
Irrigation and Fertilization Advice for Georgia Citrus

Daniel CooperGeorgia, Irrigation, Nutrition

Jake Price, University of Georgia (UGA) county Extension coordinator, recently wrote the following article about irrigation and fertility for Georgia citrus: I don’t think it has rained since my last blog! Make sure to check your irrigation to make sure it’s working properly. In the research plot, it is very common for the microjets to be stopped up or not spraying properly. …

high-density plantings

ACP Management in High-Density Plantings

Daniel CooperPsyllids, Tip of the Week

By Jawwad Qureshi The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP, Figure 1) is the vector of huanglongbing (HLB) disease associated with the phloem-limited bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. Infected trees start to decline and produce poor-quality fruit, which drops prematurely. Consequently, citrus production has decreased dramatically since the advent of HLB in Florida in 2005. There is no cure for the disease yet. …


Worldwide Orange and OJ Production Declining

Daniel CooperFlorida Citrus Commission, Florida Department of Citrus, Production

Continuing low orange production in Florida has left Florida processors relying significantly on imports to meet the ongoing demand for orange juice (OJ), the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) was told in June. Economist Marisa Zansler told the FCC that world juice availability is expected to decrease in the 2024–25 season, influenced by the decline in Brazilian production and reduced inventory …


Florida Citrus Forecasts Changed

Daniel CooperCitrus, Crop Forecast, Florida

The June 11 federal citrus crop forecast for 2023-24 shows mostly slight changes for all Florida varieties and no production changes in other states. ORANGES The Florida all-orange forecast rose less than 1% from May, or 60,000 boxes, to 17.86 million boxes. That exceeds 2022-23 production of 15.82 million boxes but is far below 2021-22 production of 41.2 million boxes. …

Sweet Orange Scab

California Sweet Orange Scab Quarantine Area Expanded

Daniel CooperCalifornia Corner, Diseases, Regulation

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA/APHIS) is expanding the quarantine area in California for Elsinoë australis, the fungal causal agent of sweet orange scab (SOS). The expansion aligns with the state interior quarantine that the California Department of Agriculture (CDFA) implemented Oct. 1, 2023. SOS infection causes scab pustules that give fruit a corky …

citrus crop

Florida Citrus Crop Reduced

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, Florida

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Statistics Board released an update to the 2023–24 citrus crop forecast on May 10. FLORIDA ORANGES The Florida orange forecast is lowered 1 million boxes to 17.8 million boxes, representing a 5% decrease from the April forecast. The reduction is in the Valencia crop, which dropped 8% from 12 million boxes to 11 …


Panel Discussions Highlight Florida Citrus Show Seminars

Daniel CooperBreeding, HLB Management

A pair of panel discussions during the citrus seminars at the Florida Citrus Show gave growers the opportunity to engage with experts on top-of-mind topics. BREEDER RECOMMENDATIONS The citrus seminar program started with a discussion among citrus breeders moderated by Flavia Zambon, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant professor at the Indian River Research and …

mixing and loading

Proper Mixing and Loading of Pesticides

Daniel CooperCEU

By Amir Rezazadeh Editor’s note: This article grants one continuing education unit (CEU) in the Core category toward the renewal of a Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services restricted-use pesticide license when the accompanying test is submitted and approved. The primary pesticide handling tasks are mixing and loading. These are also the most harmful aspects of pesticide application. Because …


April Citrus Forecast: Florida Down, Other States Up

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast

The U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS) issued a citrus forecast update on April 11. Florida production decreased while other states saw gains. FLORIDA The forecast for all Florida oranges dropped 5% from 19.8 million boxes in the March forecast to 18.8 million boxes in April. The entire 1 million box reduction was in the late-season …


