
European Orange Crop to Decline

Josh McGillFresh, International, Production

European Union (EU) orange production is projected at 6.1 million metric tons (MMT), down from 6.5 MMT in 2020–21, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported recently. The decrease is driven by moderate production declines in Spain and Italy, which combined account for nearly 80% of total EU orange output. PLANTED AREA The forecast for total EU …

Orange and OJ Production Rise in Turkey

Josh McGillFresh, International, Orange Juice

Orange and orange juice (OJ) production levels in Turkey are forecast to be higher in 2021–22 than in 2020–21, according to a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) update. Orange production is now expected to be 1.75 million metric tons (MMT), compared to 1.3 MMT the prior year. OJ production is projected at 10,000 metric tons (MT) …

Argentina: Orange and Tangerine Crops to Increase

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

In Argentina, fresh orange production is forecast to increase to 920,000 metric tons (MT) in 2021–22, up 120,000 MT from previous estimates. Fresh tangerine production is estimated to increase to 400,000 MT. The projections were in a semi-annual report on Argentina’s citrus industry from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS). PLANTED AREAOranges and tangerines are grown in …

New Citrus Sustainability Push in Florida

Josh McGillEvents, Florida, Orange Juice

Sustainability has been a buzzword in agriculture for years, often with varying definitions of what the term means. In recent years, many industries have adopted self-assessment tools to monitor their sustainability and report their results to their customers. Much of this monitoring and reporting is being done via online platforms. During Florida Citrus Mutual’s board of directors meeting held during …


Turkey’s Lemon Production Climbs

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International, lemons

Fresh lemon production in Turkey for 2021–22 was recently forecast at 1.33 million metric tons (MMT) in an update by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS). That’s an increase of about 22% over expected prior year production of 1.1 MMT. Growers are expanding the area of their lemon orchards in part because lemons are more profitable than …

Major Increase in Mandarins Planted in Chile

Josh McGillInternational, Mandarins

Land planted in mandarins in Chile increased significantly over the past 10 years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) recently reported. In marketing year 2021–22, the area planted totaled 11,194 hectares, a 32.6% increase over 2019–20. A decade ago, planted mandarin area totaled only 3,629 hectares. The mandarin industry includes clementines and tangerines. FAS said the planted …

Argentina’s Lemon Crop to Increase

Josh McGillExport/Import, International, lemons

In its semi-annual citrus report for Argentina, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) increased its 2021–22 estimate for Argentina’s lemon crop production by 15%, to 1.9 million metric tons (MMT). Lemons are grown principally in the northwest provinces of Tucuman, Salta and Jujuy, with some minor production in northeast Argentina. Over the past few years, both existing …

Florida Citrus Industry Conference Draws Record Crowd

Josh McGillAwards, Events, HLB Management

Citrus growers and industry stakeholders gathered in Bonita Springs last week for the Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference. After being sidelined the previous two years due to COVID-19, the conference drew a record crowd of more than 500 registered attendees. The event, hosted by Florida Citrus Mutual, was packed with educational programming and meetings for various industry groups. The Citrus …


Southern Hemisphere Citrus Production to Rise

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Citrus production in the Southern Hemisphere this year is expected to increase 4.85% compared to 2021, to 24.8 million tons, according to a preliminary forecast by the World Citrus Organisation (WCO). The forecast is based on information provided by industry associations in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, South Africa and Uruguay. A total of 13.2 million tons of citrus …

Maintaining Demand for OJ Amid Supply-Shortage Concerns

Josh McGillFlorida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice

By Marisa L. Zansler Over the last 20 years, the Florida citrus industry has faced many challenges, from destructive diseases, hurricanes, production cost increases, and, now in 2022, the devastation of a winter freeze. As a result, Florida citrus production has declined considerably. During the 2021–22 season, there is a 26% decline in volume movement compared to the prior season. …

High Summer Temperatures Take a Toll on Trees

Josh McGillResearch, Weather

By Anirban Guha and Christopher Vincent A quick body temperature test is common these days before entering many workplaces, hospitals and clinics due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose is to screen people for fevers, usually with a non-contact infrared thermometer. Measurement of plant body temperatures also has become common for many field crops, not to screen for infectious …

Strong Season for Citrus Grower

Josh McGillFresh, Production, Weather

“The local market has improved since last season,” says citrus grower Chip Henry. “I’ve gained customers, and existing ones are buying more. When people know the fruit is being harvested, they seek out that local supply and want to support their local farmers.” Henry grows 12 acres of organic Valencias at McGuire Groves in Apopka, Florida, and sells his fruit …

Bee Sweet Citrus Adding New Mandarin Facility

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Mandarins

Bee Sweet Citrus is expanding its packinghouse to include a state-of-the-art mandarin facility adjacent to California Highway 99 in Fowler. Construction for the company’s new facility broke ground in early 2022. The facility is expected to be fully operational during the 2022–2023 citrus season. The 213,000-square-foot building will include cold storage; holding and degreening rooms; washing, sorting and packing lines; …

An Opportunity for Florida’s Agricultural Landowners

Josh McGillEconomics, Florida, Land

It was a good time to be in the real estate business in Florida in 2021. That was a common theme coming out of the annual Lay of the Land Conference held in Lakeland, Florida, in April. The conference is hosted by SVN | Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate. Some real estate sectors have moved through the COVID-19 pandemic better …

Review of the 2020–21 California Citrus Season

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Citrus

California Citrus Mutual (CCM) released its 2020–21 Final California Citrus Season Perspective report, which included the following summary conclusion: For the majority of the season, the fruit quality was excellent. The movement was steady, and shippers managed to hold prices fairly steady. The crop size, however, proved challenging as the season drew on. The 2020–21 season may go down in …


Integration of Nutrition and Crop Protection Products

Josh McGillNutrition, Pesticides, Research

By Davie Kadyampakeni and Evan Johnson In the era of citrus greening disease (huanglongbing, HLB), maintaining optimal nutrition and disease/pest management strategies is critical for avoiding adverse effects on tree performance. Use of the right fertilization rate, timing and placement are important for optimal citrus production. In a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) research study, …

OJ Marketing Success Highlighted at Peace River Meeting

Josh McGillMarketing, Orange Juice

Members of Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association gathered in Arcadia last week for their annual meeting and dinner. Updates were provided on association business, the state legislative session and citrus Extension activities. In addition, Samantha Lane, global marketing director for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), gave an insightful presentation on consumer purchasing habits and how orange juice (OJ) …


All In For Citrus Podcast, March 2022

Josh McGillAll In For Citrus Podcast

March means spring break for many, and Florida is a favorite destination for students looking to celebrate the time off. Michael Rogers, director of the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, took the occasion to shine the light on the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus graduate program. Sixty-five students are currently engaged …