Overall, the Florida citrus industry was delighted to hear the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s forecast of 79 million boxes of oranges for the state. After battling citrus greening for over a decade and then devastation from Hurricane Irma in 2017, 79 million boxes gave the industry a glimmer of hope. One industry member, Allen Morris, owner of Morris Agribusiness Services, …
PIECES OF THE PAST: Juice Trains Roll On
By Brenda Eubanks Burnette Anthony T. Rossi, founder of Tropicana, immigrated to New York with the dream of making movies, but ended up in the grocery business for 13 years before heading to Florida in search of warmer weather. Using the skills he’d developed in the grocery business, he began packing gift fruit boxes for Macy’s and Gimbel’s, and jars …
Shepp ‘Thrilled’ by Orange Forecast
“I’m absolutely thrilled to see that number,” Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) Executive Director Shannon Shepp said after the 2018-19 Florida orange crop was forecast at 79 million boxes on Oct. 11. The strong forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service. “I have been looking for positive news for quite some time in this …
Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company Purchases New Facility
Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company recently announced the purchase of a new facility. The Fort Pierce, Florida-native company is expanding, but is not traveling too far from home. Actually, it is not traveling away from home at all. The juice company announced the beginnings of a new 55,000 square-foot building on 11 acres. The building will be located in Fort …
Florida Department of Citrus Responds to New York Times Anti-Juice Article
From the Florida Department of Citrus Over the weekend, the New York Times published an opinion piece, in print and online, critical of juice, including 100 percent orange juice. The article, written by three pediatricians, makes overreaching statements on consumption levels and the health impacts of juice, focusing solely on negative impressions without regard for the positive nutrient benefits 100 percent orange juice …
More Juice to Come from Brazil
By Marcos Fava Neves The first forecast of the 2017–18 Brazilian orange crop was published in May. Brazil expects a total of 364.47 million boxes, including the following: 68.49 million boxes of Hamlin, Westin and Rubi varieties 17.42 million boxes of Valencia Americana, Valencia Argentina, Seleta and Pineapple varieties 114.52 million boxes of the Pera Rio variety 123.04 million boxes …
June Citrus Forecast: Oranges Up; Tangerines Down
ORANGES The 2016-2017 Florida all-orange forecast released by Mark Hudson of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service is up 500,000 boxes to 68.5 million boxes. The increase is in Valencia oranges. The total includes 33 million boxes of non-Valencias (early, midseason, and Navel varieties) and 35.5 million boxes of Valencias. For the previous 10 seasons used in …
Captain, We Have a Problem: the Juice Stocks!
By Marcos Fava Neves The new figures from the U.S. Department of Agriculture released in March showed a small drop in the Florida orange estimate from 70 million to 67 million boxes. In February, the Brazilian orange estimate announced by Fundecitrus stayed the same, at approximately 244 million boxes. Oranges in Brazil currently contain a lot of water, with almost …
Orange Forecast Drops for Florida and California
The citrus crop forecast, delivered by Mark Hudson of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service in Washington, D.C., showed a 4 percent drop in Florida oranges and a 2 percent drop in California oranges. In total, the U.S. all-orange forecast for the 2016-2017 season dropped 3 percent from last month and is down 13 percent from …
Pruning to Rehabilitate HLB-Affected Sweet Orange Trees
By Tripti Vashisth and Troy Gainey In the last 11 years, Florida orange production has declined more than 60 percent. This dramatic reduction in yield is attributable to multiple causes, including loss of citrus acreage in the state, citrus canker and other diseases, but huanglongbing (HLB) is now recognized as the primary reason for declining citrus yields. HLB-affected trees are …
IndexBox Marketing: Orange Market in Crisis
According to a report by IndexBox Marketing, the orange market is in crisis. One of the main reasons is the citrus greening disease, widespread in the key centers of orange cultivation. This is why a reduction of the global orange market volume is expected once again in 2016. Orange yield reduction affects consumption worldwide. In this case, a distinction should …
Nurseries Excited About New Early Valencia Orange Varieties
By: Brad Buck GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Nurseries are very interested in two new early Valencia orange varieties from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). Growers need help because citrus greening has infected more than 80 percent of Florida’s citrus trees, according to a recent UF/IFAS survey of growers. Although these two new early Valencias are …
Forecast Favorable for Moroccan Citrus
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) has projected increased production of Moroccan oranges, orange juice (OJ) and lemons/limes in 2024–25 compared to the prior season. ORANGES For 2024–25, orange production in Morocco is expected to increase by 17%, reaching 960,000 metric tons (MT). Area planted is projected at 58,300 hectares, up from 58,200 hectares in 2023–24. USDA/FAS …
European Union Citrus Forecasts Issued
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) recently provided a 2024–25 forecast for European Union (EU) citrus crops. TANGERINE/MANDARIN EU tangerine and mandarin production in 2024–25 is estimated at 2.8 million metric tons (MMT), down from the 2.9 MMT bumper crop in the previous season. Production is projected to be down in Spain, the EU’s largest mandarin and …
Global Grapefruit and Mandarin Crops to Drop
A report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) projects world grapefruit and tangerine/mandarin crops will decline in 2024–25 from the previous season. GRAPEFRUIT Global grapefruit production for 2024–25 is forecast down slightly to 6.9 million tons as decreases in Türkiye and the United States more than offset higher production in China. Exports and fruit for …
Florida Citrus Production and Exports in 2023–24
A recent report recapped Florida citrus production and exports in the 2023–24 season. The summary, Florida Citrus Statistics 2023–2024, was published by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Division of Fruits and Vegetables. The production statistics for Florida are official estimates of the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service. THE BREAKDOWN Oranges constituted 89% of the …
Florida Citrus Mutual Statement on New Secretary of Agriculture
Last week, Brooke Rollins was sworn in as the 33rd U.S. Secretary of Agriculture by Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States Clarence Thomas. The U.S. Senate confirmed Rollins’ appointment by a vote of 72 to 28. “It is the honor of a lifetime to serve as the nation’s 33rd Secretary of Agriculture — and a …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: New Varieties Released
By Peter Chaires On October 24, 2024, the University of Florida’s (UF) Cultivar Release Committee unanimously approved the release of seven citrus varieties to Florida Foundation Seed Producers, Inc. Florida Statutes now require that, before being released to the general public, any new variety of citrus developed as a result of any research or study accomplished using any percentage of …
Brix Bill Reintroduced
U.S. representatives from Florida have reintroduced legislation to have the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) alter the Brix standard in not-from-concentrate pasteurized orange juice from 10.5% to 10%. The Defending Domestic Orange Juice Production Act was reintroduced by Reps. Scott Franklin and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and is cosponsored by the entire Florida congressional delegation. Currently, oranges below the 10.5% …
Survey Shows Popular Scions and Rootstocks
The Florida Citrus State of the Industry Survey seeks input from growers on key issues affecting their groves. The survey has been conducted for many years, has tracked the trajectory of HLB and reported on production practices. While not a scientific survey, it has reflected general trends over the years. Last month, we published results on trunk-injection therapy and the …