Citrus Acreage Attrition by County in Florida

Josh McGillAcreage, Florida, Land

By Ariel Singerman Citrus greening (HLB) has significantly impacted the Florida citrus industry. The disease has caused tree health, yield and fruit quality to decrease significantly over time. In 2022–23, due to the combined impact of HLB, Hurricane Ian and a freeze in December 2022, the statewide average yield for both Valencia and non-Valencia oranges was estimated to be approximately …

Film Calls for Urgency Regarding Greening in Brazil

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management

Fundecitrus recently launched the institutional awareness-raising film Urgência as yet another part of the Greening Is Serious campaign. The campaign began in January last year. In the film, 10 representatives of the citrus sector talk about the economic, social, environmental and historical dimensions of citrus growing in São Paulo and Minas Gerais. They point out everything that is at risk …

Research Update on Oxytetracycline Injection for HLB Management

Josh McGillHLB Management, Research

By Ute Albrecht The German scientist Paul Ehrlich pioneered the research for “magic bullets” — chemicals that could kill a microorganism but did not harm the patient. He also coined the term “chemotherapy” and paved the way for developing synthetic drugs. The first synthetic antibiotic (the first sulfa-type antibiotic) to successfully treat human bacterial diseases without major side effects was …

The Push for Pruning in Brazil’s Dense Groves

Josh McGillBrazil, Pruning

Due to major problems with pests and diseases, Brazilian producers have adopted alternative practices, such as dense planting, Fundecitrus’ Citricultor magazine recently reported. These practices reduce costs, increase yield and achieve a faster return on investment. As a result of this trend, new production practices are needed to improve management, including the frequent pruning of trees, which is essential in …

Syngenta Seeks Summer Intern Applicants

Josh McGillEducation

Syngenta is seeking citrus interns in Florida for the summer of 2024, with an application deadline of Nov. 1. The company plans to schedule and hold interviews before Thanksgiving. Syngenta provided the following information about the internship program and the qualification requirements:  PROGRAM OVERVIEWCitrus interns at Syngenta gain hands-on experience in the ag industry. This is a paid internship that …

Brazil’s Public and Private Sectors Tackle Greening

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management

Representatives of the Brazilian private citrus sectors of São Paulo and Minas Gerais met Sept. 25 with members of São Paulo’s government to formulate joint action plans against citrus greening disease. Representing the private sector in the meeting were Fundecitrus, Brazilian Table Citrus Association, Vivecitrus, Citrus Consultants Group and Technical Assistance and Consultancy Group in Citrus. The government of the …

Three New Citrus Releases From UF/IFAS

Josh McGillVarieties

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center breeding program has released three new scion cultivars in the last year. These cultivars provide opportunities for diverse segments of the Florida citrus industry, including nurseries catering to the home landscape marketplace. The new releases demonstrate the value of a broad-based breeding program to …

First HLB Detection in Ventura County

Tacy CalliesCalifornia Corner, HLB Management, Regulation

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has declared a quarantine in Ventura County following the detection of the citrus disease huanglongbing (HLB), or citrus greening, in two citrus trees on one residential property in the city of Santa Paula. These detections are the first HLB-positive trees in Ventura County. CDFA is working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture …

Optimize Zinc and Potassium Applications to Prevent Fruit Drop

Josh McGillFruit Drop, Nutrition, Tip of the Week

By Fernando Alferez, Daniel Boakye, Murillo De Sousa and Pablo Orozco After HLB was first detected in Florida, increase in disease-associated preharvest fruit drop in affected trees has significantly reduced grower returns. Fruit drop is normal in healthy citrus, accounting for 10% to 15% of the total crop. However, under endemic HLB conditions and depending on the variety, crop loss …

Citrus Thrips Reduce California Production

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Pests

California citrus growers faced significant citrus thrips challenges this season due to the unprecedented rainfall, California Citrus Mutual (CCM) reported. The unusual weather pattern led to uncontrollable conditions in the field.  Reports from the CCM Pest and Disease Task Force indicated that some growers have experienced exterior fruit scarring on as much as 80% of the fruit in individual blocks. …

