Mexican Orange Production and Trade

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, Mexico, Orange Juice

Mexican orange production in 2022–23 is forecast at 4.2 million metric tons (MMT), 9% lower than the previous year, due to prolonged drought in northeastern Mexico. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). Mexico is estimated to be the fifth-largest orange producer in the world behind Brazil, China, India and the United …


Australia Orange Juice Production and Trade

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International, Orange Juice

Orange juice (OJ) production in Australia in 2022–23 is forecast at 16,100 metric tons (MT), a decrease of 2% from the 2021–22 season’s 16,500 MT. In 2020–21, the country’s OJ production reached 17,400 MT. The 2022–23 forecast was made by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).   The planted area of juicing orange varieties, accounting for 36% …

Leafminer Management Helps Fight Canker

Josh McGillDiseases, Pest Management

Brazilian citrus association Fundecitrus has alerted growers that proper management to combat citrus canker in orchards begins with leafminer control. The leafminer is a pest that has been present in Brazilian citriculture since 1996. According to Fundecitrus researcher Franklin Behlau, the leafminer does not spread citrus canker disease from one plant to another or even to different parts of it. …

Economic Perspectives on the 2021–22 Florida Processed Orange Season

Josh McGillEconomics

By Thomas H. Spreen The timing of Hurricane Ian is not unlike that of Hurricane Irma in September of 2017 in that it struck before the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) crop forecast was released in October, but after the data collection process was already completed for the forecast. Therefore, the USDA forecast will not take Hurricane Ian’s impacts into …

Fundecitrus Researchers Attend Citrus Congress

Josh McGillEvents, International

Researchers from Brazil’s Fundecitrus participated in the 14th International Citrus Congress held in Mersin, Turkey, Nov. 6–11. The event brought together participants from public and private research institutions, as well as the production and commercial sectors of citrus. Representatives from 28 countries participated in the congress, including the United States, South Africa, Australia, Israel and several countries in Europe. Fundecitrus …

Orange Peels

Citrosuco Launches Natural Ingredients Unit

Josh McGillBrazil, Industry News Release

The Brazilian company Citrosuco recently announced the launch of Evera, a new business unit that will produce natural ingredients for different industries. The natural ingredients will come through reuse technology of orange waste, including husks, peels, leaves, flowers and seeds. Evera pointed out that Brazil produces approximately 13 million tons of oranges annually, equivalent to 320 million boxes, but only …


Global Citrus Statistics Released

Josh McGillInternational

The World Citrus Organisation (WCO) recently released a new publication, Citrus World Statistics, for WCO members to boost citrus sector information exchange. The extensive publication compiled by CIRAD covers global citrus data for the period of summer 2021 to winter 2021–2022. CIRAD is the French agricultural research and cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions. The …

Dreyfus Orange Juice Has 30% Less Sugar

Tacy CalliesOrange Juice

Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) has announced the development of a new product made from not-from-concentrate (NFC) orange juice that offers a 30% reduction in natural sugar content. The new product has more than triple the dietary fiber content while preserving original taste (Brix value) and vitamin C level, the company stated.     The product is the result of a five-year effort …

OJ Helps Modulate Blood Glucose Levels

Josh McGillBrazil, Orange Juice, Research

Recent Brazilian research indicates that the bioactive compounds in orange juice (OJ) help to modulate blood glucose levels and may even promote health improvements. The research was conducted by the Food Research Center of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of São Paulo. The research was highlighted in Fundecitrus’ Citricultor magazine. According to principal researcher Franco Lajolo, oranges …

Irrigation Contributes to Rising Yields in São Paulo

Josh McGillBrazil, Irrigation, Production

Use of irrigation for citrus in Brazil’s state of São Paulo has grown by almost 33% in the last six years, according to Citricultor magazine, published by Fundecitrus. The magazine cites irrigation and other improved growing practices as causes for a continuing yield rate acceleration.      In 35 years, citrus production per hectare in São Paulo has leaped by about 178%, …

