Don’t Miss the Florida Grower Citrus Show

Josh McGillEvents, Indian River, Tip of the Week

By Ron Cave In 1946, leaders with the University of Florida and the Indian River Citrus League ascertained the need for an event where growers, the trade organization and researchers might network and attend educational sessions presented by scientists. So began the first-ever Indian River Citrus Seminar, which would later become the Florida Grower Citrus Show. In the 1960s, Florida’s …

New Citrus Varieties to Be Assessed in Australia

Josh McGillInternational, Varieties

Hort Innovation announced it will invest $987,000 to assess new citrus varieties that are suited to Australian growing conditions. Funded by Hort Innovation’s citrus levy, the project will provide independent assessment of the horticultural performance of new citrus varieties under Australian conditions, as well as testing citrus varieties for trueness-to-type. The assessments will take place in Dareton in New South …

Update on HLB-Tolerant/Resistant Tree Programs

Josh McGillFlorida Department of Citrus, HLB Management, Varieties

The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) in March heard updates on programs intended to provide growers with HLB-tolerant or -resistant trees and on other Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) scientific research programs. Director of Scientific Research Rosa Walsh provided the updates. The FCC serves as the FDOC’s governing board. Walsh announced that for the FDOC’s Program for Expedited Propagation, all materials …

Reduce Pests With Natural Enemies

Josh McGillPests, Research

By Jawwad Qureshi A wide range of pests colonize citrus crops. Most of these species target tree canopies, and a few feed on the roots. Damage is either direct through feeding on the plant tissues or it can be twofold if the pest is also responsible for transmitting the pathogens of a disease or making conditions favorable for the disease …

Freeze Had Greatest Impact on Young Trees

Josh McGillCold Hardy, freeze

Lindy Savelle, president of the Georgia Citrus Association, and other industry leaders continue to preach to growers the need to diversify their crop portfolios. The Christmas freeze event that ravaged production in the Southeast last December should not be a deterrent for farmers hoping to produce citrus other than satsuma mandarins. Yes, non-satsuma citrus trees were impacted more by the …

Latest CRDF Funding Includes Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Projects

Josh McGillCRDF, Research

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) board of directors convened its March meeting with a busy agenda, addressing fast-moving current events. Discussion focused on newly approved oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC-HCl) trunk-injection products currently being applied in groves. The board funded a project to measure the impact of OTC-HCI applications on the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). Specifically, the study will determine …

Pheromones Essential in Leafminer Management

Josh McGillCold Hardy, Pests

Citrus growers should emphasize leafminer management this year to preserve new flushes. This is especially important for those producers affected by the Christmas freeze event. The management strategy should include pheromone disruptions, which can help reduce pest populations. Xavier Martini, assistant professor of entomology at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) North Florida Research and …

California’s Valencia Orange Forecast

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Crop Forecast

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) recently reported additional information about the state’s 2022–23 Valencia orange forecast of 16.2 million 40-pound cartons. This figure is equal to the 8.1 million 80-pound boxes forecast by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on March 8. The CDFA forecast, also issued on March 8, is below the prior season production of 17.2 …

Final Herbicide Strategy

How to Squelch Summer Weeds

Josh McGillweeds

Summer is “a field day for weeds,” Ramdas Kanissery said in a March 29 presentation about weed control for citrus. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences assistant professor provided a progressive step-by-step approach to suppressing weeds during the summer. CONTROL EXISTING WEEDSGrowers can get off to a good start by controlling existing weeds with post-emergent herbicides. …

Organic Juice Company Reports Earth-Friendly Practices

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, Organic

In celebration of Earth Day on April 22, Uncle Matt’s Organic described how it uses numerous environmentally friendly practices. The company said use of cover crops in its groves helps control weeds and promotes healthy soil. The complex root systems from the cover crops nurture robust biodiversity in the soil. This ecosystem provides water retention, nutrient availability and carbon capture. …

Stuart Scholarship Applications Due April 15

Josh McGillScholarship

Applications for the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association’s (FFVA) Mike and Karen Stuart Scholarship are due April 15. Application forms are available at the FFVA’s Florida Specialty Crop Foundation website. The scholarship, for $2,000 per recipient, was created in 2021 to encourage and support college students who intend to pursue a career in the specialty crop industry. It is open …

Ambrosia Beetles a Concern Post-Freeze

Josh McGillfreeze, Georgia, Pests

Researcher Apurba Barman recently reported that ambrosia beetles could be a potential concern following the December 2022 freeze event in the cold-hardy citrus region. Barman is an assistant professor of entomology with the University of Georgia College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences.  Ambrosia beetles are small insects that bore holes into stressed trees. While they have been seen attacking young …

New Offerings at Florida Grower Citrus Show

Josh McGillEvents

The 2023 Florida Grower Citrus Show, presented by AgNet Media, will be held April 13 in Fort Pierce. The show has a new venue this year — the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) and the adjacent U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory. …

U.S. Citrus Production to Decline Over a Decade

Josh McGillEconomics, Production

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) projects American citrus production will decline from 11.2 billion pounds in 2022 to 9.8 billion pounds in 2032. The 10-year outlook for citrus is part of the lengthy USDA Agricultural Projections to 2032 report. The report was issued in February by the chief economist’s office at the USDA. According to the report, total citrus …

Should Florida Growers Be Worried About Lime Swallowtail?

Josh McGillPests, Tip of the Week

By Lauren Diepenbrock Recently, several articles have highlighted a potential new threat to the citrus industry in Florida, the lime swallowtail. While it is true that this pest has been found in residential citrus plantings in Key West, it is unlikely that lime swallowtail will have much of an impact, if any, on Florida’s commercial citrus industry. Lime swallowtail is …

Sneak Peek: April 2023 Citrus Industry

Josh McGillEvents, Pests, Sneak Peek

It’s almost April, and that means it’s almost time for the Florida Grower Citrus Show! The soon-to-be-released April issue of Citrus Industry magazine features an event guide to the new and improved Florida Grower Citrus Show. Included is a complete seminar schedule and list of participating exhibitors and sponsors for the April 13 event. Now under AgNet Media management, the …

Update on New Varieties Projects

Josh McGillVarieties

The Florida Citrus Commission on March 15 heard an update on four sponsored projects under the New Varieties Development and Management Corp. (NVDMC). Peter Chaires, NVDMC executive director, provided the updates: 1. The primary effort of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service’s Citrus Scion Breeding Program is to select varieties throughout the 2022–23 season that have commercial potential. …

Senator Talks to Growers and Acts on H-2A

Josh McGillLabor

U.S. Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-GA) recently spoke to South Georgia citrus growers in Ochlocknee about their needs and introduced legislation to reduce a wage-rate increase in the H-2A guestworker program. The industry’s needs include shoring-up supply chains, expanding facilities to keep up with growing demand, and strengthening research on diseases and pests that pose a unique threat to citrus. “I’m …

Fuller Is New FDOC Marketing Director

Josh McGillFlorida Department of Citrus

The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) announced the hiring of John Fuller as global marketing director. He has more than 20 years of experience in sports and entertainment, including athlete representation in marketing, public relations and philanthropic endeavors. “I’m excited to enter the citrus industry to help meet marketing goals and work with my team to create innovative programs, both …

Lessons Learned From HLB as an Immune-Mediated Plant Disease

Josh McGillHLB Management, Research

By Nian Wang How the huanglongbing (HLB) pathogen Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) causes damage to infected citrus trees has been widely debated. A recent study demonstrates that HLB is an immune-mediated plant disease (Ma et al., 2022). It was discovered that CLas infection of citrus stimulates systemic and chronic immune response in phloem tissues, including reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, …