Sneak Peek: April 2021 Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

Ask any Florida citrus grower what the top priority is, and you’ll likely get the same answer: Keeping HLB-affected trees productive and profitable. The April issue of Citrus Industry magazine provides research on production practices aimed to meet this goal. Adjusting the amount of sunlight plants receive has proven to increase citrus tree health and yield. University of Florida Institute …


The Do’s and Don’ts of Spraying for Psyllids

Ashley RobinsonPsyllids

Psyllid sprays have been a point of contention for Florida citrus growers. Under endemic HLB conditions, high psyllid control costs have cut into the grower’s bottom line, which has already been hit by reduced production. So, what is the right time to spray and how can a grower remain sustainable and profitable? Lukasz Stelinski, University of Florida professor of entomology …

citrus black spot

What to Do About Citrus Black Spot

Tacy CalliesDiseases, Tip of the Week

By Megan Dewdney Citrus black spot is one of the newer diseases to worry Florida citrus growers. The fungal disease was first detected in Southwest Florida in 2010. The vast majority of finds have been in the southwestern citrus-producing counties of Collier, Hardee, Lee, Charlotte and Glades, but the disease has slowly moved northward. Black spot is still considered a …


Department of Labor Targeting Southeast Agriculture

Ernie NeffLabor

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division is engaged in an education and enforcement initiative to increase compliance with federal labor laws in the Southeast’s agricultural industry. In addition to enforcement activity, the initiative provides compliance assistance to employers and educates workers and other stakeholders. The division is working with industry stakeholders in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, …

Spain’s Lemon Industry: A Different Viewpoint

Tacy CalliesInternational, lemons

A recent Citrus Industry article, Lemon Price Crisis in Spain by Francisco Seva Rivadulla, reported how some lemon growers in Spain are leaving their fruit to rot in the field this season due to prices below the cost of production. José Antonio García, director of the Lemon and Grapefruit Interprofessional Association (AILIMPO) in Spain, shared his reactions to the article. …


Protecting Honey Bees in Citrus Groves

Tacy CalliesEnvironment

By Sylvia Willis, Amy Vu and Jamie Ellis When people think of Florida, the first thing that comes to mind is Fresh From Florida oranges. Florida accounts for 44 percent of total U.S. citrus production. Citrus, like many other fruits, vegetables and specialty crops, requires certain inputs to grow and produce fruit. But how are pollinators and the production of …

Growing Containerized Satsumas Under Screen

Ernie NeffCUPS, Research

Trials of containerized satsuma trees grown in a screened facility will soon begin in Louisiana, reported Louisiana State University (LSU) AgCenter horticulture Extension agent Anna Timmerman. She discussed the trials during the recent virtual 2021 LSU AgCenter Citrus Symposium. Research objectives include determining optimal planting density and yield. Field days for growers will likely be conducted in 2022, and a …


All In For Citrus Podcast, March 2021

Taylor HillmanAll In For Citrus Podcast, Sponsored Content

March’s All In For Citrus podcast brings news of in-person events, details on controlling the vector of HLB disease, as well as potential changes to nutrient and water management recommendations. Citrus Research and Education Center Director Michael Rogers begins the episode discussing several upcoming events for growers. On April 6, the Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute will return as a virtual …

Highlands County Youth Citrus Project Winners

Ernie NeffAwards

Rylan Turner’s tree was crowned Grand Champion of the Highlands County Youth Citrus Project, and Christopher Garrison’s tree garnered the Reserve Grand Champion award. Those two trees were sold in a live auction during the livestock auction night at the Highlands County Fair on Feb. 18. Lykes Bros. purchased the Grand Champion tree for $1,400 and Big T Tire bought …

Integrated HLB Management in Brazil

Tacy CalliesHLB Management

By Marcelo Pedreira Miranda, Haroldo Xavier Linhares Volpe, Renato Beozzo Bassanezi, Ivaldo Sala and Juliano Ayres Huanglongbing (HLB), or citrus greening, is a notable threat to the citrus industry worldwide and was reported in the central region of São Paulo state (SPS) in Brazil in 2004. HLB then spread quickly throughout SPS, requiring the citrus industry to adapt rapidly to …

