Citrus Mural Unveiled on National Orange Juice Day

Tacy CalliesFlorida Department of Citrus

The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), in partnership with Visit Florida®, is excited to announce the new installation of a hand-painted mural by artist Lauren Hom. Beginning May 4 (National Orange Juice Day), visitors can view the new Florida citrus themed art at the Florida Welcome Center in Jacksonville. Visitors who stop at the center will be able to take …

Leader Development Program Seeks Applicants

Josh McGillEducation

Applications are open until June 16 for those interested in being part of Class 13 of the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association (FFVA) Emerging Leader Development Program (ELDP). ELDP, administered by the Florida Specialty Crop Foundation, was launched in 2011 to identify and develop leaders to be strong advocates for Florida agriculture. Program sessions provide a wealth of information about …

California Introduces Ag Vision Plan

Josh McGillAgriculture, California Corner

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) and California State Board of Food and Agriculture recently introduced Ag Vision. Ag Vision is a decade-long plan dedicated to creating opportunities for California citrus and other agriculture to thrive well into the future. The plan acts as a catalyst for collaboration between industry, public and private partnerships, universities and communities. The …

Lebbeck Mealybug Problematic for Florida Citrus

Josh McGillPests

The lebbeck mealybug, also known as the hibiscus mealybug, is a pest that has recently become problematic for Florida citrus growers. Extension agent Lourdes Perez Cordero and entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock, both with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), recently reported on the pest. According to Cordero and Diepenbrock, the lebbeck mealybug feeds by piercing the …

What’s New in Citrus Breeding?

Josh McGillAll In For Citrus Podcast, Breeding, Varieties

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus plant improvement team joined the All In For Citrus podcast to discuss new varieties and those in the breeding pipeline. Fred Gmitter, professor of horticultural sciences, Jude Grosser, professor of plant cell genetics, and John Chater, assistant professor of horticultural sciences, also discussed how HLB has impacted their …

Fine-Tuning CUPS Production Practices

Josh McGillCUPS, Production

Mixon family members were pioneers in the Florida blueberry industry. Brothers Jerry and Keith Mixon planted their first berries in 1993. Over the years, they grew their business and became worldwide marketers, eventually adding blackberries, raspberries and strawberries to their portfolio. BACK TO CITRUSIn 2011, they sold their berry business to the Dole Food Company. But the brothers still had …


Federal Legislation Would Conserve Citrus Land

Josh McGillLand, Legislative

Due to hurricanes, citrus greening and unfair trade pressures, Florida’s citrus growers are increasingly left with little choice but to sell their land to developers, said U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida. Because of that, he introduced the Conservation Reserve Program Amendments Act to establish a subprogram under the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) to conserve citrus agricultural land. The legislation …

Florida Citrus Mutual Elects Directors

Josh McGillFlorida Citrus Mutual

In voting that ended April 21, Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) grower members elected a board of directors for the 2023–25 seasons.  Of FCM’s 10 districts, only districts 4 and 7 required elections. “All other districts received the correct number of nominations for available seats,” said Matt Joyner, FCM executive vice president/chief executive officer. The directors are: District 1 representing Hernando, …

Preparing for Summer Cover Crops

Josh McGillCover Crops, Tip of the Week

By Sarah Strauss The recent rains are a good reminder that it’s time to start thinking about planting summer cover crops. Despite the name, cover crops are not plants that are harvested for profit. Instead, they are planted as an investment in soil health. Annual or perennial plants can be used as cover crops in citrus groves. But, if you …

Pruning Pointers for Cold-Hardy Citrus

Josh McGillCold Hardy, Pruning

Three University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers recently authored an Extension newsletter article about pruning practices for cold-hardy citrus. Authors are Muhmmad A. Shahid, assistant professor of horticulture; Shahid Iqbal, horticultural post-doctoral associate; and Fernando Alferez, assistant professor of horticulture. Highlights from the article follow. Establishment of proper plant structure and canopy through pruning is …

What To Do When You’ve Been Exposed to a Pesticide

Josh McGillCEU

By Matt Smith Editor’s note: This article grants one continuing education unit (CEU) in the Core category toward the renewal of a Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services restricted-use pesticide license when the accompanying test is submitted and approved. “In retrospect, I would rather have been a poet. Or a farmer.” Instead, British Special Air Services Agent John Patrick …

Application Tips to Protect Your Operation from Fire Ants

Josh McGillSponsored Content

If there’s one thing we know about fire ants, it’s that they spread. If left untreated, fire ant colonies will multiply and exponentially damage your operation. Eliminating fire ants takes resilience, persistence, and proper application of fire ant baits. Extinguish® Professional Fire Ant Bait from Central Life Sciences is a product that comes with a plan, meeting USDA fire ant quarantine …

Growing Matters: BeSure! Campaign Offers Tips for Stewardship

Josh McGillNews from our Sponsor

The BeSure! campaign from the Growing Matters Coalition offers tips for growers to help protect pollinators. The coalition says when choosing crop protection tools, both effectiveness and potential impact on the environment must be considered. Protecting bees and other wildlife is a major part of good stewardship practices and is why Growing Matters launched BeSure!, an initiative to support growers and applicators in accomplishing …

Exploring Additional Antimicrobials for Citrus Injection

Josh McGillCRDF, HLB Management, Research

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) board of directors invited six full proposals on combining other antimicrobials with oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC-HCl) during its April meeting. “If growers are going to pay the labor costs for workers to crawl underneath a citrus tree to treat it with OTC-HCl, maybe there are other things that could be mixed with the injection,” …

Getting the Most Out of Your Nutrition Program

Josh McGillNutrition

By Brandon White Taking a wholistic, helicopter view of nutrient management programs can be beneficial in reducing high input costs and environmental implications in the continued era of HLB. START WITH THE SOILAn obvious first stop on the considerations list is the soil. It’s the foundation of the system. Almost any economically feasible thing growers can do to improve organic …

New Twist Added to Psyllid Control

Josh McGillHLB Management, Pests

Lukasz Stelinski for years has promoted saving money on HLB control by spraying for Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) only when their populations reach a certain threshold. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences professor still promotes that concept, but with a slightly new twist. TRUNK INJECTION SHOWING PROMISEIn a virtual seminar on April 25, Stelinski advised growers …

Actions Against H-2A Wage Rule

Josh McGillLabor, Legal, Legislative

Federal legislators have followed through on previously announced plans to try to overturn the Department of Labor’s (DOL) rule to determine wages for temporary foreign agricultural workers under the H-2A program. H-2A workers harvest a majority of Florida’s citrus crop. Legislators introduced House and Senate Congressional Review Act resolutions to nullify the DOL’s adverse effect wage rates (AEWRs) methodology rule. …

Sneak Peek: May 2023 Citrus Industry

Josh McGillCUPS, Sneak Peek

Some growers are taking a closer look at citrus under protective screen (CUPS), while others have already adopted the production system. CUPS has been proven to protect trees from HLB and hurricane damage. The May issue of Citrus Industry magazine features grower brothers who are early adopters of CUPS. Jerry and Keith Mixon have 150 acres of CUPS production in …

Citrus Growers Speak Up at Farm Bill Meeting

Josh McGillFarm Bill, Legislative

Citrus growers discussed their challenges and voiced their needs during a farm bill listening session held April 24 in Newberry, Florida. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-15), chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, along with bipartisan members, including Rep. Kat Cammack (FL-03), Rep. Darren Soto (FL-09), Rep. Austin Scott (GA-08), Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA-01) and Rep. Chellie Pingree (ME-01), listened to …