Indian River’s Grapefruit Plight

Ernie NeffGrapefruit

Florida grapefruit trees have taken a much harder hit from HLB, also known as greening disease, in recent years than orange trees have. Grapefruit production has plummeted drastically, and growers are desperately seeking ways to keep trees alive and productive. The fruit’s troubles have hit especially hard in the Indian River area, known worldwide for its grapefruit. Indian River Citrus …

Sneak Peek: February 2019 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

Disease defense is on the agenda for the February 2019 issue of Citrus Industry. University of Florida plant pathologist Megan Dewdney gives growers a fungal foliar disease forecast for this year. She warns that the risk of postbloom fruit drop is greater in 2019 than it was in 2017 and 2018. Other diseases she says growers should to be on …

Using IPM for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management

“Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet” for HLB, plant pathologist Ozgur Batuman told growers in Immokalee recently, adding that he doesn’t think there will be one. “The best option for such a complex and challenging disease is … integrated pest management (IPM). And our growers here in Florida are actually doing just that. Now they are paying attention to root …


Rogers on HLB Research and Education

Ernie NeffHLB Management

Michael Rogers, director of the Citrus Research and Education Center, discusses HLB research and education programs being conducted by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). “The goal of our IFAS citrus program continues to be to provide growers with the most up-to-date information that they can use to help maintain or increase the production of …

citrus greening

Study Zeroes in on Organic Ways to Beat Citrus Greening

Daniel CooperCitrus Greening, HLB Management, Industry News Release, Research

Results show promise for organic groves, but more research is needed. Since it was first discovered in the United States in 2005, the bacterial disease known as citrus greening, or Huanglongbing, has devastated millions of acres of citrus crops throughout this country and abroad, ravaging citrus groves in Asia, Africa and South America. Citrus greening has impacted conventional and organic …

PIECES OF THE PAST: Citrus 70 Years Ago, as Told by Uncle Bill

Tacy CalliesPieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette Editor’s note: Citrus Industry is pleased to welcome back Pieces of the Past to the pages of the magazine after publishing it on for the past year. This popular citrus history column returns to the magazine in preparation for Citrus Industry magazine’s 100th anniversary in January 2020. Leading up to the anniversary, each Pieces of …


PFD Threat Nears

Ernie NeffPFD

“Postbloom fruit drop (PFD) season is coming upon us fairly quickly,” plant pathologist Megan Dewdney said in summarizing a presentation she made Jan. 16 in Immokalee, Florida. “Growers should be planning on keeping an eye on the rain forecast … how much bloom they are having now, how much bloom they’ll have in two (to) three weeks, and keeping an …


IPM as an Economic Strategy

Ernie NeffIPM

Many citrus growers think integrated pest management (IPM) is all about reducing pesticide use. Not so, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences entomologist Lukasz Stelinski told growers recently. “IPM is a system to achieve sustainable agriculture, and it’s very much based in economics, where a damage threshold or economic injury level is identified,” Stelinski said. Once a …

Food-Safety Recommendations for Fresh Market Citrus

Tacy CalliesFood Safety

It’s time to prepare for implementation of the Produce Safety Rule. By Travis Chapin, Michelle Danyluk and Keith Schneider In preparation for implementing the Food Safety Modernization Act’s Produce Safety Rule (PSR), growers, harvesters and packers of fresh citrus are required to attend standardized food-safety training, such as the Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) grower training course, which outlines the minimum …

Windbreaks for Citrus

Ernie Neffwindbreaks

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher Xavier Martini recommends planting windbreaks on two or more sides of citrus groves. He gave this advice to growers at a recent Citrus Insect Management Workshop in Lake Alfred, Florida. Martini said windbreaks do a good job of keeping canker and HLB-spreading psyllids out of groves. The trees also help …


Pests on the Horizon

Ernie NeffPests

A shift toward reduced use of insecticides in Florida groves could lead to the emergence of pests that haven’t generally been a problem for years, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock said. Pests that could return or emerge in the face of reduced insecticide use include scales, mealybugs, false spider mites and fruit …


Cut Psyllid Control Costs

Ernie NeffPsyllids

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologist Lukasz Stelinski suggested ways growers can cut psyllid control costs. He summarized key points he made in a talk at a Jan. 8 Citrus Insect Management Workshop at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. Stelinski credited the late UF/IFAS entomologist Phil Stansly for determining that psyllid …


Rubio Calls on DeSantis to Disburse Citrus Aid

Daniel CooperCitrus, financial, hurricane, Industry News Release

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio implored Florida’s new governor Tuesday to start spreading disaster-relief money approved nearly a year ago to address massive citrus-industry damage from Hurricane Irma in 2017. Rubio said in a letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis that money in a $343 million block grant needs to be disbursed to citrus growers. Rubio said the federal government shutdown has …


Citrus Crop Forecast Postponed

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

The Jan. 11 citrus crop forecast has been postponed due to the federal government shutdown, reports Bill Curtis, agricultural statistics administrator for the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Division of Fruit and Vegetables. “Our office is currently closed, and we do not have access to any USDA information,” says Curtis. “Mark Hudson’s (Florida state statistician) federal phone has …


How to Identify and Avoid Nutrient Deficiencies

Ernie NeffNutrition

  Nutrient deficiencies are common in HLB-affected trees, which make up the vast majority of Florida citrus trees. At a recent Citrus Nutrition Day in Bartow, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher Arnold Schumann discussed ways to identify and avoid nutrient deficiencies. A common identification method for nutrient deficiencies is direct observation, “walking through your grove, …


UF/IFAS Experts: Growers Ready for Freezes

Daniel CooperFreeze Protection

When the next frost threatens Florida’s crops, growers will do their best to make sure your favorite foods are protected from the potentially crippling chill, say University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) experts. For example, citrus growers use wind machines and microsprinklers to ensure freezing temperatures don’t ruin the fruit, said Chris Oswalt, a multi-county citrus …


Citrus Breeding in Uruguay

Ernie NeffBreeding

A primary job for scientists breeding citrus in Uruguay is to help the approximately 42,000-acre industry develop fresh fruit for export, Fernando Rivas said at a recent international citrus breeders symposium in Lake Alfred, Florida. Rivas works for Uruguay’s National Institute of Agricultural Research. On. Dec. 4, Rivas told an audience of about 70 at the Citrus Research and Education …

HLB Reduction Strategies

Tacy CalliesHLB Management

By Jawwad Qureshi, Lukasz Stelinski and Fernando Alferez Management of huanglongbing (HLB) has focused on reducing the vector Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and improving tree health, thus requiring a multi-pronged approach. Several elements of an HLB management system are either available or under current investigation. Maintenance of clean nursery stock, vector management and tree nutrition are widely implemented, while incorporation …


Manage Soil pH and Nutrition for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management

Growers with trees affected by HLB should try to maintain soil pH in the 6 to 6.5 range, Kelly Morgan told numerous growers attending a recent Citrus Nutrition Day event. Morgan is director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences’ (UF/IFAS) Southwest Florida Research and Education Center. Morgan explained that soil pH affects trees’ ability to …


Italian Citrus Breeding

Ernie NeffBreeding

Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) began spreading in Sicily in the early 2000s because the Italian citrus industry’s standard rootstock was CTV-susceptible sour orange, reported Marco Caruso at a recent symposium of international citrus breeders. Consequently, approximately 74,000 acres will be replanted with CTV-tolerant rootstocks over the next few years, he said. Caruso, a citrus breeding expert with Italy’s Research Centre …