A Grove-First Approach

Josh McGillHLB Management, Research

In the nearly two decades that huanglongbing (HLB) has plagued Florida citrus groves, about $1 billion has been spent in the search for solutions. A lot of great scientists in Florida and around the world have worked on the problem, and a silver bullet, if there is one to be found, has been elusive. Researchers, along with growers, have developed …

fruit fly

Fruit Fly Quarantine Actions in California

Josh McGillPests, Regulation

Portions of Contra Costa and Santa Clara counties in California have been placed under quarantine for the Oriental fruit fly (OFF), and a quarantine in Orange County has been removed. See the updated quarantine map here. CONTRA COSTA COUNTYIn Contra Costa County, detections near the cities of Brentwood and Oakley have resulted in a quarantine zone covering 99 square miles. …

Citrus Gets Sasse’s Attention

Josh McGillCitrus, Florida

By J. Scott Angle,, @IFAS_VP Citrus has the attention of new University of Florida President (UF) Ben Sasse. That bodes well for UF’s continued commitment to the industry. Ag TourIt started on June 3, when I took the president on a 28-hour tour of Florida agriculture. It included a stop at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center in …

First CLas-Positive Psyllids Found in Ventura County

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, HLB Management, Psyllids

A Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas)-positive Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) sample has been collected from a residential property in California’s Ventura County. CLas is the bacterium that causes HLB. The Citrus Research Board’s Jerry Dimitman Laboratory confirmed the positive sample. This is the first confirmed CLas-positive ACP sample found in Ventura County. The positive sample, comprised of 12 adult psyllids from …

HLB Tools for Today and Tomorrow

Josh McGillCitrus Expo, HLB Management

By Frank Giles and Tacy Callies The Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo hosted two citrus educational sessions during the Aug. 16–17 event held at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. The sessions included both long-term research aimed at delivering trees resistant to HLB as well as what growers can do today to help mitigate the effects of the disease in …

Wang Appointed to Graves Eminent Scholar Chair

Josh McGillHLB Management, Research

Citrus researcher Nian Wang has been appointed to the Graves Eminent Scholar Chair in Biotechnology at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). Wang is a professor of microbiology and cell science at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC). He was appointed to the chair because of his work to develop a tree resistant to …

Brite Leaf Citrus Nursery: Innovation and Industry Involvement

Josh McGillnursery

By Tacy Callies Before they were married, Nate and Anna Jameson vowed they would one day farm for themselves. They met while attending the University of Florida. Nate graduated with a Bachelor of Science in ag operations management, while Anna earned her degree in animal science. After graduation, Anna worked for Lykes Meat Group and Nate for Ben Hill Griffin …

Gene Confers Resistance to HLB and Citrus Canker

Josh McGillHLB Management, International, Research

In August, Horticulture Research published a paper titled An endolysin gene from Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus confers dual resistance to huanglongbing and citrus canker. Researchers found that an endolysin encoded by the Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) prophage has dual resistance to huanglongbing (HLB) and citrus canker. A prophage is the genetic material of a bacteriophage, and a bacteriophage is a virus …

Citrus Harvesting Trends in Florida

Josh McGillEconomics, Labor

By Ariel Singerman Harvesting citrus is manual and labor intensive, making the cost of labor a key component of the cost of harvesting. The H-2A guest worker program allows companies to temporarily hire non-U.S. citizens to perform agricultural labor or services of seasonal nature. Given that domestic workers for harvesting are in short supply, harvesting companies in Florida (and other …

Transgenic Efforts Against HLB

Josh McGillBreeding, HLB Management, Research

Matthew Mattia recently provided an overview of work at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service (USDA ARS) transgenic test site in Fort Pierce. Transgenic refers to an organism that contains genetic material into which DNA from an unrelated organism has been artificially introduced. Scientists at the Picos Farm screen transgenics for suppression of citrus Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), …