our growers money, which is why managing thrips is so important,” said Sandipa Gautam, University of California Cooperative Extension area citrus integrated pest management advisor. …

PIECES OF THE PAST: A Granddaughter’s Recollections

Josh McGillPieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette Editor’s note: Last month’s Pieces of the Past featured Edward Postell Porcher, one of the original Florida Citrus Hall of Fame inductees. This month, his granddaughter shares more memories about him and the citrus industry. Edward Postell Porcher’s granddaughter, Norris Porcher Andrews, was interviewed by Nancy Yasecko at the Porcher House in 1994 for the Brevard …

Sneak Peek: June 2023 Citrus Industry

Josh McGillSneak Peek, Soil Health

During a historically low period of Florida citrus production, Inverness grower Chuck Bellamy has found a way to keep fruit on his trees. In the June cover story of Citrus Industry magazine, he tells what regenerative practices have reduced fruit drop in his grove. Not only is he keeping more oranges; he has lowered his production costs in the process. …

Awareness Campaign Battles HLB in Brazil

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management

Brazil’s Fundecitrus in 2022 and 2023 conducted an awareness campaign to replace citrus and myrtle plants to combat HLB in the municipality of Itobi, São Paulo. The citrus and myrtle plants were replaced with other fruit and ornamental species that do not host the Asian citrus psyllid that transmits HLB, also known as greening disease. These citrus and myrtle plants …

Silicon Could Benefit Florida Citrus

Josh McGillNutrition, Production

There has been much focus on the benefits of applications of plant growth regulators like gibberellic acid and 2,4-D, and more recently oxytetracycline hydrochloride to improve the health of citrus trees infected with HLB. Silicon also has been highlighted for its potential benefits to citrus. Mohammad Adnan Shahid, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant professor, …

Cold-Hardy Citrus Production and Challenges

Josh McGillCold Hardy

By Maegan Beatty Cold-hardy citrus is grown across a few thousand acres in more than 16 counties in North Florida and South Georgia. The satsuma mandarin is a cold-hardy species that has been grown throughout North Florida since the 1800s. The fruit is typically medium sized, a reddish orange color and can produce the highest quality in cooler winters and …

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Help Trees Weather Heat With Particle Film

Josh McGillTip of the Week, Weather

By Sharpton Toussaint and Christopher Vincent Kaolin particle film is a promising grove management technique for pest control and growth enhancement. The optimal rates to use to improve water use and growth in citrus trees remain an important area of investigation. Citrus leaves are prone to water deficits because they transpire more water than the stems can supply. University of …

Citrus Research Board to Host Webinar Series

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Education

California’s Citrus Research Board (CRB) has announced its 2023 Citrus Growers Educational Webinar Series. CRB will hold four one-hour webinars on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. The dates are June 6, 13, 20 and 27. Each webinar will highlight valuable research and practical discussions for growers. Here’s the lineup: JUNE 6Topic: Tree Density and Pruning Affect Fruit Numbers, Size, Quality and …


Funding for Florida Department of Citrus Research

Josh McGillFlorida Citrus Commission, Florida Department of Citrus

The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) on May 17 received a summary of the latest state funding earmarked for scientific research that will be administered by the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC). FDOC Director of Scientific Research Rosa Walsh provided the summary. She noted that the funding established by the Florida Legislature needs to be approved by Gov. Ron DeSantis. State …

Native Lime Might Keep HLB Out of Australia

Josh McGillHLB Management, International, Limes

A comprehensive map of the genome of an Australian native lime species that is resistant to HLB could be the key to preventing the disease from entering Australia. Researchers from The University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia have sequenced the genome of the Australian round lime, also known as the Gympie lime. They are now looking at five other native …

The Florida Citrus Industry After the 2022 Hurricanes

Josh McGillEconomics, hurricane

By Tom Spreen To proclaim that 2022 was a difficult year for the Florida citrus industry would be an understatement. In late January, a short freeze hit much of the commercial citrus-producing area with long-term implications. While its effect on the 2021–22 crop was small, it came as the 2022–23 bloom was about to begin after a warm December. It …

All In For Citrus Podcast, May 2023

Josh McGillAll In For Citrus Podcast

There is some buzz among citrus growers that new HLB therapies are beginning to show positive results in trees. But visual observations of trees are subjective and can vary from grove to grove and grower to grower. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) has developed a new tool for growers that will provide a more …

U.S. Citrus Demand Exceeds Supply

Josh McGillExport/Import, Production

While the U.S. domestic supply of citrus has declined tremendously, imports have increased substantially. That, says American Farm Bureau Federation economist Daniel Munch, is a telltale sign that consumer demand for citrus in the United States is now greater than domestic production capacity. “In other words, we’ve become partially reliant on other nations for citrus products,” Munch writes in U.S. …

Citrus Black Spot Spreads in Polk County

Josh McGillDiseases

Citrus black spot (CBS) disease was confirmed at a second location in Florida’s Polk County in March. The new find was in a grove near State Road 60 and Indian Lake Estates, east of Lake Wales. The only prior CBS infestation in Polk County was near U.S. 27 on the Highlands County border. But that location was turned into an …

Funding for Existing and Transitioning Organic Producers

Josh McGillOrganic

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced additional steps being taken to strengthen the market for domestically grown organic goods, and to support producers seeking organic certification. These funding opportunities are part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Organic Transition Initiative. The initiative is a suite of offerings to help existing organic producers and those transitioning to organic production and processing. …

Fertilizer Institute Pushes Policy Priorities

Josh McGillBiostimulants, Nutrition

The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) recently released its 2023–2024 Public Policy Priorities for working with the Biden administration, regulatory agencies and Congress. TFI’s priorities are broken down into seven key areas: “Fertilizer is a globally traded commodity and heavily influenced by geopolitical events,” said TFI President and Chief Executive Officer Corey Rosenbusch. “Over the past two years, we have seen major …

Projects Selected for Existing Tree Therapies Program

Josh McGillCRAFT

The Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) Foundation received nearly 700 eligible applications — representing more than 42,000 acres — for its new Existing Tree Therapies Program. A random lottery drawing was recently conducted by a third party, and 159 projects have been selected for inclusion in the program. The remaining applications have been placed on a waitlist.  CRAFT staff …

Indian River Center to Add Citrus Researcher

Josh McGillIndian River, Research

Brazil native Flavia Zambon will become assistant professor of production horticulture of citrus and other tree crops at the Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) in November. The IRREC, located in Fort Pierce, is a branch of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS).  Zambon has had years of research experience in all of Florida’s …

Florida Budget Includes $65 Million for Citrus

Josh McGillLegislative

This year’s Florida state budget, established by the Legislature in early May, is the largest in history at nearly $115 billion. Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) reported that approximately $65 million was allocated to the citrus industry. FCM itemized what was allocated to the citrus industry prior to Gov. Ron DeSantis signing the budget:  Additionally, the Department of Agriculture package bill …

Using Gibberellic Acid in California Citrus

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, PGRs

Craig Kallsen, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) citrus and pistachio farm advisor for Kern County, offered suggestions for the use of gibberellic acid (GA3) on citrus in the San Joaquin Valley. Highlights follows: See Kallsen’s full article on gibberellic acid use here. Source: UCANR Sponsored ContentA Simpler, Safer and More Effective Way to Fight HLBOctober 25, 20245 …