Southern Hemisphere Citrus Crop Forecast

Ernie NeffForecast, Industry News Release

A preliminary forecast for the Southern Hemisphere citrus season shows an expected small production decrease but an increase in exports. The first crop production and export forecast for the 2020 season was released by the World Citrus Organisation (WCO) on May 29. The preliminary forecast is collected from industry associations in Argentina, Australia, Chile, Peru, South Africa and Uruguay. The …

florida citrus

COVID-19 Hurts Texas Citrus

Ernie NeffCOVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic that reduced food-service sales nationwide took a toll on some Texas citrus growers this season. MARKET DISRUPTION“Schools and restaurants make up a significant percentage of sales for Texas citrus,” said Dale Murden, a grower and president of Texas Citrus Mutual. “Whether it’s fresh or juice, the loss of those markets definitely hurt.” At least in part because of the …

Florida Citrus Season Soured by Imports

Tacy CalliesExport/Import, sales

A small grower shares his thoughts on the current market situation. By Chip Henry The functionality and integrity of the cash (spot) market for Florida oranges this season has been undermined by the untimely and excessive supplanting of imported juice into Florida processing plant inventories. The resulting price crash has cast a pall on growers selling their fruit on the …

South African Citrus to Arrive in U.S.

Ernie NeffFresh

Summer Citrus from South Africa announced in late May that its first vessel of the year to the United States will arrive at the New York port soon. The vessel will deliver Easy Peeler clementines. More Easy Peelers and some Navel oranges will arrive in Philadelphia in late June. During peak season, Star Ruby grapefruit and Cara-Cara oranges will also …

new york times

OJ Has Health Benefits, Shows Research

Ernie NeffOrange Juice, Research

Recently published research results are consistent with previous studies indicating that orange juice (OJ) consumption is associated with benefits to nutrient intake and diet quality without detriment to body weight in children. The same research results from the University of Washington indicated that OJ consumption has favorable effects on body mass index and waist circumference in adults. The research results …

Georgia Citrus Avoids COVID-19 Harm

Ernie NeffCOVID-19, Georgia

Georgia’s citrus crop was harvested before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States, so the state’s small but growing citrus industry has thus far avoided impacts from the disease. “We don’t think marketing will be affected by COVID, but harvesting (next season) could become problematic if our harvest crews experience problems,” said Lindy Savelle, president of the Georgia Citrus Association. “Although …

Sneak Peek: June 2020 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

Florida’s citrus harvest may be winding down for the season, but tree care continues year-round. The June issue of Citrus Industry magazine includes two timely articles on summer tree care practices. In the first article, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers Fernando Alferez and Tripti Vashisth discuss techniques to improve fruit quality and yield during …

Florida Citrus Grower Profitability to Decline

Ernie NeffEconomics

Although orange juice sales have surged in recent months, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) director of economic and market research expects growers to have reduced profitability this season. Marisa Zansler told the Florida Citrus Commission on May 20 that demand for Florida citrus is expected to be tempered with higher production costs and suppressed grower prices for uncommitted early/mid …

Box Tax Could Increase for Florida Oranges

Tacy CalliesFlorida Citrus Commission

Florida citrus officials are taking another look at raising a tax on growers as they wait to see if a legislative boost in marketing dollars becomes a victim of the coronavirus. The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) on May 20 directed staff members to include in a budget proposal due in June the impacts of raising from 7 cents to 12 …

Coming Attraction: Florida Finger Limes

Tacy CalliesVarieties

Sweet oranges. Ruby red grapefruit. Sugar Belle mandarins. When one thinks of Florida citrus, these fruits immediately come to mind. But finger limes? A University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researcher believes that finger limes may be the next food trend that will continue to fortify Florida’s role as a citrus producer for the world. Manjul …

Alico: Citrus Price Improvement Could Be Coming

Ernie NeffEconomics, Industry News Release

Alico, Inc., one of Florida’s largest citrus producers, announced financial results for the second quarter of fiscal year 2020 and the six-month period ending March 31. Some highlights regarding the company’s citrus operation follow. For the six-months ending March 31, Alico Citrus harvested approximately 5.61 million boxes of fruit, an increase of 23.3 percent from the same period a year …

Uncle Matt’s Organic Returns to Founder

Ernie NeffIndustry News Release, Organic

Uncle Matt’s Organic, a brand of organic orange juice and grapefruit juice, recently reported it “has been welcomed back home to founder and CEO Matt McLean.” Dean Foods purchased the business in June of 2017 “and retained the team to continue running the business, including McLean and his wife, Susan McLean, who oversees marketing,” states a May 11 release. “In …

FDOC Shifts Money to Marketing

Tacy CalliesFlorida Citrus Commission

Florida Department of Citrus money unused because of the coronavirus pandemic will be directed toward increasing orange juice sales, as projections of this season’s citrus production have declined. The Florida Citrus Commission agreed Tuesday to add $277,000 to an ongoing digital ad campaign, with most of the money coming from employee travel plans that were halted because of the deadly …

Major OJ Purchase Coming Soon From USDA

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) food purchases to come this summer will include $25 million worth of orange juice (OJ). Florida Citrus Mutual CEO Mike Sparks said “the vast majority” of the OJ will come from Florida. “It’s going to be NFC (not from concentrate) and FCOJ (frozen concentrated orange juice),” he said. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced …

Yoho: Halt Imports From Mexico and Beyond

Ernie NeffExport/Import, Trade

Florida Congressman Ted Yoho on April 28 asked President Donald Trump to temporarily halt imports of all Mexican, Central American and South American food products. He cited “unprecedented circumstances due to the coronavirus pandemic” in asking the President to invoke a force majeure motion to stop the importation. Force majeure is defined as an event that can’t be anticipated or …

Diversifying Income on Citrus Farms

Tacy CalliesMarket

By Sarah Bostick Citrus growers are finding the need to diversify their marketing channels to stay competitive. Consumers are increasingly interested in learning about where their food comes from. It can be good business to diversify into markets designed to capture the attention of these consumers. CONNECTING WITH CONSUMERSTim and Hiedi Brown are third-generation owners of Brown’s Grove in Sarasota …


National OJ Day Is May 4

Tacy CalliesOrange Juice

May 4 isn’t just for Star Wars fans; it’s also for orange juice lovers! Star Wars Day and National Orange Juice Day are both celebrated annually on May 4. Orange juice sales have surged in the past few months due to consumers wanting to support their immune systems with vitamin C during the COVID-19 pandemic. National OJ Day is the …


What Should I Plant?

Ernie Neffplanting

Rick Dantzler has determined in conversations over the last few months “that the primary question on growers’ minds is, ‘What should I plant?’ And that really frames the discussion we [the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) governing board] had regarding our plant improvement efforts going forward.” Dantzler is CRDF chief operating officer, and he was referring to discussions at …

Valencia Oranges Hit by Heavy Fruit Drop

Ernie NeffCOVID-19, Processing, Weather

Heavy fruit drop and weather issues reportedly could lead to reduction in Florida’s Valencia orange crop. Some in the citrus industry said COVID-19 issues in processing plants have also limited the intake of Valencias from groves, but the Florida Citrus Processors Association (FCPA) says that is not likely the case. “Processors have slowed down presumably due to COVID-19 … They …

PIECES OF THE PAST: Fond Family Memories

Tacy CalliesPieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette I recently went to the funeral of Pate Snively, who was a longtime Winter Haven resident and citrus grower. I attended school with several of his nephews but got to know Snively when I was ending my reign as the Florida Citrus Queen in 1982. I was offered the opportunity to sell ads in our program …