New Pest Product Introduced

Ernie NeffIndustry News Release, Pests

Bayer has introduced Vynyty Citrus®, its latest biological and pheromone-based crop protection product to control pests on citrus farms. Vynyty Citrus®, a container with an active liquid inside, does not generate resistance or residues in harvests or in the environment, according to Bayer. It is the first such product on the market that is formulated with pheromones and natural pyrethrum …

Biological Controls for Lebbeck Mealybug

Tacy CalliesBiologicals

Lebbeck mealybug (Nipaecoccus viridis) was first identified in Florida citrus in 2019 in Highlands County. It has now been documented in commercial citrus groves in 11 counties and in dooryard citrus plantings in two counties. While lebbeck mealybug can feed on most of the above-ground parts of a citrus tree, it is most damaging in the canopy, where it feeds …

Lemon Price Crisis in Spain

Tacy CalliesInternational, lemons

By Francisco Seva Rivadulla The Spanish lemon sector is going through one of the worst price crises in recent years. Currently, prices at origin for Fino lemons are 0.15 to 0.18 euro cents per kilo, while the production cost is 0.20 per kilo. Therefore, Spanish producers are losing money this harvest season, according to sources from the Agricultural Association of …


Citrus Phenology-Based Spraying for Psyllids

Ashley RobinsonPsyllids

By targeting Asian citrus psyllids on an area-wide scale and focusing on several individual properties simultaneously, growers can minimize psyllid movement between groves, reduce HLB transmission and maintain citrus production at a profitable level. Generally, most psyllid sprays are applied on a calendar or threshold basis, resulting in high-spray frequencies and associated costs. Because of the Asian citrus psyllid’s high …

Field Trials for Cultivar Evaluation; Soil and Root Health

Ashley RobinsonAll In For Citrus Podcast, Research

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus researchers are collaborating on ground-breaking research projects to fight against HLB. They are working with researchers at the University of California-Riverside (UC-Riverside), Texas A&M and Washington State University on a project to field-test new citrus cultivars for tolerance or resistance to HLB. The research is funded by the U.S. …

Tarping Proven to Reduce ACP Movement

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, Psyllids

Researchers at the California Data Analysis and Tactical Operations Center (DATOC) have analyzed Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) trapping data along major transportation routes before and after tarping regulations for bulk citrus shipments were enacted. The purpose was to determine the effectiveness of the policy. DATOC is an independent group of scientists sponsored by the Citrus Research Board and the California …

Irrigation and Nutrition Management in the Era of HLB

Ashley RobinsonIrrigation, Nutrition

A solid nutrition and irrigation program can enhance the productivity of HLB-affected trees and improve citrus tree health, potentially making production profitable even under HLB conditions. This was the subject of Davie Kadyampakeni’s talk during a March 9 OJ Break virtual meeting held for citrus growers. Kadyampakeni is a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant …


Disaster Assistance Programs for Citrus

Ernie Neffcrop insurance

Two disaster assistance programs available to citrus growers were discussed during the virtual 2021 Louisiana State University AgCenter Citrus Symposium. The Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) and the Tree Assistance Program (TAP) are both offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Services Agency (USDA-FSA). Jamie Rodreguez, a USDA-FSA county executive director in Louisiana, made the presentation. Rodreguez said …

Scout for Scale and Mealybug Crawlers

Tacy CalliesPests, Tip of the Week

By Lauren Diepenbrock While scale and mealybug pests commonly found in citrus have historically been controlled by predators and parasites, management advice for this group of insects is often requested. There are likely several underlying factors to these insects becoming more frequently encountered. This includes changes in insecticide management practices, changes in nutritional management, and increased scouting due to the …

Could Finger Limes Be Florida’s Hero?

Ashley RobinsonAll In For Citrus Podcast, Limes, Research

The Australian finger lime, a citrus relative, could be a new specialty crop for Florida citrus growers. Traditionally, finger limes have remained rare in the United States, grown few and far between. However, the fruit’s unique tolerance to HLB is becoming increasingly attractive to Florida growers. Manjul Dutt, research assistant scientist at the  University of Florida Institute of Food and …