Florida Orange Forecast Continues to Fall

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

February’s federal citrus forecast trimmed another 2 million boxes from Florida’s projected orange crop, dropping expected 2022–23 production to 16 million boxes. That’s an 11% drop from what had already been projected to be a historically low orange crop. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS). If the Florida orange forecast …

Refreshed Format for Florida Grower Citrus Show

Josh McGillEvents

Over the years, the Florida Grower Citrus Show has become the premier event for growers on the East Coast of Florida while drawing growers from other key production regions as well. Last year, AgNet Media purchased the assets of Florida Grower magazine. With that transaction came the show. Since that time, the team at AgNet Media, along with its partners …


Florida Growers to Vote on Marketing Order Amendments

Josh McGillMarketing, Regulation

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will conduct a referendum April 3–May 1 on proposed amendments to the federal marketing order regulating the handling of oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and pummelos grown in Florida. Notice of the referendum was published in the Federal Register on Jan. 18, 2023. The proposed amendments would include reducing the size and quorum requirements of the …

foliar disease

Updates on Florida Citrus Diseases

Josh McGillDiseases

Researcher Megan Dewdney recently provided updates on citrus canker, postbloom fruit drop (PFD) and algal spot. Dewdney is a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences associate professor of plant pathology at the Citrus Research and Education Center. CANKERFruit is most susceptible to canker when it is from 3/8 to 1.5 inches in diameter, Dewdney said. The fruit’s …

Florida Citrus Forecast Falls Further

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

Florida citrus crops, already at historically low levels, were forecast Jan. 12 to fall even lower. The all-orange forecast fell 10% from the December projection. The grapefruit and tangerine/tangelo forecasts both tumbled 17%. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS). If realized, the orange, grapefruit and tangerine/tangelo crops will be 56%, …

Diaprepes in Florida Citrus: Past, Present and Future

Josh McGillPest Management, Research

By Lukasz L. Stelinski, Lauren Diepenbrock and Larry Duncan Given the focus on HLB in citrus management for more than a decade, important additional pests of citrus have sometimes not received the attention they may deserve. Trees with HLB are weakened and prone to succumb to the effects of the disease when challenged by secondary affliction(s), including infestation by diaprepes …

Florida Citrus Marketed Internationally

Josh McGillFlorida Department of Citrus, International, Marketing

The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) is continuing to work on retail promotions with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Pan-Europe, France and Canada. Katie Bruce, international marketing manager, told the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) about those and other international efforts in December. The FCC serves as the governing board for the FDOC. The Canadian retail program …

Oak Mulch Can Improve Florida Flatwoods Soil

Tacy CalliesSoil Improvement, Tip of the Week

By Lorenzo Rossi With no cure for HLB available, searching for alternative mitigation strategies is an urgent priority for a sustainable citrus industry. Interest has grown regarding the use of organic amendments to improve the fertility of Florida native soils. Although hardwood mulch applications have been demonstrated to improve both tree health and soil fertility in other fruit industries, little …

Pest Management Workshop for Florida

Josh McGillEvents, Pest Management

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) will hold a workshop on citrus insect, mite and nematode management Jan. 19 at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. The workshop will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Presentations will be made by UF/IFAS faculty members. UF/IFAS pointed out that pest management in citrus …

Florida citrus industry

Two New Florida Citrus Hall of Fame Members

Josh McGillAwards

The late F. Gilbert Bowen of Winter Haven and the late A.G. Smith of Wauchula will join the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame as the Class of 2023 inductees. They will be inducted posthumously in March 2024, along with the Class of 2024 inductees.  BOWENFor more than seven decades, Bowen (1928–2022) was a leader in his family’s operations as well …

Hoffman to Direct Government Affairs at Florida Citrus Mutual

Josh McGillFlorida Citrus Mutual

Landon Hoffman will become director of government affairs for grower organization Florida Citrus Mutual on Jan. 9, 2023. Hoffman joins Mutual from Congressman Neal Dunn’s office, where he served as campaign manager for this year’s reelection. Prior to that, Hoffman was Dunn’s district director. In that role, he oversaw district operations and served as staff for the congressman on the U.S. …

