
Integration of Nutrition and Crop Protection Products

Josh McGillNutrition, Pesticides, Research

By Davie Kadyampakeni and Evan Johnson In the era of citrus greening disease (huanglongbing, HLB), maintaining optimal nutrition and disease/pest management strategies is critical for avoiding adverse effects on tree performance. Use of the right fertilization rate, timing and placement are important for optimal citrus production. In a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) research study, …

OJ Marketing Success Highlighted at Peace River Meeting

Josh McGillMarketing, Orange Juice

Members of Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association gathered in Arcadia last week for their annual meeting and dinner. Updates were provided on association business, the state legislative session and citrus Extension activities. In addition, Samantha Lane, global marketing director for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), gave an insightful presentation on consumer purchasing habits and how orange juice (OJ) …


All In For Citrus Podcast, March 2022

Josh McGillAll In For Citrus Podcast

March means spring break for many, and Florida is a favorite destination for students looking to celebrate the time off. Michael Rogers, director of the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, took the occasion to shine the light on the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus graduate program. Sixty-five students are currently engaged …

OJ Is Half of Household Juice Purchases

Josh McGillCitrus, Florida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice

Orange juice (OJ) recently accounted for more than half of the fruit juice purchased by households, Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) economist Marisa Zansler told the Florida Citrus Commission on March 16. Citing a report on the Household Purchase Dynamics in the Beverage Category, Zansler added that grapefruit juice represented only about 1.5% of fruit juice sales. All fruit juice …

Lemon Production in Turkey to Skyrocket

Ernie NeffExport/Import, International

Lemon production in Turkey is expected to increase 27% to 1.4 million metric tons (MT) in 2021-22, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service reported recently. Last season, lemon production reached 1.1 million MT. Producers are increasing orchard areas due to lemon’s profitability compared to other citrus fruits. The main problems reported by lemon producers in Turkey are diseases …

Flavor Summit Delves Deep Into the Science of Taste

Josh McGillCitrus, Florida, Research

In late February, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) hosted its second annual Flavor Summit. The hybrid in-person/online event was held at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) in Lake Alfred. CREC and the UF Center for Smell and Taste hosted the event that took a deep dive into the science of how flavors …

Orange Juice in Europe: Production, Consumption and Trade

Josh McGillExport/Import, International, Orange Juice

European Union (EU) orange juice (OJ) production is forecast at 70,390 metric tons (MT) in 2021–22, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service reported. That’s a drop of almost 10% compared to the previous period due to the expected decline in EU orange supply. Spain is the major orange processor in the EU, followed by Italy. Approximately 20% of …

Florida OJ Demand and Rising Food Prices

Josh McGillFlorida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice

By Marisa L. Zansler It’s been nearly two years since the COVID-19 pandemic first swept across the country. American households are still adapting to a new way of life that includes a shifting of work-life balance and a return to familiar routines such as family gatherings, travel and venturing outside of the home. INFLATION AND OJ AVAILABILITYAs this transition into …

Sign Up Citrus Workers for Safety Program

Tacy CalliesEducation, Labor, Safety

Due to a surge in infections related to the COVID-19 Omicron variant, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) 2022 Ag Worker Safety Program is being offered virtually through June 30. It became available Feb. 1. UF/IFAS has alerted fresh citrus growers, packers and shippers about the program’s availability. This annual bilingual training is designed to …

Grapefruit Production and Challenges in Turkey

Ernie NeffGrapefruit, International

In 2021-22, grapefruit production in Turkey is expected to increase 5% over the previous season, totaling 250,000 metric tons (MT), the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported. In 2020-21, production reached 238,000 MT. Since production costs are high, producers are not satisfied with low consumption and the low sales prices at orchards and wholesale markets. Additionally, orchard …

cold hardiness

Frigid Florida Weather Has Growers on Alert

Josh McGillFlorida, Weather

The coldest temperatures in years predicted for Florida this weekend have fruit and vegetable growers worried and preparing to protect their crops. Temperatures in the 20s and 30s are expected deep into the peninsula of Florida. And the freezing weather could persist for up to four hours or more. Gene McAvoy, associate director for stakeholder relations at the University of …

Flavor Summit Offered Virtually

Josh McGillAgriculture, Florida

The Feb. 22–24 Flavor Summit event will now be offered virtually due to concerns about the COVID-19 omicron variant. “We are offering the same level of presentations and plan to have an engaging opportunity with sponsors, exhibitors and students,” said Yu Wang, associate professor at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) and event organizer. “All …

Water, Labor Boost Australia Crop

Ernie NeffInternational

Increased water availability and the expectation of more harvest labor, along with increased planting area, are reasons for the citrus crop forecast increase in Australia, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). FAS recently reported that the total planted area of navel and Valencia oranges in Australia has increased by 14% from 15,307 hectares (ha) in …

Lower Supply, Higher Demand and Processed Orange Prices

Josh McGillProcessing, Production

By Ariel Singerman According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), production of processed oranges in Florida will decline again this season (Figure 1). If such a forecast materializes, production will have declined by approximately 80% since HLB was first found in the state. The Florida Department of Citrus reports that, as a consequence of COVID-19, orange juice demand has …

OJ Production in Turkey to Rise

Ernie NeffInternational, Orange Juice

For 2021-22, orange juice (OJ) production in Turkey is forecast at 10,000 metric tons (MT) by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). That is higher than the 2020-21 OJ production total of 9,500 MT total, and is in correlation with high production and increasing domestic demands. DEVELOPING MARKETThe amount of oranges sent to processing plants increased to …

Targeting E-commerce to Drive Florida OJ Sales Higher

Josh McGillFlorida, Florida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice

As HLB has reduced Florida’s citrus crop, so too has the budget shrunk for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC). The agency charged with promoting the state’s signature crop is largely funded by fees based on citrus production. FDOC has been forced to look for creative ways to do more with less with its promotional budget. One tactic has been …

Fertilizer Price Spike Highest Since Great Recession

Josh McGillEconomics, Regulation

During January’s Southeast Regional Fruit & Vegetable Conference in Savannah, Georgia, Daniel Tregeagle, an Extension economist with North Carolina State University, gave a presentation on economic and regulatory trends impacting citrus and specialty crop growers. MODEST MARKET GROWTHThe biggest blip on the proverbial economic radar has been COVID-19 and its continuing effects. Tregeagle noted these impacts mostly will be transient, …

HLB Strategies From Zoom’okalee

Josh McGillHLB Management

In a Jan. 12 virtual Zoom seminar from Immokalee (dubbed “Zoom’okalee” in the presentation), researcher Ozgur Batuman reviewed old and new approaches to controlling HLB. The seminar was titled “Citrus Disease Trends We Should Heed: HLB, Phytophthora and Leprosis.” Batuman works for the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC) …