PIECES OF THE PAST: An Impactful Citrus Sisterhood

Daniel CooperMiss Florida Citrus, Pieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette It’s amazing to see how impactful the Florida Citrus Queens have been in marketing our crops! From swimming with dolphins to posing on top of the sign for the host hotel of the annual pageant, these women worked overtime to sell Florida citrus. Dick Pope, founder of Cypress Gardens, was a master at using the Florida …

farm bill

March Citrus Forecast Has Changes

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

There were two changes to the Florida citrus forecast in the March 8 report issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS).   Florida’s grapefruit forecast dipped 8% in March compared to the February forecast, and its tangerine and tangelo forecast declined 9%. FLORIDA GRAPEFRUITThe entire decline in Florida grapefruit was in the red varieties, …

citrus crop forecast

Citrus Crop Forecast Has One Change

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast

The only change in the Feb. 8 citrus crop forecast from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS) was a 700,000-box reduction in Florida non-Valencia oranges compared to the January forecast. That reduced the expected 2023–24 Florida non-Valencia crop to 6.8 million boxes and the total Florida orange crop to 19.8 million boxes. The percentage reductions …

weed management

Brassinosteroid and Weed Management Research Updated

Daniel CooperHLB Management, weeds

Brassinosteroids for HLB-infected trees and the latest on year-round weed management were discussed at a Jan. 17 OJ Break at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, Florida. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) multi-county citrus Extension agent Chris Oswalt hosted the event. UF/IFAS assistant professors Fernando Alferez and Ramdas Kanissery made the presentations …


Aging Farmers Contribute to Japan’s Citrus Downtrend

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, International

Japan’s citrus planted area and production are on a long-term downward trend. Reasons cited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) are aging farmers, labor shortages and a lack of successors for running farms. In a December annual report, USDA FAS summarized production, planted area and trade for each of Japan’s citrus varieties. TANGERINES/MANDARINS After a …

EU Orange and OJ Production to Decline

Tacy CalliesInternational, Orange Juice, Oranges

European Union (EU) orange and orange juice (OJ) production are projected to decline in 2023–24 compared to the prior season, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). ORANGESEU orange production is projected to reach 5.4 million metric tons (MT) in 2023–24, down 2% from the already short EU orange output level …

U.S. Tangerine Crop Recovers in 2022–23

Tacy CalliesMandarins

Production of U.S. tangerines, mandarins, clementines and tangelos (which collectively make up the tangerine group) for the fresh market reached 971,000 tons in 2022–23, up 32% from the prior season. California grows 95% of the U.S. tangerine crop, with its production concentrated in the San Joaquin Valley. Shipment data indicates that 823 million pounds of tangerines were shipped during peak …


Alabama Designated as Commercial Citrus Producer

Tacy CalliesDiseases, Regulation

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) announced it has designated Alabama as a commercial citrus-producing area. This action provides Alabama with protections that are afforded under the citrus canker regulations applying to commercial citrus-producing states. USDA APHIS regulates the interstate movement of certain plants, plant parts and other articles from areas of the …

TEMP Act Aims to Provide Freeze Insurance for Growers

Josh McGillfreeze, Legislative

A U.S. senator and Congress members from Florida have introduced legislation to direct the Risk Management Agency to research and develop a crop insurance policy to cover losses caused by cold exposure and freezes. Sen. Marco Rubio introduced the Temperature Endorsement for Multi-Peril Policies (TEMP Act). Representatives Scott Franklin, Darren Soto, Cory Mills and Greg Steube introduced companion legislation in …

Optimistic First Forecast for Florida Citrus

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

The bad news is that severe weather warnings caused the annual citrus crop luncheon to be cancelled at Putnam Ranch in Zolfo Springs, Florida. The good news is that the Florida citrus crop forecast is up in all categories. Bill Curtis, agricultural statistics administrator with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, presented the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) …

Postharvest Ethylene Applications for Color Change

Josh McGillGeorgia, Production

A citrus fruit’s color can provide the appearance that it is not ready to be harvested. But internally, it could be ready to eat. To help convince consumers of the citrus crop’s readiness, Angelos Deltsidis, University of Georgia assistant professor and postharvest Extension specialist, is researching the use of ethylene to artificially degreen citrus after harvest. “Naturally, citrus changes color …