Hurricane Aid Sought for Florida Citrus Industry

Josh McGillhurricane

The Florida citrus industry has an urgent need for disaster aid in the wake of Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, 17 members of Florida’s congressional delegation advised the U.S. House Committee on Appropriations.  In a Dec. 8 letter, the U.S. representatives stated that Hurricane Ian impacts caused an estimated $675.5 million in preliminary damages to the industry. They reported that damage …

Forecast for Florida Citrus Production Plummets

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

The first federal citrus crop forecast to take into account damage from September’s Hurricane Ian dropped Florida’s projected orange crop for 2022–23 to 20 million boxes. That’s 29% below the initial forecast of 28 million boxes in October, 51% less than last season’s final production of 41.05 million boxes and the lowest orange forecast in many decades. Florida’s non-Valencia and …

Florida Citrus Show Update

Josh McGillEvents

In March, AgNet Media purchased the assets of Florida Grower magazine, which included the Florida Citrus Show. The show has been an important event, hosted in the Indian River citrus-growing region for many years. AgNet Media intends to continue presenting the show but is currently evaluating ways to improve it with new ideas to optimize the experience for citrus growers …

Economic Perspectives on the 2021–22 Florida Processed Orange Season

Josh McGillEconomics

By Thomas H. Spreen The timing of Hurricane Ian is not unlike that of Hurricane Irma in September of 2017 in that it struck before the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) crop forecast was released in October, but after the data collection process was already completed for the forecast. Therefore, the USDA forecast will not take Hurricane Ian’s impacts into …

Consumers Like New Florida’s Natural Blend

Josh McGillOrange Juice

The addition of Mexican juice has not harmed the brand. Positive taste results have been reported for Florida’s Natural orange juice (OJ) since the brand started adding Mexican from-concentrate OJ to its juice. Florida’s Natural Growers (FNG) Chairman Frank M. Hunt III, addressing the cooperative’s annual stakeholders’ meeting recently, said consumers and taste panels have offered the positive input. The …

Florida Citrus Industry Dodges Bullet With Hurricane Nicole

Josh McGillhurricane

When Hurricane Nicole formed off Florida’s east coast, citrus growers held their collective breath after the beating they took in late September from Hurricane Ian. Nicole made landfall just south of Vero Beach on Nov. 10. Winds near hurricane strength were recorded at multiple weather stations as Nicole came ashore, including 75 miles per hour (mph) in Port St. John and …

Florida’s Natural Announces Grower Returns and Officers

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, Orange Juice

Florida’s Natural Growers’ round orange pool for last season paid an average of $3.50 per pound solid, Chief Financial Officer Matthew Woodall announced at the cooperative’s recent annual stockholders’ meeting. Early and midseason oranges paid a combined $3.42 per pound solid, and Valencia oranges paid a combined $3.55 per pound solid. Tangerines paid an average of $2.60 per pound solid, …

Silicon Being Evaluated for North Florida Citrus

Josh McGillCold Hardy, Diseases, Nutrition

The element silicon, known to be beneficial to many plants, is being evaluated for advantageous effects on North Florida citrus and blackberries. Horticulturist Muhammad Shahid discussed the benefits of Earth’s second-most-abundant element (after oxygen) during a recent Cold-Tolerant Citrus Production Workshop in Perry, Florida. Shahid is a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences assistant professor at the …

California Citrus Industry Follows in Florida’s Research Footsteps

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Research

By Danielle Leal During a recent trip to Washington, D.C., California Citrus Mutual (CCM) representatives visited with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and members of Congress to outline several citrus industry priorities and secure funding for research. CCM President and Chief Executive Officer Casey Creamer announced during the 2022 California Citrus Conference that the Citrus Research Board received funding from …