First HLB Confirmation in City of San Diego

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, HLB Management, Regulation

The citrus disease HLB has been confirmed for the first time in the city of San Diego, California, making it the second city in San Diego County with a positive detection. (Read about the first San Diego County detection here.) The new detection was made in a residential citrus tree located in the Rancho Bernardo area of the city. The …


Much Less Citrus Production in Turkey

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Fresh mandarin/tangerine, lemon and grapefruit production in Turkey is forecast to decline in 2022–23 compared to the prior year due to freezing temperatures in March 2022. Orange juice (OJ) production will likely be unchanged, while orange production will significantly decline. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).   TANGERINES/MANDARINSOverall tangerine production is forecast …

Leading Citrus Producers of the World

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Brazil will continue to lead the world in orange and orange juice production in 2022–23. China continues to produce the most tangerines/mandarins and grapefruit. Mexico will remain the largest producer of lemons and limes.  Global production of all varieties is forecast to be lower in 2022–23 than in the prior year. These projections were made by the U.S. Department of …

Update on Japanese Citrus

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) recently issued forecasts for Japanese citrus production. Covered crops included the following: ORANGESJapanese 2022–23 orange production is forecast at 5,600 metric tons (MT), a decline of 2% from the previous year. Orange harvested area is projected to fall by 1.2% to 395 hectares. Orange imports are forecast at 80,000 MT …

Mexico’s Citrus Crops Expected to Slide

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, Mexico

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) has forecast Mexico’s crops of lemons, limes and grapefruit will be lower in 2022–23 than in the prior year. LEMON/LIMEThe lemon/lime production forecast for 2022–23 is 2.8 million metric tons (MMT), 7% lower than the previous year. Lemons and limes are the second largest category of citrus produced in Mexico, …

Florida Orange Forecast Continues to Fall

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

February’s federal citrus forecast trimmed another 2 million boxes from Florida’s projected orange crop, dropping expected 2022–23 production to 16 million boxes. That’s an 11% drop from what had already been projected to be a historically low orange crop. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS). If the Florida orange forecast …

Natural Compounds Might Fight HLB

Josh McGillHLB Management, Research

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded Florida International University (FIU) scientists $500,000 to investigate natural compounds that could suppress or even eliminate the bacteria that causes HLB. FIU Institute of Environment researcher Kateel Shetty is leading the search for an antimicrobial compound that could help citrus growers. The FIU team’s theory is that if they can identify a …

Drought to Cut Argentine Lemon Production

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International, lemons

Due to a drought, lemon production in Argentina is forecast to decline to 1.77 million metric tons (MMT) in 2022–23, down 130,000 metric tons (MT) from the prior year. The drought is expected to continue through the Southern Hemisphere summer of 2023 due in part to the third La Niña weather pattern in a row. The forecast was issued by …

Refreshed Format for Florida Grower Citrus Show

Josh McGillEvents

Over the years, the Florida Grower Citrus Show has become the premier event for growers on the East Coast of Florida while drawing growers from other key production regions as well. Last year, AgNet Media purchased the assets of Florida Grower magazine. With that transaction came the show. Since that time, the team at AgNet Media, along with its partners …

Legislation Introduced in Hurricane Relief Effort

Josh McGillhurricane, Legislative

Rep. Scott Franklin (FL-18), Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-25) and Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) introduced the Block Grant Assistance Act of 2023, a critical bill to ensure the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) can provide needed relief to agriculture producers devastated by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. This bill will provide the agriculture secretary needed authority to provide block grants to …


Sizeable Citrus Crop Declines in Morocco

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) has forecast production of oranges, orange juice (OJ) and lemons/limes in Morocco to decline in 2022–23 compared to the previous season. FRESH ORANGESOrange production in Morocco is expected to decline 35% to 750,000 metric tons (MT). The decline is attributed to unfavorable weather during the growing season, water shortages and …


Most Israeli Citrus Crops to Increase

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Production increases are forecast for Israeli mandarins/tangerines, grapefruit and lemons in 2022–23 compared to the prior year, while orange production is projected to decline sharply. The forecast is from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). MANDARIN/TANGERINETotal mandarin and tangerine production in 2022–23 is forecast at 170,000 metric tons (MT), up from 159,000 MT the prior season. …


Florida Growers to Vote on Marketing Order Amendments

Josh McGillMarketing, Regulation

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will conduct a referendum April 3–May 1 on proposed amendments to the federal marketing order regulating the handling of oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and pummelos grown in Florida. Notice of the referendum was published in the Federal Register on Jan. 18, 2023. The proposed amendments would include reducing the size and quorum requirements of the …

Fiberstar Launches Organic Citrus Fiber

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, Organic

Fiberstar, Inc. has launched the Citri-Fi 400 series, a line of organic citrus fibers. The new product line is in response to the increasing demand for natural, sustainable and organic food ingredients. Market drivers fueling the uptick in demand include a growth in consumer health and wellness initiatives and limited availability of hydrocolloids due to supply-chain challenges. Other drivers include …

Oranges and OJ in China: Production and Trade

Josh McGillChina, Crop Forecast, Orange Juice

Orange production in China is expected to increase in 2022–23 over the prior year, while its orange juice (OJ) production is forecast to decline. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDAFAS). ORANGESChina’s orange production in 2022–23 is forecast to reach 7.6 million metric tons (MMT), up from 7.55 MMT the prior year. The …

European Orange and OJ Production

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International, Orange Juice

European Union (EU) production of oranges and orange juice (OJ) are projected to decline in 2022–23 from the prior year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) projected. ORANGESOrange production in the EU is forecast at 5.8 million metric tons (MMT) in 2022–23, a 12% reduction from the prior season. The decline is mainly explained by production …

Mandarin Production in Japan

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International, Mandarins

Tangerine/mandarin production in Japan for 2022–23 is forecast at 921,000 metric tons (MT), down 3.5% compared to the prior year. Tangerines/mandarins account for a majority of Japan’s citrus production, and the Unshu is expected to be the leading mandarin variety at 722,000 MT. Non-Unshu varieties are forecast at 199,000 MT. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture …

Mexican Orange Production and Trade

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, Mexico, Orange Juice

Mexican orange production in 2022–23 is forecast at 4.2 million metric tons (MMT), 9% lower than the previous year, due to prolonged drought in northeastern Mexico. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). Mexico is estimated to be the fifth-largest orange producer in the world behind Brazil, China, India and the United …


All About Peru’s Mandarin/Tangerine Industry

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International, Mandarins

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) has forecast Peruvian mandarin/tangerine production at 550,000 metric tons (MT) in 2022–23, decreasing 4% from the previous year. Peruvian mandarin/tangerine production area is estimated at 23,000 hectares. Harvest season runs from March to November. The major mandarin/tangerine production areas are in the central semi-tropical coastal regions with good availability of …

Significant Decline in Turkey Orange Production

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, Export/Import, International

Orange production in Turkey is forecast at 1.4 million metric tons (MMT) in 2022–23, a decline of 20% from the prior year production of 1.75 MMT. The forecast by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) blames the decline on freezing weather during the beginning of the orange blossoming period in March 2022. The yield loss is …