
Fundecitrus to Evaluate Peptide

Ernie NeffHLB Management

Invaio Sciences, Inc. recently announced an agreement with Brazil’s Fundecitrus to evaluate the use of a natural peptide to control HLB in Brazil. The agreement will leverage Fundecitrus’ expertise in citrus grove and pest management to evaluate application details of the novel peptide maSAMP in locally relevant conditions. The peptide was developed by Hailing Jin of the University of California Riverside. …

Acreage Reflects Consumer Demand

Tacy CalliesCalifornia Corner, Varieties

Shifting consumer trends have helped dictate which varieties are most popular among California citrus growers. Bruce Babcock, professor in the School of Public Policy at University of California, Riverside, explained that over the past 15 years or so, there have been some notable changes in California citrus acreage. “What we’ve seen is just explosive growth in acreage devoted to mandarins. …

Florida Citrus Grower Discusses Issues

Ashley RobinsonCover Crops, Herbicides

Florida and California specialty crop growers recently gathered for a virtual discussion presented by J.L. Farmakis, Inc. to talk about issues unique to their crops and regions. Citrus grower Lee Jones with Cross Covered Caretaking represented the Sunshine State. He shared some of the struggles and successes of growing citrus in Florida. Jones says one of the biggest challenges he …

HLB, Lemons and Oranges

Ernie NeffResearch

A group of scientists working in California, New York and Washington has found that Lisbon lemon trees had less of a molecular response than Washington navel orange trees to the pathogen that causes HLB. That pathogen is Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas). In part, this might be because leaves of infected lemons tended to accumulate micronutrients, which led to less of …

Dual-Function Peptide Treats and Prevents HLB

Ashley RobinsonHLB Management, Research

New research affirms a unique stable antimicrobial peptide (SAMP) found in an Australian plant can destroy HLB and help prevent infection. Hailing Jin, University of California Riverisde geneticist who led the research, shared the exciting discovery during the 2021 Florida Citrus Show. The naturally occurring peptide is found in HLB-tolerant citrus relatives, such as the Australian finger lime. The peptide …

citrus forecast

Citrus Crop Forecast Has Small Changes

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

Reductions in the projected Florida grapefruit and tangerine/tangelo crops were the only changes in the May 12 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) citrus crop forecast. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) reduced Florida’s grapefruit crop projection by 2%, to 4.2 million boxes, down from 4.3 million boxes in April. The total 100,000-box reduction was in red grapefruit, which dipped to …

Farmworker Protection Rule

EPA Ordered to Act on Chlorpyrifos

Ernie NeffPesticides

California Attorney General Rob Bonta on April 29 applauded a decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals requiring the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to make a required safety finding for chlorpyrifos residues detected on food. Chlorpyrifos is a widely used agricultural pesticide approved for use on more than 80 food crops. The court decision orders the EPA to …

Vaccinating Trees Against CTV and HLB

Ernie NeffDiseases

University of Maryland virologist Anne Simon and the company she founded, Silvec Biologics, have successfully vaccinated laboratory hosts against citrus tristeza virus (CTV). They are now focusing on HLB, also called citrus greening. The vaccination induces trees to produce their own therapeutic agents.   Silvec’s vaccination concept is based on the discovery of a novel infectious RNA that the company calls …

U.S. Citrus Crop Forecast Takes a Tumble

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

Florida’s Valencia orange crop projection tumbled 12% in the April 9 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) crop forecast, to 29 million boxes from 33 million boxes in March. The USDA added 200,000 boxes, or 1%, to Florida’s non-Valencia tally, bringing non-Valencias to 22.7 million boxes. In total, Florida oranges dipped to 51.7 million boxes, down 7% from March’s 55.5 million …

Florida Input Needed for COVID-19 Survey

Ernie NeffCOVID-19

The response rate in Florida has been lower than expected in an effort to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food and agricultural systems and to develop strategies for coping with future crises. Consequently, those involved in Florida agriculture are being asked to respond by April 11 to a survey about the pandemic’s impact. “We’re seeking food supply …

