By Andre B. Gama and Megan M. Dewdney Postbloom fruit drop (PFD) of citrus is a disease caused mostly by the fungus Colletotrichum acutatum. This fungus survives by producing resting structures on leaves and stems. When flowers start to appear in groves, these resting structures produce spores that can cause PFD. However, the fungus requires specific weather conditions to be …
USDA to Purchase Citrus Products
Mike Sparks, Florida Citrus Mutual executive vice president/CEO, reported that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced another round of citrus purchases totaling almost $48 million. The breakdown includes $10 million worth of orange juice, $7.5 million worth of grapefruit juice, $25 million in fresh oranges and $5 million in fresh grapefruit. The USDA purchases will be for distribution to …
Orange You Glad to Meet Miss Florida Citrus?
By Brenda Eubanks Burnette Leila Sabet, Miss Florida Citrus 2020, virtually started her year of service in June by competing in the very first virtual Miss America preliminary pageant in Florida. Due to COVID-19, Miss Florida Citrus appearances have not been as prolific as in past years. However, as restrictions have eased, Sabet has been invited to several industry events. …
John Gose: Serving Youth and Industry
Ray Royce readily acknowledges grower and nurseryman John Gose’s many contributions to the Florida citrus industry, including serving “on way too many advisory committees to list.” Gose has even been president of the Highlands County Citrus Growers Association, where Royce is executive director. PROGRAM LEADERSHIPBut it’s not Gose’s work with growers that most impresses the association executive. “I always think …
Forecast for Florida Citrus Is Low
Trade Issues for Fresh Florida Citrus
Dan Richey, president of Riverfront Packing Company, gave an update on trade issues impacting fresh Florida citrus during the recent virtual citrus Packinghouse Day meeting. Richey, also a member of the Agricultural Trade Advisory Committee, says foreign sales are especially important for Florida citrus. One of the biggest topics of trade conversation is the effects on the market since the …
Made in the Shade
Feral citrus growing in natural hammocks reveals insights about production and HLB. By Christopher Vincent and Anirban Guha Would you rather go outside in August and stand for a few hours in the sun or in the shade? It turns out citrus prefers the shade, too. In the past two years, we have been researching the health of citrus growing …
IPM Approaches to Reduce Psyllid Populations
Lukasz Stelinski recently shared integrated pest management strategies for reducing Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) populations to optimize tree health and yield. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences professor of entomology and nematology presented the information during the 2020 virtual Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference. Even with approximately 100 percent of Florida citrus trees infected with huanglongbing …
Citrus Salesperson Kay Hiatt Remembered
Kiyo Ueda Hiatt, 94, died July 11 at Treasure Coast Hospice – Harper House in Stuart, Florida. She began working more than 50 years ago at Deerfield Groves in Florida. Hiatt worked in sales in the citrus industry and served on several Florida Department of Citrus subcommittees. She was a pioneer for women in the Florida citrus industry. Kay, as …
Citrus Grower Ben Hill Griffin III Dies
Citrus grower and cattle rancher Ben Hill Griffin III, 78, of Frostproof, died July 25. Griffin, son of the late Ben Hill Griffin Jr., was president and COO of Ben Hill Griffin, Inc. and a member of the Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame and the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame. He had previously been president and chairman of the board …
Florida Grapefruit Decline in Final Forecast
The U.S. Department of Agriculture released the final citrus crop forecast of the 2019-20 season on July 10. The only monthly change in Florida was in the grapefruit crop, which dipped slightly. Here’s a summary of the season’s production by variety and state: ORANGESThe Florida all-orange forecast remained unchanged at 67.65 million boxes, but is down 6 percent from last …
CRB, CCM Asks Citrus Industry to Help Niland
The California Citrus Research Board (CRB) and California Citrus Mutual (CCM) are calling for help for the fire-ravaged town of Niland, near the Salton Sea in Southern California. Niland is a very small desert town that was home to many agricultural workers who worked in citrus groves in the region. One person died. Some 40 homes were destroyed, many more …
UCR Scientists Say New Peptide Could Control HLB
According to a news article released by the University of California Riverside (UCR), scientists there have found a substance which may be capable of controlling citrus greening disease. The disease, also known as huanglongbing (HLB), has devastated citrus in Florida and in other regions worldwide. It also threatens California crops. The article says the new treatment effectively kills the bacterium …
Canker Quarantine Expanded in Texas
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced June 30 it was immediately expanding the area quarantined for citrus canker in Texas. The agency added portions of Cameron County near San Benito and Brownsville to prevent the spread of the disease. APHIS confirmed the positive identification of citrus canker in two residential trees in San …
Top Picks From Citrus Variety Display Days
By Yu Wang, Fred Gmitter, Jude Grosser, Joon Hyuk Suh and Peter Chaires The Citrus Variety Display Days at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) have been a unique platform to fulfill one of the core missions of the Florida citrus industry. These events help identify new selections with …
Summer Tree Care Practices to Improve Fruit Quality and Yield
By Fernando Alferez and Tripti Vashisth As summer approaches and citrus trees bear developing fruit, growers can engage in several practices to improve fruit quality and yield. As temperatures rise and daylength increases, conditions are conducive for enhanced photosynthesis and accumulation of soluble sugars in the fruit. It is important to note that, in general, the temperature is negatively correlated …
Malcolm Manners: Model Professor, Admired Mentor
In college, Malcolm Manners saw his share of “really good” and “really bad” professors. When he decided to become a professor himself, he tried to use the best ones as his pattern. “They could catch a student’s interest and educate rather than preach,” he recalls. Manners just began his 40th year as an educator at Florida Southern College (FSC) in …
UF/IFAS Welcomes New Entomologist
In mid-April, Tolulope Morawo began a new position as an assistant professor of entomology at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) in Fort Pierce. He joins UF’s statewide effort to protect crops and natural environments with integrated pest management (IPM) strategy. In 2017, Morawo completed his doctorate degree …
Pesticide License Testing to Resume
Due to COVID-19, all pesticide license testing in Florida was suspended for more than six weeks. Now that the state has started to reactivate services, testing will resume at select University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension offices on May 18. Not all testing locations will open on May 18. Due to the number of COVID-19 …
Control Phytophthora in Citrus Crops
One of the most damaging pathogens for citrus crops continues to be Phytophthora, a soilborne pathogen that attacks the root systems and affects the entire citrus tree. As the pathogen degrades the tree’s root system, above ground symptoms such as slowed growth, chlorotic foliage and reduced fruit size intensify. Eventually, this may result in the death of the tree. Phytophthora can appear …