World Citrus Organisation Sets Priorities

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, International

The World Citrus Organisation (WCO) recently announced its 2022–2024 strategy priorities for what it calls “future building” the global citrus community. The five priorities are membership, engagement, statistics, nutrition and health, and promotion.  MEMBERSHIPIn 2022–2024, the WCO membership will be further consolidated to include the top citrus-producing countries and the top citrus-exporting countries. These include Africa, Brazil, China, Egypt, Greece, …

OJ Magnate Cutrale Dies

Josh McGillBrazil, Orange Juice

Fundecitrus reported that Brazilian orange juice magnate José Luis Cutrale died Aug. 17 in London, England. Fundecitrus issued the following comments: “José Luis Cutrale worked in several areas of activity: in the commercialization of fruits, in the cultivation of citrus and in the orange juice industry. “With his very high level of entrepreneurship, he raised the name of Brazil internationally, …


European Lemon Crop Down; Grapefruit Up

Josh McGillGrapefruit, International, lemons

The European Union (EU) lemon crop for 2021–22 is expected to decline from the previous season while its grapefruit crop is projected to rise. LEMONEU lemon production is forecast at 1.5 million metric tons (MMT), down from the 1.7 MMT estimated for the previous season. Spain is the EU’s largest lemon producer and accounts for nearly 65% of EU production. …


Liberibacter Relative Mutating Rapidly

Josh McGillBrazil, Diseases

A bacterial species closely related to citrus greening disease is rapidly evolving its ability to infect insect hosts and possibly plants. The newly identified species belongs to Liberibacter, a family of bacteria known to infect several economically important crops. There are nine known Liberibacter species, including three that are associated with citrus greening.  Citrus greening, also known as huanglongbing or …

How Alico Had Less Crop Decline Than Average

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, Production

Alico President and CEO John Kiernan recently pointed out that the company had less orange crop decline than Florida as a whole in the 2021–22 citrus season. He noted that while the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that the Florida crop declined 22.7% from the prior season, Alico’s decline was only 12.9%. “The company believes this lower rate of decline …

Global Citrus Production Is Up in All Categories

Josh McGillInternational, Production

Brazil, China and Mexico are the top producers. Brazil easily continues to lead the world in orange and orange juice (OJ) production, while China dominates in production of tangerines/mandarins and grapefruit. Mexico remains the leading producer of lemons and limes. These facts come from a July report on world citrus issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. …

Protect Against Psyllids in Early Shoot Development

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management, Research

A Fundecitrus study found that the first four stages of orange tree shoot development are the ones that should be most protected against HLB-spreading psyllids. The Brazilian association reported that among the six stages of shoot development, the first four (V1 to V4) are the most attractive to the psyllid and favorable for its feeding and reproduction. Therefore, those are …


European Orange Crop to Decline

Josh McGillFresh, International, Production

European Union (EU) orange production is projected at 6.1 million metric tons (MMT), down from 6.5 MMT in 2020–21, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported recently. The decrease is driven by moderate production declines in Spain and Italy, which combined account for nearly 80% of total EU orange output. PLANTED AREA The forecast for total EU …

Orange and OJ Production Rise in Turkey

Josh McGillFresh, International, Orange Juice

Orange and orange juice (OJ) production levels in Turkey are forecast to be higher in 2021–22 than in 2020–21, according to a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) update. Orange production is now expected to be 1.75 million metric tons (MMT), compared to 1.3 MMT the prior year. OJ production is projected at 10,000 metric tons (MT) …

European Orange Juice Production to Significantly Drop

Josh McGillInternational, Orange Juice, Production

European Union (EU) orange juice production in 2021–22 is forecast at 62,250 metric tons (MT) by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). That’s a decline of about 19% from the 77,212 MT of orange juice the EU produced in 2020–21. The total volume of oranges channeled to processing depends on the crop quality and quantity of oranges …