Scouting Tips for Finding Asian Citrus Psyllids

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, Psyllids

A presentation at the recent Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Committee State of the Central Valley meeting in California highlighted the importance of scouting for Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) in groves. Scouting becomes even more critical as the risk of ACP and HLB, the disease the insect transmits to trees, rises. The presenter, University of California (UC) Riverside Extension Specialist …

Dams Needed to Deal With Drought

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, Water

This year’s La Niña weather event is bringing up bad memories for California citrus growers. The industry suffered during the drought years of 2012 to 2016 and the specter of a repeated drought looms with every dry day. The California Natural Resources Agency addressed drought fears in a recent report prepared by Jeanine Jones, interstate resources manager for the California …


EPA Sued Over Streptomycin in Citrus

Ernie NeffBactericides

A coalition of groups on March 25 sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approving spraying of streptomycin on citrus trees to prevent or treat HLB or citrus canker. The groups claimed that the practice of spraying antibiotics on trees has been ineffective in combating the diseases and can drive antibiotic resistance in bacteria, which can threaten human health. The …

Task Force Recommendations for ACP in Kern County

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner

The San Joaquin Valley ACP/HLB Area-Wide Task Force strongly recommends citrus growers in Kern County, California, to add an Asian citrus psyllid (ACP)-effective material to their pre-bloom or spring foliar treatments. Since ACP build populations on the young leaf flush, the sooner growers spray, the better. Fortunately, this timing coincides with pre-bloom treatments for katydid, worms, thrips and other pests. …


The Do’s and Don’ts of Spraying for Psyllids

Ashley RobinsonPsyllids

Psyllid sprays have been a point of contention for Florida citrus growers. Under endemic HLB conditions, high psyllid control costs have cut into the grower’s bottom line, which has already been hit by reduced production. So, what is the right time to spray and how can a grower remain sustainable and profitable? Lukasz Stelinski, University of Florida professor of entomology …

New Pest Product Introduced

Ernie NeffIndustry News Release, Pests

Bayer has introduced Vynyty Citrus®, its latest biological and pheromone-based crop protection product to control pests on citrus farms. Vynyty Citrus®, a container with an active liquid inside, does not generate resistance or residues in harvests or in the environment, according to Bayer. It is the first such product on the market that is formulated with pheromones and natural pyrethrum …


Citrus Phenology-Based Spraying for Psyllids

Ashley RobinsonPsyllids

By targeting Asian citrus psyllids on an area-wide scale and focusing on several individual properties simultaneously, growers can minimize psyllid movement between groves, reduce HLB transmission and maintain citrus production at a profitable level. Generally, most psyllid sprays are applied on a calendar or threshold basis, resulting in high-spray frequencies and associated costs. Because of the Asian citrus psyllid’s high …

Field Trials for Cultivar Evaluation; Soil and Root Health

Ashley RobinsonAll In For Citrus Podcast, Research

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus researchers are collaborating on ground-breaking research projects to fight against HLB. They are working with researchers at the University of California-Riverside (UC-Riverside), Texas A&M and Washington State University on a project to field-test new citrus cultivars for tolerance or resistance to HLB. The research is funded by the U.S. …

Tarping Proven to Reduce ACP Movement

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, Psyllids

Researchers at the California Data Analysis and Tactical Operations Center (DATOC) have analyzed Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) trapping data along major transportation routes before and after tarping regulations for bulk citrus shipments were enacted. The purpose was to determine the effectiveness of the policy. DATOC is an independent group of scientists sponsored by the Citrus Research Board and the California …

Consumption and Production Trends in Global Lemons/Limes

Ashley RobinsonCrop Forecast, International, lemons, Limes

Global lemon and lime production for 2020-21 is forecast down slightly to 8.3 million tons as lower production in Argentina and the United States more than offsets gains in the European Union and Mexico. Global consumption and exports are forecast up with less fruit being used for processing. These findings are from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. …