Florida citrus growers

HLB Spending Summarized

Ernie NeffCRDF

Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) Chief Operating Officer Rick Dantzler on Feb. 23 detailed CRDF spending on efforts to solve HLB. According to Dantzler, the Florida-based organization spent $140.7 million between its formation in 2009 and 2020. The vast majority of CRDF’s focus has been on HLB. Dantzler’s report came moments after University of Florida (UF) Institute of Food …


Improving Root Health in the Era of HLB

Ashley RobinsonRoot health

Developing and maintaining a healthy root system is crucial for establishment and long-term productivity of citrus trees. The presence of HLB can greatly complicate citrus root-health management. The infection causes severe damage to fibrous roots that amplify the detrimental effects caused by other root pests and pathogens, such as phytophthora root rot. Due to HLB’s widespread presence throughout Florida, root-health …

Keeping Consumers Engaged With Florida OJ

Ernie NeffMarketing

Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) e-commerce activities have strongly aided orange juice (OJ) sales since January 2020, Jackie Hopkins with FDOC marketing agency Edible told the Florida Citrus Commission earlier this month. She reported the e-commerce program has reached $11.6 million in attributed sales of OJ with 513 million impressions and $5.24 return on ad spend (ROAS). ROAS is the …

citrus forecast

Florida Representatives Concerned About EU Grapefruit Tariffs

Ernie NeffGrapefruit

Twenty-two members of the Florida congressional delegation, led by Reps. Darren Soto and Bill Posey, wrote a letter to Acting U.S. Trade Representative Maria Pagan expressing concerns over retaliatory tariffs placed by the European Union (EU) on U.S. agricultural products. The letter focused on the harm the EU tariffs could do to Florida grapefruit. Here’s the full text of the …

Tangerine and Mandarin Global Production to Increase

Ashley RobinsonCrop Forecast, International

Global tangerine and mandarin production for 2020-21 is forecast up slightly to 33.1 million tons with larger supplies in China, the European Union, Morocco and Turkey, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. Consumption and exports are both up with the increase in supply. China production of tangerines and mandarins is forecast to rise slightly to a …

Canker Treatment Uses Less Water and Copper

Tacy CalliesDiseases

An important bacterial disease that affects citrus trees and causes lesions, citrus canker has been effectively controlled by spraying copper. However, standard management techniques involve spraying excessive amounts of copper and water without consideration for the size of the trees. “This technique resulted in a waste of resources as well as higher costs, detrimental environmental impact and risk for development …

Minimize Blemishes on Tangerines and Grapefruit

Tacy CalliesDiseases, Tip of the Week

Megan Dewdney Since tangerines and grapefruit they are eaten fresh, a blemish-free peel is highly desired. Two diseases that frequently mar the peels of tangerines, and occasionally grapefruit, are Alternaria brown spot (ABS) and citrus scab. Both diseases cause symptoms on leaves and fruit. ALTERNARIA BROWN SPOTThe early foliar symptoms of ABS are small yellow flecks that quickly become larger …

Q&A With FDOC’s Shannon Shepp

Tacy CalliesFlorida Department of Citrus

Shannon Shepp, executive director of the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), answers several questions regarding her agency’s work, including efforts to market orange juice (OJ) and other Florida citrus products. She fields additional questions of interest to the citrus industry, including about demand for citrus products, foreign OJ imports, and industry challenges and opportunities. The FDOC is governed by the …

New Solution for Fruit Drop?

