citrus juice sales

Citrus Juice Sales Continue to Decline

Daniel CooperFlorida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice

At its May 9 meeting, the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) learned how much retail sales of citrus juice continue to decline. Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) Director of Economic and Market Research Marisa Zansler reported on the period ending April 20. Orange juice (OJ) sales were down by 11.6%, and grapefruit juice sales were down by 9%. For the fourth …

South African

South African Orange and OJ Production

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, International

South African orange and orange juice (OJ) production are both forecast to decline slightly in 2023–24 compared to the prior season, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). FRESH ORANGES Orange production in South Africa is forecast at 1.62 million metric tons (MMT). That’s a decrease of 1% from the prior season based on a …


Global Orange and OJ Production to Increase

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, International

Global orange and orange juice production are both forecast to increase slightly in 2023–24 from the previous year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). ORANGES Global orange production for 2023–24 is forecast up slightly to 48.8 million tons compared to the prior year. Here’s the country-by-country forecast from USDA FAS: U.S. production is forecast …


Orange and OJ Production in China

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, International

Both orange and orange juice (OJ) production in China are forecast to increase in 2023–24 compared to the prior year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) reported. MORE ORANGES Orange production is expected to reach 7.63 million metric tons (MMT), up from 7.6 MMT the prior year. The forecast anticipates the Jiangxi province — the largest …

marketing agency

Florida Juice Prices and Marketing Focus

Daniel CooperFlorida Department of Citrus, Marketing, Orange Juice

At the Jan. 17 Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) meeting, Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) Director of Economic and Market Research Marisa Zansler reported on price increases for orange juice (OJ) and grapefruit juice. Nielsen data for the period ending Dec. 2, 2023 showed: Zansler reported that the average increase in grapefruit juice price year-over-year is 4.27%, somewhat in line with …

Morocco Orange and OJ Production

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast, International, Orange Juice

Orange and orange juice (OJ) production in Morocco are both projected to be higher in 2023–24 than in the previous year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). FRESH ORANGESOrange production in 2023–24 is expected to increase by 5%, reaching 820,000 metric tons (MT). The increase is due to improved weather conditions during the growing …

Costa Rica Orange Production to Decline

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast, International, Oranges

Production of oranges in Costa Rica in 2023–24 is expected to decline 15% from the prior year to 250,000 metric tons (MT), the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) reported. The decline is a result of unfavorable weather conditions in Northern Costa Rica associated with an El Niño weather system. Two companies, TicoFrut and Del Oro, control …

EU Orange and OJ Production to Decline

Tacy CalliesInternational, Orange Juice, Oranges

European Union (EU) orange and orange juice (OJ) production are projected to decline in 2023–24 compared to the prior season, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). ORANGESEU orange production is projected to reach 5.4 million metric tons (MT) in 2023–24, down 2% from the already short EU orange output level …


U.S. Fresh Oranges Up; OJ Down in 2022–23

Daniel CooperFresh, Orange Juice, Production

The fresh-market orange crop in the United States rose 2% in 2022–23 compared to the prior year, to 1.44 million tons, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service reported this fall. The increase was due to larger navel orange and early/midseason crops in California and Texas. FRESH FRUIT PRICES FALL With increased supply, grower prices for fresh oranges were …

Field Day Showcases Efforts to Breed HLB-Tolerant Oranges

Josh McGillBreeding, Events

By Maegan Beatty On Oct. 27, Jose Chaparro hosted a citrus breeding research update at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Teaching Orchard in Gainesville. The event included a variety display and field tour. Chaparro, a UF/IFAS associate professor of horticultural sciences, focused on how he and his team are taking on the significant task …

Brassinosteroids Can Improve Juice Quality and Fruit Yield

Josh McGillTip of the Week

By Fernando Alferez and Divya Aryal There are some indications that brassinosteroids (Brs) may advance commercial internal maturity by almost one month in Valencia sweet orange, depending on the time of application. However, the best time of application in this variety and other sweet orange varieties like Hamlin still needs to be determined, so that this treatment can become economically …

The Big Push for New Processed Orange Varieties

Josh McGillOrange Juice, Varieties

Citrus breeders at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) have been making a big push for four years to develop new orange varieties for processing. The need for the push was accentuated last year by a multitude of adverse situations on the processing side of the business. In a recent virtual presentation, UF/IFAS plant breeder …

Origin of Oranges Can Be Determined

Josh McGillInternational

A Citrus Australia study has used trace elements or isotopes to determine if an orange originated in Australia as opposed to another country. Using the same techniques, researchers can differentiate place of origin of Australian oranges into one of the five Australian growing regions. The first-of-its-kind study was conducted through an Agriculture Victoria Food to Market program. Citrus Australia noted …

Juice Prices Climb; Volume Sales Drop

Josh McGillFlorida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice, sales

Orange juice (OJ) and grapefruit juice prices climbed in the four-week period ending Feb. 25 compared to the same period in 2022, but volume sales dipped. Marisa Zansler, Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) economic and market research director, presented that FDOC Nielsen report information to the Florida Citrus Commission on March 15. The FCC is the governing board of the …

citrus production

Florida Processed Orange Standards Reduced

Josh McGillFlorida Citrus Commission, Florida Department of Citrus, Regulation

The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) on Feb. 22 reduced processed orange maturity standards for the remainder of this season due to the negative effects of 2022’s Hurricane Ian. The emergency rule, proposed by the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), requires that all processed oranges have a Brix value of no less than 7.0. The rule also stipulates that there shall …


OLL Sweet Oranges Producing Pre-HLB Fruit Quality

Josh McGillTip of the Week, Varieties

By Jude Grosser, Fred Gmitter and Maria Brenelli The new OLL (Orie and Louise Lee) series of sweet oranges (OLL-4, OLL-8 and OLL-20) are very high-quality processing sweet oranges that generally produce higher soluble solids and better juice color than Valencia. OLL trees are more vigorous than Valencia, and anecdotal evidence suggests they are slightly more HLB-tolerant than Valencia. Trees …

Lawsuit Alleges Juice Contains Chemicals

Josh McGillLegal

A New York man claims Simply Tropical juice drink is falsely labeled as “all natural” when it contains synthetic and toxic chemicals. Joseph Lurenz, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, filed a complaint Dec. 28 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York against The Coca-Cola Company and The Simply Orange Juice Company. …

Orange Light: New Name for Uncle Matt’s Product

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, Orange Juice, Organic

Uncle Matt’s Organic is reintroducing its Matt50™ Orange Juice (OJ) Beverage as Orange Light. Orange Light contains half the sugar and calories as regular OJ. It is boosted with vitamin C, plus prebiotics and probiotics for gut health and immune support. Orange Light is available at Whole Foods Market and Sprouts Farmers Market locations nationwide and is also available for purchase directly …

Oranges and OJ in China: Production and Trade

Josh McGillChina, Crop Forecast, Orange Juice

Orange production in China is expected to increase in 2022–23 over the prior year, while its orange juice (OJ) production is forecast to decline. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDAFAS). ORANGESChina’s orange production in 2022–23 is forecast to reach 7.6 million metric tons (MMT), up from 7.55 MMT the prior year. The …

European Orange and OJ Production

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International, Orange Juice

European Union (EU) production of oranges and orange juice (OJ) are projected to decline in 2022–23 from the prior year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) projected. ORANGESOrange production in the EU is forecast at 5.8 million metric tons (MMT) in 2022–23, a 12% reduction from the prior season. The decline is mainly explained by production …