Update on OJ Marketing Efforts

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus

“From research to sales, there’s momentum and a feeling of energy in the air,” Florida Citrus Commission Chairman Steve Johnson wrote in a recent email to members of the Florida citrus industry. His update focused on Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) orange juice (OJ) marketing efforts. The Florida Citrus Commission is the governing board of the Florida Department of Citrus. …

OJ May Fight Inflammation, Oxidative Stress

Ernie NeffOrange Juice, Research

A new study suggests 100% orange juice (OJ) has the potential to help fight inflammation and oxidative stress in adults, paving the way for further research on the topic. Though limited in scope, the study indicates drinking 100% OJ significantly reduces interleukin 6, a well-established marker of inflammation, in both healthy and high-risk adults. Two additional inflammatory and oxidative stress …


Panel Discusses OJ and Health Research

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

The Florida Citrus Commission’s (FCC) Scientific Research Advisory Council (SRAC) on Oct. 13 discussed recent studies and projects addressing the linkage between orange juice (OJ) and health. The FCC governs the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), which spends much effort promoting the health benefits of OJ. PUBLISHED STUDIESRosa Walsh, director of scientific research at the FDOC, shared three recently published …

Australia Fruit Traceability Project for Exports

Ernie NeffTechnology

Agriculture Victoria is funding an innovative $770,000 traceability pilot project for high-value exports that will be led by Citrus Australia, which represents commercial citrus growers. The funding is part of the Victorian government’s Food to Market program. The Citrus Australia project will utilize leading tracing technology, isotope testing, cool-chain tracking and orchard mapping to enhance traceability. Citrus Australia CEO Nathan …

Mutual Petitions FDA Regarding OJ Brix

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) is making efforts to protect growers in the event Florida oranges don’t meet the minimum Brix requirement for not-from-concentrate (NFC) orange juice (OJ). FCM recently sent a formal request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seeking enforcement discretion to protect growers from the likely contingency that Florida’s 2021-22 orange crop may not meet FDA’s …

NOAA Maintains High Hurricane Projection

Ernie NeffForecast, hurricane

Conditions remain conducive for an above-average Atlantic hurricane season, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported in early August.   According to the latest NOAA outlook, the number of expected named storms (winds of 39 mph or greater) is 15 to 21, including seven to 10 hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or greater), of which three to five could …

Dundee CUPS Project Awarded

Ernie NeffAwards, CUPS, Irrigation

A citrus under protective screen (CUPS) project in Dundee, Florida, has received the 2021 Vanguard Award from the Irrigation Association (IA). The award honors an innovative project in the irrigation industry executed by a team of individuals, companies, organizations or other group entities. Projects chosen for the award exemplify the IA’s mission of promoting efficient irrigation.   The partners in …

World Orange and OJ Production to Rise

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

Worldwide orange and orange juice (OJ) production are projected to climb in the 2020-21 market year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported recently. ORANGESGlobal orange output for 2020-21 is estimated up 2.5 million tons from the previous year to 48.6 million as favorable weather leads to a larger crop in Brazil (up 7%) and Mexico (up …

Growers Discuss CRAFT Projects

Ernie NeffResearch

Four Florida growers recently discussed efforts they’ll take to cope with HLB in plantings subsidized by the Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) program. Their comments were part of a virtual educational session sponsored by the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) and Florida Citrus Mutual. CRDF Chief Operating Officer Rick Dantzler said the projects discussed were among 103 funded …

California to Launch CRaFT Project

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner

The Citrus Research Board (CRB) has been awarded $3,438,059 in funding from the Huanglongbing Multi-Agency Coordination Group (HLB MAC) to support its California-focused Citrus Research and Field Trials (CRaFT). The overarching goal of the CRaFT project is to demonstrate additional mitigations to improve psyllid control within commercial groves across the various citrus-growing regions in California. This information will inform areawide …

OJ Consumption Aids Children’s Health

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

Moderate consumption of 100% orange juice (OJ) should be encouraged in children due to its multiple health benefits and lack of negative impacts on body weight, numerous studies indicate. The studies have revealed that children who regularly drink 100% orange juice have higher intakes of key nutrients, higher quality diets, and may have healthier lifestyle habits than children who do …

Research Planned on OJ Health Benefits

Ernie NeffOrange Juice, Research

Rosa Walsh, director of scientific research at the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), told the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) in June about the 2020-21 FDOC research plan. The plan includes two scientific research projects exploring health benefits of 100% orange juice (OJ). The projects, beginning in the new fiscal year, look at determining quantitative analysis of nutrient density in OJ …

A Trojan Horse for Citrus Disease

Ernie NeffDiseases, Research

Scientists are hoping the RNA of an obscure infection can one day be used like a Trojan horse to deliver treatments to citrus trees, possibly to combat HLB disease. The infection, citrus yellow vein disease, was discovered 64 years ago in Riverside, California, and has never been seen elsewhere in the world. Decades later, University of California (UC) Riverside researchers …

orange juice

Suspension of OJ Brix Level Sought

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

For most months during the 2020-21 Florida citrus season, oranges did not meet the federal minimum standard of 10.5 degrees Brix for not-from-concentrate orange juice (OJ). According to a slide shown during Florida Citrus Mutual’s recent annual meeting, the average Brix level for oranges during the season was 10.45. Brix is a measure of the sugar content of juice. Consequently, …

How OJ Sales Boomed in the Pandemic

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

The boom in OJ (orange juice) sales during the COVID-19 pandemic was highlighted during Marisa Zansler’s report to the Florida Citrus Commission in May. Zansler is the Florida Department of Citrus’ (FDOC) director of economic and market research.   Prior to the pandemic, orange juice sales had decreased annually by an average of 5.5.% each year, Zansler reported. She noted …

Migrant Housing Project Rejected

Ashley RobinsonLabor

In a 3-2 vote, the St. Lucie County Commission on May 4 denied a proposal by Happy Foods LLC for a conditional use to construct housing for up to 96 migrant citrus grove laborers. Happy Foods LLC, a subsidiary of IMG Citrus, proposed four 2,930-square-foot dormitory-style buildings on 7.7 acres on Orange Avenue in Fort Pierce. It would have been …

Peace River Growers Celebrate OJ Day

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

More than 40 growers, product representatives and others celebrated National OJ Day May 4 at grower Kenny Sanders’ grove near Wauchula, Florida. The occasion was the Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association (PRVCGA) spring roundtable luncheon, which featured a panel of growers discussing current citrus issues. The event was one of the first in-person grower gatherings for the Florida citrus …

Celebrate National OJ Day

Tacy CalliesOrange Juice

Today, May 4, is National OJ Day. It is the ideal opportunity to promote the many wonderful attributes of orange juice. Social media is a great place to boast about the benefits of orange juice. Consider posting about OJ today on social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Encourage your family and friends to do the same. Post a …

Florida OJ: Getting the Message Right

Ernie NeffMarketing

Buying OJ (orange juice) isn’t a simple decision for the average busy American, Florida Citrus Commission Chairman Steve Johnson wrote in a recent message to members of the Florida citrus industry. He pointed out that there are dozens of choices in the beverage aisle, and hundreds of companies advertising. The answer to the question, “Why choose Florida OJ?” may be …

Measuring OJ Marketing Success

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus

For years, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) measured the success of its orange juice (OJ) marketing programs by comparing year-over-year data, Florida Citrus Commission Chairman Steve Johnson stated in a recent message to growers. The Citrus Commission is the governing board for the FDOC. “Then the (COVID-19) pandemic stopped everyone in their tracks,” Johnson stated. “Suddenly consumers were turning …