Ashley RobinsonFruit Drop, Research

Fruit left on the ground is a waste for growers and consumers alike, and Florida’s citrus industry certainly cannot afford to leave any fruit behind. Citrus fruit drop before harvest has been particularly challenging during the 2020-21 Florida growing season. That is why Fernando Alferez, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus horticulturist, is researching strategies …


University of Florida Focusing on AI

Ernie NeffTechnology

Researchers with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) are working as teams to use artificial intelligence (AI) to attack complex issues. An example of such team work is Arnold Schumann, a professor at the Citrus Research and Education Center, working with weed scientist Nathan Boyd at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center. They use …


Grapefruit Production in EU to Stay Stable

Ernie NeffGrapefruit, International

European Union (EU) grapefruit production is forecast to remain stable in 2020-21 at 96,000 metric tons, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported. EU area planted to the crop stands at about 3,300 hectares. Spain, the EU’s largest grapefruit producer, expects its production to remain flat at 73,000 metric tons. The leading producing areas in Spain include …

FDOC on Global Marketing Efforts

Ernie NeffInternational, Marketing

A 25 percent tariff placed on Florida grapefruit in Europe has had some impact on retail supply, Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) Director of Global Marketing Samantha Lane told the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) in early February. The FCC is the FDOC’s governing board. Lane said the FDOC worked with the European industry to ensure Florida-loyal retailers continued to have …

Global OJ Production to Exceed Consumption

Ashley RobinsonOrange Juice

Global orange juice (OJ) production for 2020-21 is forecast 17 percent higher to 1.8 million tons. Production in Brazil and Mexico more than offsets the drop in the United States. However, global production continues its general long-term decline, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. Similarly, consumption is projected to continue its long-term decline, although exports are …


Thrips Management Tips

Tacy CalliesPests, Tip of the Week

As Florida growers prepare for the spring bloom, it is time to think about a pest that thrives on citrus flowers: thrips. Most notably, flower thrips are known to cause damage to developing flowers in sweet orange. Feeding damage can range from negligible to causing abortion of the flower or developing fruitlet. This pest is particularly challenging because it migrates …


Georgia Owari Rootstock Trial Update

Ashley RobinsonGeorgia, Rootstocks

Ongoing citrus rootstock trials being conducted by the University of Georgia (UGA) hold promise for Georgia’s growing citrus industry. Jake Price, UGA Extension agent and Lowndes County Extension coordinator, has produced six local citrus rootstock/variety trials with varying objectives. The oldest trial, planted in 2014, is growing Owari satsuma trees on standard and new trifoliate hybrid rootstocks. Each year, as …

Ag Workers Among Those Most at Risk to COVID-19 Death

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, COVID-19, Research

A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that food-service, agricultural and construction workers were among the most at-risk for dying from exposure to COVID-19. The study points out high-density workplaces in any industry are possibly high risk. The close proximity of employees in high-density workplaces creates a high risk for transmission of coronavirus disease. The …


Nutrition Management Program Yields Results

Ashley RobinsonNutrition

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers have found that following nutrition and irrigation guidelines designed for a specific grove will help growers promote tree health and produce high-quality citrus. Last year, UF/IFAS scientists offered Florida growers a unique nutritional counseling program, commonly referred to as the nutrition box program. It provides free soil and leaf …

Shade for HLB Trees Means More Yield

Ashley RobinsonAll In For Citrus Podcast

Like all photosynthetic plants, citrus trees need light to produce food. But in Florida, groves located in full sun sometimes receive more light energy than they can make use of, causing photosynthesis to slow down. When this happens, the trees invest their energy in protecting their leaves from sun damage, meaning the trees have less food available for fruit protection. …


European Lemon Production Trending Upward

Ernie NeffInternational

European Union (EU) lemon production in 2020-21 is forecast to increase by almost 11 percent from last season, to 1.64 million metric tons (MMT), according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). EU planted area for the citrus variety continues trending upward at around 78,000 hectares. Spain is the union’s largest lemon producer with a forecast of …

citrus crop

More Shrinkage for Brazil’s Orange Crop

Tacy CalliesBrazil, Crop Forecast

On Feb. 10, Fundecitrus and its cooperators released an update to Brazil’s 2020–2021 orange crop forecast. The forecast is now 269.01 million boxes, down slightly from the 269.36 million boxes forecast in December. While production of the Pera Rio variety increased 3.74 percent to 81.83 million boxes, Valencia and Valencia Folha Murcha production decreased 2.8 percent to 91.72 million boxes. …